Gtk.ListStore 中的虚拟模式?
我正在 Gtk.ListStore 中寻找一个像 Winforms 中的 ListView.VirtualMode 一样工作的功能。
I'm looking for a feature within the Gtk.ListStore that working like the ListView.VirtualMode in Winforms.
Is there something like that?
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Gtk# 的 ListStore 是一种集合类型,类似于 .NET 中的 ArrayList。它不是一个视觉小部件。它代表了模型-视图-控制器设计模式中 Gtk# 的 TreeStore 模型的简化版本。
另一方面,Winform 的ListView 是一个可视控件。它代表模型-视图-控制器设计模式中的视图组件。
Gtk# 的可视化小部件在功能上与 Winforms ListView 或 TreeView 类似,是 Gtk" 的 TreeView 。Gtk# TreeView 的 Model 属性可以分配一个实现 Gtk# TreeModel 接口的集合。现在 Gtk#的 ListStore 实现了 TreeModel 接口,因此可以将其分配给 Gtk# TreeView 的 Model 属性,这就是 Gtk# 中数据绑定的工作方式。
Gtk# 数据绑定范例有点难以掌握,但一旦掌握它就会非常强大。
Gtk#'s ListStore is a collection type like the ArrayList in .NET. Its not a visual widget. It represent the simplified version of the Gtk#'s TreeStore Model in the Model-View-Controller design pattern.
The Winform's ListView on the other hand is a visual control. It represents the View component in the Model-View-Controller design pattern.
You are comparing apples with oranges.
Gtk#'s visual widget that would be similar in functionality to Winforms ListView or TreeView would be a Gtk"'s TreeView . The Model property of a Gtk# TreeView can be assigned a collection that implements the Gtk# TreeModel interface. Now Gtk#'s ListStore implements the TreeModel interface therefore it can be assigned to the Gtk# TreeView's Model property. Thats how databinding works in Gtk#.
Gtk# databinding paradigm is a little hard to grasp but is very powerful once you get a hold on it.