如何有条件地将 C 代码片段编译到我的 Perl 模块?

发布于 2024-08-27 18:44:07 字数 3921 浏览 2 评论 0原文

我有一个针对多个不同操作系统的模块 和配置。有时,一些 C 代码可以完成该模块的任务 更容易一点,所以我有一些想要绑定的 C 函数 代码。我没有必须绑定 C 函数——我不能保证 例如,最终用户甚至有一个 C 编译器,而且通常是 优雅地故障转移到纯 Perl 的完成方式不是问题 同样的事情——但如果我可以调用 C 函数那就太好了 来自 Perl 脚本。

还在我身边吗?这是另一个棘手的部分。几乎所有 C 代码 是系统特定的——为 Windows 编写的函数无法编译 Linux 反之亦然,以及在 Linux 上执行类似操作的函数 Solaris 看起来会完全不同。

#include <some/Windows/headerfile.h>
int foo_for_Windows_c(int a,double b)
  return 42;

#include <path/to/linux/headerfile.h>
int foo_for_linux_c(int a,double b)
  return 42;

此外,即使对于针对同一系统的本机代码,它也是如此 可能只有其中一些可以在任何特定的上编译 配置。

#include <some/headerfile/that/might/not/even/exist.h>
int bar_for_solaris_c(int a,double b)
  return 19;

但理想情况下我们仍然可以使用可以编译的 C 函数 与该配置。所以我的问题是:

  • 如何有条件地编译 C 函数(仅编译以下代码) 适合 $^O 的当前值)?

  • 如何单独编译 C 函数(某些函数可能无法编译) 编译,但我们仍然想使用可以的)?

  • 我可以在构建时执行此操作(当最终用户正在安装 模块)或在运行时(使用 Inline::C< /a>,例如)?哪个 方式更好吗?

  • 我如何知道哪些函数已成功编译并且正在运行 可以从 Perl 中使用吗?



我考虑了一种与 Inline::C 内部的运行时绑定方案 eval 语句,但最终决定子类化 Module::Build 并自定义 ACTION_build 方法:

my $builderclass = Module::Build->subclass(
 class => 'My::Custom::Builder',
 code => <<'__CUSTOM_BUILD_CODE__,',
 sub ACTION_build {
   use File::Copy;
   my $self = shift;

   ### STEP 1: Compile all .xs files, remove the ones that fail ###    
   if (! -f "./lib/xs/step1") {
     unlink <lib/xs/*>;
     foreach my $contrib_file (glob("contrib/*.xs")) {
       File::Copy::copy($contrib_file, "lib/xs/");
     open my $failed_units_fh, '>', 'lib/xs/step1';
     local $@ = undef;
     do {
       my $r = eval { $self->ACTION_code() };
       if ($@ =~ /error building (\S+\.o) from/i
          || $@ =~ /error building dll file from '(\S+\.c)'/i) {
        my $bad_file = $1;
        $bad_file =~ s!\\!/!g;
        my $bad_xs = $bad_file;
        $bad_xs =~ s/.[oc]$/.xs/;

        print STDERR "ERROR COMPILING UNIT $bad_xs ... removing\n\n";
        unlink $bad_xs;
        print $failed_units_fh "$bad_xs\n";
      } elsif ($@) {
         print STDERR "Compile error not handled in $^O:   $@\n";
     } while $@;
     print "Removed all uncompilable units from lib/xs/\n";
     close $failed_units_fh;

   ### STEP 2: Combine valid .xs files into a single .xs file ###
   if (! -f "./lib/xs/step2") {
     open my $valid_units_fh, '>', "lib/xs/step2";
     foreach my $xs (glob("lib/xs/*.xs")) {
       open my $xs_fh, '<', $xs;
       while (<$xs_fh>) {
         if (m/#include/) {
           next if $INCLUDE{$_}++;
           push @INCLUDE, $_;
         } elsif (/^MODULE/) {
           $MODULE = $_;
           push @POSTMOD, <$xs_fh>;
         } else {
           push @PREMOD, $_;
       close $xs_fh;
       print $valid_units_fh "$xs\n";
     close $valid_units_fh;
     unlink <lib/xs/*>, <blib/arch/auto/xs/*/*>;
     unlink 'lib/My/Module.xs';
     open my $xs_fh, '>', 'lib/My/Module.xs' or croak $!;
     print $xs_fh @INCLUDE, @PREMOD, $MODULE, @POSTMOD;
     close $xs_fh;
     print "Assembled remaining XS files into lib/My/Module.xs\n";

   ### STEP 3: Clean all .xs stuff and compile My/Module.xs ###
   unlink <lib/xs/*>;
   return $self->SUPER::ACTION_build(@_);

$@ 的检查可能非常脆弱。它适用于系统 我已经尝试过(全部使用 gcc),但它可能不会像写的那样工作 到处。

I have a module that will target several different operating systems
and configurations. Sometimes, some C code can make this module's task
a little easier, so I have some C functions that I would like to bind
the code. I don't have to bind the C functions -- I can't guarantee
that the end-user even has a C compiler, for instance, and it's generally
not a problem to failover gracefully to a pure Perl way of accomplishing
the same thing -- but it would be nice if I could call the C functions
from the Perl script.

Still with me? Here's another tricky part. Just about all of the C code
is system specific -- a function written for Windows won't compile on
Linux and vice-versa, and the function that does a similar thing on
Solaris will look totally different.

#include <some/Windows/headerfile.h>
int foo_for_Windows_c(int a,double b)
  return 42;

#include <path/to/linux/headerfile.h>
int foo_for_linux_c(int a,double b)
  return 42;

Furthermore, even for native code that targets the same system, it's
possible that only some of them can be compiled on any particular

#include <some/headerfile/that/might/not/even/exist.h>
int bar_for_solaris_c(int a,double b)
  return 19;

But ideally we could still use the C functions that would compile
with that configuration. So my questions are:

  • how can I compile C functions conditionally (compile only the code that
    is appropriate for the current value of $^O)?

  • how can I compile C functions individually (some functions might not
    compile, but we still want to use the ones that can)?

  • can I do this at build-time (while the end-user is installing the
    module) or at run-time (with Inline::C, for example)? Which
    way is better?

  • how would I tell which functions were successfully compiled and are
    available for use from Perl?

All thoughts appreciated!

Update: Thanks to all who responded. So here's what I did:

I considered a scheme of run-time binding with Inline::C inside of
eval statements, but ultimately settled on subclassing Module::Build
and customizing the ACTION_build method:

my $builderclass = Module::Build->subclass(
 class => 'My::Custom::Builder',
 code => <<'__CUSTOM_BUILD_CODE__,',
 sub ACTION_build {
   use File::Copy;
   my $self = shift;

   ### STEP 1: Compile all .xs files, remove the ones that fail ###    
   if (! -f "./lib/xs/step1") {
     unlink <lib/xs/*>;
     foreach my $contrib_file (glob("contrib/*.xs")) {
       File::Copy::copy($contrib_file, "lib/xs/");
     open my $failed_units_fh, '>', 'lib/xs/step1';
     local $@ = undef;
     do {
       my $r = eval { $self->ACTION_code() };
       if ($@ =~ /error building (\S+\.o) from/i
          || $@ =~ /error building dll file from '(\S+\.c)'/i) {
        my $bad_file = $1;
        $bad_file =~ s!\\!/!g;
        my $bad_xs = $bad_file;
        $bad_xs =~ s/.[oc]$/.xs/;

        print STDERR "ERROR COMPILING UNIT $bad_xs ... removing\n\n";
        unlink $bad_xs;
        print $failed_units_fh "$bad_xs\n";
      } elsif ($@) {
         print STDERR "Compile error not handled in $^O:   $@\n";
     } while $@;
     print "Removed all uncompilable units from lib/xs/\n";
     close $failed_units_fh;

   ### STEP 2: Combine valid .xs files into a single .xs file ###
   if (! -f "./lib/xs/step2") {
     open my $valid_units_fh, '>', "lib/xs/step2";
     foreach my $xs (glob("lib/xs/*.xs")) {
       open my $xs_fh, '<', $xs;
       while (<$xs_fh>) {
         if (m/#include/) {
           next if $INCLUDE{$_}++;
           push @INCLUDE, $_;
         } elsif (/^MODULE/) {
           $MODULE = $_;
           push @POSTMOD, <$xs_fh>;
         } else {
           push @PREMOD, $_;
       close $xs_fh;
       print $valid_units_fh "$xs\n";
     close $valid_units_fh;
     unlink <lib/xs/*>, <blib/arch/auto/xs/*/*>;
     unlink 'lib/My/Module.xs';
     open my $xs_fh, '>', 'lib/My/Module.xs' or croak $!;
     print $xs_fh @INCLUDE, @PREMOD, $MODULE, @POSTMOD;
     close $xs_fh;
     print "Assembled remaining XS files into lib/My/Module.xs\n";

   ### STEP 3: Clean all .xs stuff and compile My/Module.xs ###
   unlink <lib/xs/*>;
   return $self->SUPER::ACTION_build(@_);

The check on $@ is probably pretty fragile. It works on the systems
I've tried (all using gcc), but it probably won't work as it's written

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风吹雨成花 2024-09-03 18:44:07

理想情况下,使用 Module::Build。在配置时(perl Build.PL),检测平台和标头位置(但也让用户指定命令行选项来覆盖检测),设置相关的extra_compiler_flagsextra_linker_flags 在构造函数中,然后将相关文件从 contrib 复制到 lib (其中它们将被 ExtUtils 自动获取::CBuilder)。现在,发行版已针对平台进行了定制 - 接下来的步骤 (./Build ; ...) 将正常工作。

Ideally, use Module::Build. At configure time (perl Build.PL), detect the platform and header location (but also let the user specify command-line options to override detection), set the relevant extra_compiler_flags and extra_linker_flags in the constructor and then copy the relevant files from e.g. contrib to lib (where they will be automatically picked up by ExtUtils::CBuilder). Now the distribution is customised to the platform - the next steps (./Build ; …) will work as normal.

緦唸λ蓇 2024-09-03 18:44:07


my $C_support = Module::Build::ConfigData->feature("C_support")

my $builder = Module::Build->new(
    config_data => {
        C_support => $C_support
$builder->xs_files({}) if not $C_support;

然后在代码中我通过加载 Module_name::ConfigData 并调用 config 方法来检测它。

if (Module_name::ConfigData->config("C_support")) {
    XSLoader::load(__PACKAGE__, $VERSION);
if (not defined &somefunction) {
    #define it

有关详细信息,请查看我的 Build.PLModule.pm

In one of my modules I have the following piece of code:

my $C_support = Module::Build::ConfigData->feature("C_support")

my $builder = Module::Build->new(
    config_data => {
        C_support => $C_support
$builder->xs_files({}) if not $C_support;

Then in the code I detect it by loading Module_name::ConfigData and calling the config method.

if (Module_name::ConfigData->config("C_support")) {
    XSLoader::load(__PACKAGE__, $VERSION);
if (not defined &somefunction) {
    #define it

For details, look at my Build.PL and Module.pm

假装不在乎 2024-09-03 18:44:07


sub slow_function {
    # slow fallback perl code if possible
    eval {
        require Inline;

        if ($condition) {
            Inline->import(C => q {
                int slow_function (...) {
                    // c function to conditionally compile
        } else {
            Inline->import(C => q {
                int slow_function (...) {
                    // c function with something different
    } or print STDERR "Inline::C error: $@ perl fallback used instead\n";

I've used techniques like this:

sub slow_function {
    # slow fallback perl code if possible
    eval {
        require Inline;

        if ($condition) {
            Inline->import(C => q {
                int slow_function (...) {
                    // c function to conditionally compile
        } else {
            Inline->import(C => q {
                int slow_function (...) {
                    // c function with something different
    } or print STDERR "Inline::C error: $@ perl fallback used instead\n";
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