我疯了吗? (如何)我应该创建一个 jQuery 内容编辑器?

发布于 2024-08-28 19:12:03 字数 2310 浏览 7 评论 0原文

好的,所以我创建了一个主要针对小学的 CMS。它在新西兰变得相当流行,但我非常讨厌的一件事是浏览器所见即所得编辑器的质量很差。我一直在使用KTML(由InterAKT 制作,几年前被Adobe 收购)。在我看来,这个编辑器做了很多很棒的事情(图像编辑/管理、缩略图和非常好的内容编辑)。不幸的是,时间已经对这个产品产生了令人讨厌的影响,新的浏览器开始破坏功能,并且通常会降低这个工具的性能。以一个已经停产的产品为生也很可怕!

我一直在寻找,事实上,我经常四处寻找,看看所见即所得的竞技场中是否有任何变化。我见过的最让我兴奋的东西是 WYSIHAT 框架,但他们决定忽略一个非常相关的编辑范例,我将在下面概述。这是我提议的编辑器的想法,我不知道有任何现有产品可以正确执行此操作:

是的,因此传统的编辑模型(假设 CMS 中的页面)是登录到“后端”并单击页面上的编辑。然后,这将加载另一个屏幕,其中包含编辑器以及其他一些字段。更高级的 CMS 可能会有多个编辑框,用于页面的不同部分。不管怎样,这种做法的一个大问题是,用户正在编辑文档的最终上下文之外的文档。用最简单的术语来说,这意味着页面模板。许多事情都可能是错误的,例如编辑区域的宽度可能与实际模板区域的宽度不同。高度几乎总是固定的,因为现有的编辑器似乎总是使用 IFRAMES 来实现向后兼容性。还有很多其他问题,我相信如果您在这个开发区域,您一定很清楚。


单击“编辑页面”:显示实际页面(及其实际模板)。页面的某些部分已通过类名标记为可编辑。您单击这些区域之一(在我的情况下,它只是模板中间的大“主体”区域),然后一个编辑栏从屏幕顶部下拉,其中包含所有标准控件(粗体、斜体) ,插入图像等...)。从不使用 iframe,而是我们依赖于将相关 DIV 上的 contentEditable 设置为 true。 Firefox 2 和 IE6 可能会消失,让我们继续前进。您可以编辑页面,确切地知道保存页面时它的外观。因为该模板的所有样式都已加载,所以您的标题看起来会正确,一切都会很漂亮。这是一个如此激进的概念吗?为什么我们仍然满足于 TinyMCE 和其他因为听起来像脏话而尴尬而无法使用的编辑器!?


我是一个 JavaScript 新手。我曾经使用 SitePoint 的 Javascript Anthology 作为指南在这个领域进行过尝试。这是一次非常酷的学习体验,但他们当然使用 IFRAME 让他们的生活变得更轻松。我尝试走不同的路线,只使用 contentEditable,甚至尝试避开本机内容编辑例程(execCommand),而是编写我自己的例程。他们有点工作,但总是有问题。

现在我们有了 jQuery 和一些抽象的库,比如 IE 缺乏 Range 支持。我想知道,我是疯了,还是尝试使用 jQuery 和相关插件围绕这个编辑范例构建一个编辑器以使工作变得更容易实际上是个好主意?


  • 你会从哪里开始?
  • 什么插件 你知道这会帮助 最多?
  • 是否值得,或者有没有 已经存在的神奇项目 我应该加入吗?
  • 创业过程中需要克服的最大障碍是什么 像这样的项目?
  • 我疯了吗?




我决定尝试一下,当我有一些很酷的东西可以看时,我会为此启动一个 github 项目。从那时起,我将非常高兴人们提供的任何帮助。当然,它将是开源的:)

更新 2



更新 3


http://www.fluffy .co.uk/stediting

更新 4

好吧,我已经走了很远了。最大的问题(就像每个人都知道的那样)是如何保持生成的代码处于合理的状态。 WYSIHAT 似乎已经接受了整个非 IFRAME 的事情,所以我暂缓看看它能走多远。他们采取的方法是在编辑周期结束时清理代码。我认为它应该即时清理,否则你可以让自己陷入泥潭(我已经做过几次了)。当我有时间时,我将研究某种可以插入的同质化引擎,以使编辑过程在所有现代浏览器中表现得尽可能相似。

Ok, so I created a CMS mainly aimed at Primary Schools. It's getting fairly popular in New Zealand but the one thing I hate with a passion is the largely bad quality of in browser WYSIWYG editors. I've been using KTML (made by InterAKT which was purchased by Adobe a few years ago). In my opinion this editor does a lot of great things (image editing/management, thumbnailing and pretty good content editing). Unfortunately time has had its nasty way with this product and new browsers are beginning to break features and generally degrade the performance of this tool. It's also quite scary basing my livelihood on a defunct product!

I've been hunting, in fact I regularly hunt around to see if anything has changed in the WYSIWYG arena. The closest thing I've seen that excites me is the WYSIHAT framework, but they've decided to ignore a pretty relevant editing paradigm which I'm going to outline below. This is the idea for my proposed editor, and I don't know of any existing products that can do this properly:

Right, so the traditional model for editing let's say a Page in a CMS is to log into a 'back end' and click edit on the page. This will then load another screen with the editor in it and perhaps a few other fields. More advanced CMS's will maybe have several editing boxes that are for different portions of the page. Anyway, the big problem with this way of doing things is that the user is editing a document outside of the final context it will appear in. In the simplest terms, this means the page template. Many things can be wrong, e.g. the with of the editing area might be different to the width of the actual template area. The height is nearly always fixed because existing editors always seem to use IFRAMES for backward compatibility. And there are plenty of other beefs which I'm sure you're quite aware of if you're in this development area.

Here's my editor utopia:

You click 'Edit Page': The actual page (with its actual template) displays. Portions of the page have been marked as editable via a class name. You click on one of these areas (in my case it'd just be the big 'body' area in the middle of the template) and a editing bar drops down from the top of the screen with all your standard controls (bold, italic, insert image etc...). Iframes are never used, instead we rely on setting contentEditable to true on the DIV's in question. Firefox 2 and IE6 can go away, let's move on. You can edit the page knowing exactly how it will look when you save it. Because all the styles for this template are loaded, your headings will look correct, everything will be just dandy. Is this such a radical concept? Why are we still content with TinyMCE and that other editor that is too embarrassing to use because it sounds like a swear word!?

Let's face the facts:

I'm a JavaScript novice. I did once play around in this area using the Javascript Anthology from SitePoint as a guide. It was quite a cool learning experience, but they of course used the IFRAME to make their lives easier. I tried to go a different route and just use contentEditable and even tried to sidestep the native content editing routines (execCommand) and instead wrote my own. They kind of worked but there were always issues.

Now we have jQuery, and a few libraries that abstract things like IE's lack of Range support. I'm wondering, am I crazy, or is it actually a good idea to try and build an editor around this editing paradigm using jQuery and relevant plugins to make the job easier?

My actual questions:

  • Where would you start?
  • What plugins
    do you know of that would help the
  • Is it worth it, or is there a
    magical project that already exists
    that I should join in on?
  • What are the biggest hurdles to overcome in a
    project like this?
  • Am I crazy?

I hope this question has been posted on the right board. I figured it is a technical question as I'm wanting to know specific hurdles and pitfalls to watch out for and also if it is technically feasible with todays technology.

Looking forward to hearing peoples thoughts and opinions.


I've decided I will have a go at this and will start a github project for it when I have something cool to look at. From there I'd be totally happy for any help that people have to offer. It'll be open source of course :)


I've made the project and outlined the objectives. Let me know if you want to join the project group as a contributor, but I'll get the basics up first so there's something to start with.

Here's the link: http://github.com/brendon/SpikeEdit

Update 3

Wow! I've found this project. What a cool idea! I'm getting in touch with him to see if he ever got anywhere with it:


Update 4

Ok, I got reasonably far. The biggest problems (like everyone always knows) is how to keep the code being generated in a reasonable state of affairs. WYSIHAT seems to have take on board the whole non-IFRAME thing, so I'm holding off to see how far that gets. They take the approach of just cleaning up the code at the end of the editing cycle. I think it should be cleaned on the fly otherwise you can edit yourself into a quagmire (I've done it a few times). When I have time I'll investigate some sort of homogenisation engine that could be plugged in to make the editing process behave as similarly as possible in all modern browsers.

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风筝有风,海豚有海 2024-09-04 19:12:03

我完全同意你对编辑器的建议 - 标记和 iframe 都是 2001 年的:) 世界正在走向语义,所以我们需要现代工具来编辑内容。 (请参阅我的幻灯片 http://www.slideshare.net/draftkraft/aloha-editor-contenteditable-useable< /a>) 我或多或少地启动了 Aloha 编辑器 (http://aloha-editor.org),其意图与您上面的相同。乌托邦 :-) 在我们的例子中或多或少已经成为现实,我们已经有一些使用它的软件:

已知这些软件使用 Aloha Editor 作为主编辑器



I completely agree with your suggestion of an editor - markup and iframes are so 2001 :) The world is heading semantics so we need modern tools to edit content. (see my slides http://www.slideshare.net/draftkraft/aloha-editor-contenteditable-useable) I started the Aloha Editor (http://aloha-editor.org) more or less with the same intension as yours above behind. The utopia :-) in our case became more or less reality and we already have some software using it:

These are known to use Aloha Editor as main editor

These systems are known to have plugins

We welcome any developer how wants to join, contribute, participate, feedback or whatever. We want to keep roadmap and development as open as possible for everybody. Feedback is welcome!

九局 2024-09-04 19:12:03




Ok, wow! These guys are doing exactly what I was thinking of:


I don't like their toolbar much but they're actual functionality looks great! I'll be keeping an eye on their progress :)

离旧人 2024-09-04 19:12:03


Joe Armstrong 不久前与您有几乎相同的想法,并花了一周左右的时间尝试将 ContentEditable 与 CouchDB 结合使用以实现持久性。他最终并没有得到一个高度完善的编辑器,但这是一个很好的起点,可以帮助您开发自己的编辑器(如果这就是您想要做的)。看起来将那里的内容放入一个可靠的上下文编辑器中是相当简单的。


不过,在你出去制作编辑器之前,检查一下你的用户实际上在做什么可能是值得的。在企业 IT 中,十分之九的情况是人们将页面放在 Word 或类似工具中,然后将结果粘贴到您拥有的任何“编辑器”中。我认为这对于 ContentEditable 方法来说效果不太好。顺便说一下,这就是我们仍然使用TinyMCE的原因;它有一个还算不错的“从Word粘贴”按钮。该工具的目标是小学而不是企业环境,因此那里的情况可能会有所不同。

This may help.

Joe Armstrong had pretty much the same idea as you a little while ago and spent a week or so playing around with ContentEditable paired with CouchDB for persistance. He didn't end up with a highly polished editor, but it's a good starting point for rolling your own (if that's what you want to do). It seems like it would be fairly simple to take what's there and get it into a solid in-context editor.

As a note, I agree with your notion that editing interfaces should be as close in context and layout to the artifact they're editing as possible. Let me know if you end up rolling your own; I'd be interested in contributing to a project like this.

Before you go out and make an editor though, it might pay to check out what your users are actually doing. In corporate IT, nine times out of ten what you'll see is people putting their pages together in Word or somesuch, then pasting the results into whatever "editor" you have. I don't think that would work too well with the ContentEditable method. Incidentally, this is why we still use TinyMCE; it has a half-way decent "Paste from Word" button. You're aiming the tool at primary schools rather than a corporate environment, so things may be different there.

许久 2024-09-04 19:12:03

您是否尝试过uEditor?这是一个可靠且简单的 Jquery 解决方案,可将文本区域转换为所见即所得编辑器,

//Grab the content of the editable area then replace it with a textarea like so...

var editableContent = $(selector).html();
$(selector).after("<textarea>" + editableContent + "</textarea>")

// add attributes to text area as desired

// kill the original area:


// call uEditor


然后您显然可以向 uEditor 添加选项和事件处理程序。


Have you tried uEditor? It's a solid and simple Jquery solution that turns textarea's into WYSIWYG editors

//Grab the content of the editable area then replace it with a textarea like so...

var editableContent = $(selector).html();
$(selector).after("<textarea>" + editableContent + "</textarea>")

// add attributes to text area as desired

// kill the original area:


// call uEditor


You'd obviously then add options and event handlers to uEditor.

Just a thought.

客…行舟 2024-09-04 19:12:03

JQuery 确实有很多所见即所得的编辑器,但说实话我对其中的大多数都感到失望。你的建议听起来非常有用。我的做法如下:

首先,对象仅在获得焦点时才获取关键事件。解决这个问题的最佳方法是捕获页面级别的关键事件。然后将正确的字符附加到当前正在编辑的 div 中。这将处理任何 div 中的基本输入,这可能是您想要解决的第一件事。


当然,如果您自己构建所有这些,您就需要构建所有内容 - 甚至是显示您键入的字符所在位置的闪烁光标。选择文本,将光标插入文本中间,复制粘贴;你几乎必须从头开始构建我们习惯的所有东西。另一种选择是使用某种文本框,但据我了解,您希望避免这种情况。


JQuery does have a lot of WYSIWYG editors, but to be honest I've been disappointed with most of them. What you suggest sounds very useful. Here's how I'd do it:

First an object only gets key events when it has the focus. The best way to get around this is to catch key events at the page level. Then append the correct character to the div that's currently being edited. That would handle basic typing in any div which would probably be the first thing you'd want to tackle.

Next you'd want a tool bar which should probably be pulled out of the page by setting the display to fixed. You'd need some logic to insert spans and such to handle stylizing the text.

Of course, if you build all this yourself you'd need to build everything - even the blinking cursor showing where your typed characters go. Selecting text, inserting the cursor in the middle of text, copy and paste; you'd pretty much have to build all the stuff we're use to getting from scratch. The other option is to use some sort of text box, but as I understand it, you'd like to avoid that.

So anyway, my final verdict is that its possible but it would still be a lot of work. It seems like there's a good deal of interest in it though so you could probably get some help.

旧街凉风 2024-09-04 19:12:03

尝试创建另一个所见即所得编辑器是浪费精力。您必须复制其他编辑器中已有的所有代码,以处理生成正确 HTML 所需的特殊问题、轻松编辑元素、正确管理键盘……

最好使用现有的编辑器正在开发中,首先尝试按原样使用它,确保它处理您的代码并生成您想要的内容,然后学习如何调整其宽度以匹配容器,自动调整其高度以适应其内容,将工具栏放在外部div,你就会得到你想要的。如果您想真正摆脱 iFrame,那么如果他们尚未提供该功能,请继续向他们发送补丁来实现此目的,但这比从头开始创建所有内容要容易得多。

我可以向您保证,有很多人多年来一直在使用这种设置,而无需关心用于编辑的内部元素是什么,包括使网页的任何部分都可以通过触发器(如上下文菜单、双击或浮动按钮。他们只专注于 CMS,并将有关编辑器的详细信息交给专门的团队。

Trying to create another WYSIWYG editor is a waste of efforts. You'll have to replicate all the code already available in other editors to handle the special issues that are needed to generate correct HTML, make it easy to edit elements, manage correctly the keyboard...

It's better to use an existing one that it's under development and first try to use it as is, make sure that it handles your code and generates what you want, then learn how to adjust its width to match the container, automatically adjust its height to its contents, put the toolbar in an external div, and you'll have what you want. If you want to really get rid of iFrame, then go ahead and send them patches to do so if they don't already provide that ability, but that will be far easier than creating everything from scratch.

And I can assure you that there are lots of people that have been using this kind of setup for several years without the need to care about what's the internal element used for editing, including making any part of a web page editable by a trigger like a context menu, double click or floating button. They just focus on the CMS and let the details about the editor to a dedicated team.

无法回应 2024-09-04 19:12:03

这么多年过去了,我很庆幸我没有自己做!人们已经发现,可以使用 contenteditable 作为 IO 设备来接受输入,然后保持 contenteditable 之外的实际 HTML 干净。我使用的两个利用此方法的项目是:

Froala 无疑是功能更丰富的编辑器,但它们的操作方式相似,带来干净且可预测的标记

All these years later, I'm glad I didn't make my own! People have figured out that one can use contenteditable as an IO device to accept input then keep the actual HTML clean outside of the contenteditable. Two projects that I use that utilise this method are:

Froala is by far and away the more feature-rich editor but they both operate in a similar way, leading to clean and predictable markup

网白 2024-09-04 19:12:03

如果我理解正确,您非常需要动态可编辑字段(请参阅:facebook、其他 ajaxy-web2.0 网站)。因此,这意味着您只需将(或其他)的类设置为适当的名称,然后让 jquery 将其转换为 onClick 的文本字段/文本区域。我认为 jquery 使用他们的插件之一做了类似的事情。无论如何,您可以对每个字段进行更新(如果您不想编辑整个页面,或者必须更新整个页面/实体才能编辑一个字段)。
当然,这需要一点 ajax 和一些后端工作才能将其结合在一起,但恕我直言,这是相当微不足道的。

If I'm understanding correctly, you pretty much want dynamically editable fields (see: facebook, other ajaxy-web2.0 sites). So, that would mean you'd just set the class of the (or whatever) to the appropriate name and have jquery transform it into a textfield/textarea onClick. I think jquery does something like this with one of their plugins. Anyway, then you could have per-field updates (in case you didn't want to edit the entire page, or have to update the whole page/entity to edit one field).
Of course, this would take a small bit of ajax and some backend work to tie it together, but that's pretty trivial imho.

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