First of all, abstractions are inevitable because they help us to deal with the mind-blowing complexity of things.
Abstractions are also inevitable because it is more and more required of an individual to undertake more tasks or even complete projects. To address the problem, one uses libraries which wrap lower-level concepts and expose more complex behavior.
Naturally, a developer has less and less time to know the intrinsics of the things. The latest concern I heard about on SO pages is starting to learn JavaScript with jQuery library, ignoring the raw JavaScript at all.
The issue is about the balance between:
Know the little tiniest details of some technology and be a master of it, but at the same time being unable to work with anything else.
Superficial knowledge of a wide variety of technologies and tools which however proves sufficient for common everyday tasks which allows an individual to perform in multiple areas possibly covering all sides of some (moderately big) project.
Take your pick.
Some work requires the one, another position requires the other.
So, in you're opinion, how important is it that programmers actually know what is going below the abstractions?
It would be nice if people knew what is happening behind the scenes. This knowledge comes with time and practice, up to a certain degree. Depends on what kind of tasks you have. You certainly shouldn't blame people for not knowing everything. If you wish a person to be able to perform in a variety of fields, it is inevitable he won't have time to cover each up to the last bit.
What is essential, is the knowledge of the basic building blocks. Data structures, algorithms, complexity. That should provide a basis for everything else.
Knowing tiniest details of some particular technology is good, but not essential. Anyway, you can't learn them all. They're too many and they keep coming.
Finally, what do you think about the issue that schools are preferring to teach Java instead of C and Lisp ?
Schools shouldn't be teaching programming languages at all. They're to teach basics of theoretical and practical CS, social skills, communication, team work. To cover a vast variety of topics and problems to provide a wide angle view for their graduates. This will help them to find their way. Whatever they need to know in details, they'll do it on their own.
In this case, a piece of software was needed to communicate to many different third party data processors. The communication was done through various messaging protocols; the transport method/protocol is not important in this case. Just assume everyone communicated through messaging.
The idea was to abstract the features of each of these third parties into a single, unified message format. It seemed relatively straightforward because each of the third parties performed a similar service. The problem was that some third parties used different terms to explain similar features. It was also found that some third parties had additional features that other third parties did not have.
The designers of the abstraction did not see through the difference of third party terms nor did they think it was reasonable to limit the scope of the unified features to only support the common features of the third parties. Instead, a single, monolithic message schema was developed to support any and all features of the third parties considered at the time. In what was probably considered a future-proofing move, they added a means of also passing an infinite number of name/value pairs along with the monolithic message in case there were future data elements that the monolithic message could not handle.
Early on, it became clear that changing the monolithic message was going to be difficult due to so many people using it in mission critical systems. The use of the name/value pairs increased. Each name that could be used was documented inside a large spreadsheet, and developers were required to consult the spreadsheet to avoid duplication of name value function. The list got so large, however, that it was found that there were frequently collisions in purposes of name values.
The majority of the monolithic message's fields now have no purpose and are kept mainly for backwards compatibility. There are name values that can be used to replace fields in the monolithic message. The majority of the interfacing is now done through the name/value pairs. In cases where the client is intending to communicate with more than one third party, each client needs to reconcile the name values available for each third party. It would be almost simpler to interface directly to the third party themselves.
I believe this illustrates that, from a consumer of the monolithic message perspective, that it is important that developers of the consuming code not know what is happening under the covers. If the designers had considered that the consumers of the monolithic message should not have to understand the abstraction in great detail, the monolithic message and it's associated name/value pairs might never have happened. Documenting the abstraction with assertions regarding input and expected output would make life so much simpler.
As for colleges not teaching C and Lisp....they are cheating the students. You get a better understanding of what is going on with the machine and OS with C. You get a bit of a different perspective on processing data and approaching problems with Lisp. I have used some of the ideas I learned using Lisp in programs written in C, C++, .Net, and Java. Learning Java after knowing even just C is not very difficult. The OO part is really not programming language specific, so perhaps using Java for that is acceptable.
An understanding of fundamentals of algorithms (e.g. time complexity) and some knowledge about the metal is essential to designing/writing smells-good code.
I would suggest, though, that just as important is education in modern abstractions and profiling. I feel that modern abstractions make me so much more productive than I would be without them that they are at least as important as good fundamentals, if not more so.
An important element that lacked in my education was the use of profilers. When used routinely and correctly, profilers can help mitigate problems with poor fundamentals.
The term "astronaut architecture" is a reaction to over-abstraction.
I know I certainly curse abstraction when I haven't touched Java or C# in a while and i want to write to a file, but have to instance a Stream...Writer...Adaptor....Handler....
Also, Patterns, as in Gang Of Four. Seemed great when I first read about them in the mid-90's, but can never remember factory, facade, interface, helper, worker, flyweight....
当然,开发人员了解事物本质的时间越来越少。我在 SO 页面上听到的最新关注是开始使用 jQuery 库学习 JavaScript,而完全忽略原始 JavaScript。
First of all, abstractions are inevitable because they help us to deal with the mind-blowing complexity of things.
Abstractions are also inevitable because it is more and more required of an individual to undertake more tasks or even complete projects. To address the problem, one uses libraries which wrap lower-level concepts and expose more complex behavior.
Naturally, a developer has less and less time to know the intrinsics of the things. The latest concern I heard about on SO pages is starting to learn JavaScript with jQuery library, ignoring the raw JavaScript at all.
The issue is about the balance between:
Know the little tiniest details of some technology and be a master of it, but at the same time being unable to work with anything else.
Superficial knowledge of a wide variety of technologies and tools which however proves sufficient for common everyday tasks which allows an individual to perform in multiple areas possibly covering all sides of some (moderately big) project.
Take your pick.
Some work requires the one, another position requires the other.
It would be nice if people knew what is happening behind the scenes. This knowledge comes with time and practice, up to a certain degree. Depends on what kind of tasks you have. You certainly shouldn't blame people for not knowing everything. If you wish a person to be able to perform in a variety of fields, it is inevitable he won't have time to cover each up to the last bit.
What is essential, is the knowledge of the basic building blocks. Data structures, algorithms, complexity. That should provide a basis for everything else.
Knowing tiniest details of some particular technology is good, but not essential. Anyway, you can't learn them all. They're too many and they keep coming.
Schools shouldn't be teaching programming languages at all. They're to teach basics of theoretical and practical CS, social skills, communication, team work. To cover a vast variety of topics and problems to provide a wide angle view for their graduates. This will help them to find their way. Whatever they need to know in details, they'll do it on their own.
至于那些不教授 C 和 Lisp 的大学……他们是在欺骗学生。使用 C 语言,您可以更好地了解机器和操作系统的运行情况。使用 Lisp,您可以从不同的角度来处理数据和解决问题。我在用 C、C++、.Net 和 Java 编写的程序中使用了使用 Lisp 学到的一些想法。即使只了解 C,学习 Java 也不是很困难。 OO 部分确实不是特定于编程语言的,因此也许使用 Java 是可以接受的。
An example where abstraction has failed:
In this case, a piece of software was needed to communicate to many different third party data processors. The communication was done through various messaging protocols; the transport method/protocol is not important in this case. Just assume everyone communicated through messaging.
The idea was to abstract the features of each of these third parties into a single, unified message format. It seemed relatively straightforward because each of the third parties performed a similar service. The problem was that some third parties used different terms to explain similar features. It was also found that some third parties had additional features that other third parties did not have.
The designers of the abstraction did not see through the difference of third party terms nor did they think it was reasonable to limit the scope of the unified features to only support the common features of the third parties. Instead, a single, monolithic message schema was developed to support any and all features of the third parties considered at the time. In what was probably considered a future-proofing move, they added a means of also passing an infinite number of name/value pairs along with the monolithic message in case there were future data elements that the monolithic message could not handle.
Early on, it became clear that changing the monolithic message was going to be difficult due to so many people using it in mission critical systems. The use of the name/value pairs increased. Each name that could be used was documented inside a large spreadsheet, and developers were required to consult the spreadsheet to avoid duplication of name value function. The list got so large, however, that it was found that there were frequently collisions in purposes of name values.
The majority of the monolithic message's fields now have no purpose and are kept mainly for backwards compatibility. There are name values that can be used to replace fields in the monolithic message. The majority of the interfacing is now done through the name/value pairs. In cases where the client is intending to communicate with more than one third party, each client needs to reconcile the name values available for each third party. It would be almost simpler to interface directly to the third party themselves.
I believe this illustrates that, from a consumer of the monolithic message perspective, that it is important that developers of the consuming code not know what is happening under the covers. If the designers had considered that the consumers of the monolithic message should not have to understand the abstraction in great detail, the monolithic message and it's associated name/value pairs might never have happened. Documenting the abstraction with assertions regarding input and expected output would make life so much simpler.
As for colleges not teaching C and Lisp....they are cheating the students. You get a better understanding of what is going on with the machine and OS with C. You get a bit of a different perspective on processing data and approaching problems with Lisp. I have used some of the ideas I learned using Lisp in programs written in C, C++, .Net, and Java. Learning Java after knowing even just C is not very difficult. The OO part is really not programming language specific, so perhaps using Java for that is acceptable.
An understanding of fundamentals of algorithms (e.g. time complexity) and some knowledge about the metal is essential to designing/writing smells-good code.
I would suggest, though, that just as important is education in modern abstractions and profiling. I feel that modern abstractions make me so much more productive than I would be without them that they are at least as important as good fundamentals, if not more so.
An important element that lacked in my education was the use of profilers. When used routinely and correctly, profilers can help mitigate problems with poor fundamentals.
绿色和绿色布莱克威尔的抽象的讽刺谈到了学习抽象的努力。 html
我知道当我有一段时间没有接触 Java 或 C# 并且我想写入文件,但必须实例化 Stream...Writer...Adaptor....Handler.... 时,我当然会咒骂抽象。
另外,还有《四人帮》中的模式。当我在 90 年代中期第一次读到它们时,看起来很棒,但永远记不起工厂、门面、界面、助手、工人、蝇量......
Since you quote Joel Spolsky, I take it your aware of his "Law of Leaky Abstractions"? I'll mention it for future readers.
Green & Blackwell's Ironies of Abstractions talks a bit about the effort of learning the abstraction.
The term "astronaut architecture" is a reaction to over-abstraction.
I know I certainly curse abstraction when I haven't touched Java or C# in a while and i want to write to a file, but have to instance a Stream...Writer...Adaptor....Handler....
Also, Patterns, as in Gang Of Four. Seemed great when I first read about them in the mid-90's, but can never remember factory, facade, interface, helper, worker, flyweight....