在 .net 中绘制科学数据
有人对在 .net (c# winforms) 中绘制科学数据有任何建议吗?我的一些要求是:实时绘图、3D(瀑布)、多轴、接受 BindingList 作为数据源并识别数据的任何更改的能力。我还需要高水平的用户交互性,例如以图形方式选择 1 个或多个系列、绘制区域的能力。突出显示系列的一部分等 到目前为止,我已经研究过 Nevron、Synchfusion、Infragistics、TeeChart 和其他一些公司。
Does anyone have any recommendations for plotting scientific data in .net (c# winforms). Some of my requirements are: real time plotting, 3D (waterfall), multiple axis, ability to accept BindingList as a data source and recognize any changes to the data. I also need a high level of user interactivity such as the ability to graphically select 1 or more series, draw regions. highlight part of a series, etc.
So far I've looked at Nevron, Synchfusion, Infragistics, TeeChart and a few others.
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难道 Microsoft 图表控件 不能满足您的要求吗?
Don't the Microsoft Chart Controls do what you want?
您是否考虑过使用 Xceed 库?
Have you considered using Xceed library?
您可以使用跨平台 GPL 绘图库 MathGL 来生成位图。其绘图速度快,图形类型多(包括瀑布图、多轴图等)。但我不确定是否可以使用除 C 接口之外的其他 .net 程序。
You can use cross-platform GPL plotting library MathGL to produce a bitmap. Its plotting is fast and have many graphics types (including waterfall, many-axis and so on). But I'm not sure if you can use something except C-interface for .net programs.