我可以阻止 mobile safari 在 iPod touch 或 iPhone 上自动旋转屏幕吗?
我们有一个离线 Safari 应用程序,其 UI 专为垂直使用而设计(像素完美)。我们希望无论用户如何旋转 iPod/iPhone,UI 都保持垂直。 Safari 离线应用程序可以吗?
这个问题与 我可以阻止 mobile safari 在 iPod touch 或 iphone 上自动旋转屏幕吗? .然而 - 所提到的问题没有明确的答案,并且已被过早地接受。
We have an offline Safari application with UI designed for vertical use (pixel perfect). We would like the UI to stay vertical no matter what how the user rotates the ipod / iphone. Is it possible with offline Safari application?
This question is exactly the same as Can I prevent mobile safari from auto-rotating the screen on ipod touch or iphone? . Yet - the referenced question has no definite answer and has been prematurely accepted.
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如果需要在 Safari 而不是带有嵌入式 UIWebView 的本机应用程序中运行,我不知道有什么方法可以阻止旋转。
I'm not aware of any way to prevent the rotation if it needs to run in Safari rather than a native app with an embedded UIWebView.
While you can't prevent the rotation, you can compensate for it like this: