在 CentOS 上安装 JavaHL 1.6
我希望在 CentOS 上安装 1.6 版本的 JavaHL,事实证明这比预期的更棘手。
I'm looking to install the 1.6 version of JavaHL on CentOS, which proves to be more tricky then expected.
Has someone succeed doing so and can point a repo for this?
Thanks in advance.
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CollabNet 提供了包含 JavaHL 的 RHEL/CentOS RPM。
http://www.open.collab.net/downloads/subversion/redhat。 html
CollabNet provides an RHEL/CentOS RPM that includes JavaHL.
要在 centos5.8 上对 JavaHL 1.7 执行此操作:
To do this for JavaHL 1.7 on centos5.8:
在 Centos 6.3 上:
on Centos 6.3:
在我的 CentOS 5 机器上,以下操作非常有效:
yum install subversion-javahl
它从 drys 存储库中提取了 rpm。如果您没有将 yum 配置为从 drys 中提取: http://dries.ulyssis.org/ rpm/clientconfig.html
请记住,正如其他人所说,JavaHL 对版本非常敏感 - 我正在运行 subclipse 1.6 / subversion 1.6,所以我安装了 JavaHL 1.6。 确保您安装的是正确的版本。
On my CentOS 5 machine, the following worked like a charm:
yum install subversion-javahl
It pulled the rpm from the dries repo. If you don't have yum configured to pull from dries: http://dries.ulyssis.org/rpm/clientconfig.html
Remember, as has been said by others here, that JavaHL is pretty version-sensitive - I'm running subclipse 1.6 / subversion 1.6, so I installed JavaHL 1.6. Make sure you're installing the right version.
我在 rhel5u5 64 位上解决了这个问题,但是从最新的稳定标签中进行了 ckeckout,并进行了 subversion 和 javahl 绑定的完整构建
svn co <a href="http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/tags/1.6.11" rel="nofollow noreferrer">http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/ subversion/tags/1.6.11 svn-1-6-11
I resolved that issue on rhel5u5 64 bit, but doing a ckeckout from the latest stable tag and doing a full build of subversion and the javahl binding
svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/tags/1.6.11 svn-1-6-11
You will need to get many dependencies from the repositories though.