Android 1.6 中捆绑了哪个版本的 Apache HTTP 客户端?
我想要一个单独的项目,在普通 JVM 中运行我的服务器通信代码,以进行集成测试。此代码使用这些内置于 Android 框架中的库...
有人知道 Apache HTTP 客户端应该是什么版本吗?我想在没有 Android 测试的情况下运行它,因为 Android 测试速度慢得令人痛苦。
I want to have a seperate project that runs my server communication code in a normal JVM for the purposes of integration testing. This code uses these libraries which are build into the Android Framework...
Does anybody know what version of Apache HTTP Client this is supposed to be? I want to run it without the Android tests which are painfully slow.
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Android 中的 HttpClient 副本实际上与任何已发布的版本都不匹配,如 此邮件列表跟踪 显示。谷歌似乎已经对开发代码库进行了任意快照并使用了它。
The copy of HttpClient in Android does not actually match any of the released versions, as this mailing list trail shows. Google seem to have taken an arbitrary snapshot of the development code base and used that.
The closest matches seem to be:
Seems like a colossal cock-up to me.
4.x。我不确定次要版本代码,但最新版本的 httpmime 和 apache-mime4j 与 Android 1.5 中包含的 HttpClient 一起包含在我的代码中时可以工作。
4.x. I'm not sure on the minor version code, but the latest versions of httpmime and apache-mime4j work when included in my code alongside the HttpClient included in Android 1.5.
android 1.5 似乎没有使用 apache 4.1.x。 mvn dependency:tree 显示 android 的以下内容
It doesn't appear android 1.5 is using apache 4.1.x. mvn dependency:tree shows the following for android
You can download the exact source included in the platform.