有没有办法在第三方类型上创建 WCF DataContract?
我正在迁移到 wcf 并试图弄清楚如何正确声明我的数据合同。我远程处理的一些类型来自第三方,我无法更改。属性是在 wcf 中显式声明数据协定的唯一方法吗?我知道 3.5 中的自动数据契约功能,但我正在阅读的书籍不鼓励这样做。此外,这种方式假设所有状态都是公开的,但情况通常并非如此。
I am migrating to wcf and trying to figure out how I'm going to declare my Data Contracts properly. Some of the types I have been remoting are from a third party that I am unable to change. Are attributes the only way to explicitly declare data contracts in wcf? I know about the auto data contract functionality in 3.5, but the books I'm reading discourage that. And besides, that way assumes all state is publically available, which is oftentimes not the case.
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那么您是否考虑过不直接在服务层上公开这些第三方类型?只需为它们创建 DTO,并在需要时映射进/出路径即可。对我来说似乎更干净。
Have you considered not exposing those third party types on your service layer directly then? Just create DTOs for them and map on the way in/out if you need to. Seems cleaner to me.