我有一个 TPageControl
,其页面都是使用 ManualDock()
procedure TMainForm.PageControlMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
if (Button = mbLeft) and (Shift * [ssShift, ssCtrl] = [])
and PageControl.DockSite
then begin
PageControl.BeginDrag(False, 32);
如果按住 Shift 或 Ctrl 键,则将启动停靠操作,否则可以通过拖动来重新排列选项卡他们。
不过,使用按键作为修饰符很尴尬。有没有办法在鼠标光标位于页面控件的选项卡区域之外时取消活动的拖动操作,并开始停靠子窗体?这是 Delphi 2009 的情况。
I have a TPageControl
whose pages are all various forms that are attached using ManualDock()
. The user should be able to rearrange the tabs by dragging them, which works already. It should however also be possible to undock the docked forms.
For now I have the following code:
procedure TMainForm.PageControlMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
if (Button = mbLeft) and (Shift * [ssShift, ssCtrl] = [])
and PageControl.DockSite
then begin
PageControl.BeginDrag(False, 32);
If either the Shift or the Ctrl key are held down, then a docking operation will be started, otherwise the tabs can be rearranged by dragging them.
Using the keys as modifiers is awkward though. Is there any way to cancel the active drag operation when the mouse cursor is outside of the tab area of the page control, and start docking the child form? This is with Delphi 2009.
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我现在有一个适合我的解决方案,所以我会回答自己 - 也许有人也有这个用途。
让我们从一个小示例应用程序开始,该应用程序创建一个带有 8 个停靠表单的
这样它就会被自动释放。现在,如果在示例应用程序中创建了 TPageControl 的处理程序(并为页面控制对象设置):那么当鼠标移动到距离选项卡足够远时,选项卡拖动将被取消,并且如果活动页面是一个可停靠表单,然后将启动它的停靠操作,仍然可以使用 ESC 键取消。
I have a solution now which works for me, so I'll answer myself - maybe somebody has a use for this too.
Let's start with a small sample application that creates a
with 8 docked forms, with code to allow for runtime reordering of the tabs. Tabs will be moved live, and when the dragging is canceled the active tab index will revert to its original value:Paste this into the editor and run it, all necessary components and their properties will be created and set up at runtime.
Note that undocking the forms is possible only by double-clicking the tabs. It's also somewhat ugly that the drag cursor will be shown until the left mouse button is released, regardless of the distance from the tabs. It would be much better if the dragging was automatically canceled and the form be undocked instead, when the mouse is outside of the page control tab area with a few pixels margin.
This can be achieved by creating a custom
in theOnStartDrag
handler of the page control. In this object the mouse is captured, so all mouse messages while dragging can be handled in it. When the mouse cursor is outside of the tab influence rectangle the dragging is canceled, and a docking operation for the form in the active page control sheet is started instead:The class descends from
instead of fromTDragControlObject
so that it will be automatically freed. Now if a handler for theTPageControl
in the sample application is created (and set for the page control object):then the tab dragging will be canceled when the mouse moves far enough away from the tabs, and if the active page is a dockable form then a docking operation for it will be started, which can still be canceled with the ESC key.