MS Access 2003 - 无法创建 MDE 文件:错误 VBA 已损坏?
好吧,这是我遇到的一个全新的障碍。我试图从我的源 MDB 文件启动一个新的 MDE,它锁定了 Access。
看起来它正在启动该过程,但在完成后永远不会到达压缩的位置,并且访问没有响应。因此,在我强制关闭应用程序后,我查看了尝试创建 MDE 的文件夹,发现那里有一个新的 access db1 文件。
如果我尝试打开它,它会显示一条错误,提示找不到文件,然后提示 Visual Basic for Applications 已损坏。
问题是,自从上次启动 mde 以来,我只是对代码做了一个非常简单的调整,之后我对它进行了两次和三次检查......它不是这样,因为它只是一个简单的打开此表单并关闭此添加项。
但是,我确实将源 mdb 文件放在复制到笔记本电脑的光盘上,然后尝试将这些表重新链接到网络驱动器(将它们链接到本地驱动器上的其他表,以便我可以离线开发)?
Ok so this is a brand new snag I have run into. I am trying to launch a new MDE from my source MDB file, and it is locking up Access.
So in my mdb, I am first compacting and repairing, and then selecting create a new mde (just as I have done many times before).
It looks like it is starting the process, but never gets to where it compacts when it is done, and access is not responding. So after I force close the app, I look in the folder where I am trying to create the MDE to and I see there is a new access db1 file there.
If I try to open that it gives me an error that says file not found, and then it says the Visual Basic for Applications is corrupt.
The thing is, I just made a very simple adjustment to the code since last launching an mde, and after this I double and triple checked it...its not that because its just a simple open this form and close this one addition.
I did however have my source mdb file on a disc that I copied to my laptop, and then tried to re link the tables to the network drive (had them linked to other tables on my local drive so that I could develop offline)??
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首先要检查的是您的代码是否可以编译。转到 VBE 窗口并从菜单中选择“调试”,然后从子菜单中选择“编译您的项目名称”。如果“编译”不可用(灰显),请对代码模块之一进行任何细微更改(例如添加空行)。然后尝试“编译”菜单选项。在尝试创建 MDE 之前修复它显示的所有编译错误。
The first thing to check is whether your code compiles. Go to the VBE window and select Debug from the menu, then Compile YourProjectName from the submenu. If Compile is unavailable (greyed out), make any minor change (like add a blank line) to one of your code modules. Then try the Compile menu option. Fix any compile errors it shows you before attempting to create an MDE.
不过,如果它不能解决问题,那么您可以使用 Access 数据库修复软件将其恢复。
First try to work around these steps:
Still, if it doesn't resolve the problem then you can get it recovered using Access database repair software.