Flex 或 Silverlight 哪一个最好?

发布于 2024-08-27 12:15:42 字数 56 浏览 2 评论 0原文



I am working on a video chat applicaton, i am not sure which one is the best for the current market??

please any suggestions??

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久光 2024-09-03 12:15:42

我自己是一名 Silverlight 开发人员,但从目前的采用率来看,我不会将其用于公共应用程序。如果您有能力,一定要选择 Flex。

I am a Silverlight developer myself, but looking at the adoption rate as of today I would not use it for a public app. If you have the skills, definitely go with Flex.

孤独患者 2024-09-03 12:15:42

在这种情况下,Flash 10 具有明显的优势,因为 Adob​​e 包含构建工作视频聊天应用程序所需的功能(包括视频编码编解码器)。 Adobe 有一个代号为 Stratus 的测试版(实验室)产品,它可以连接两个视频例如,客户很容易。 Flash 还内置支持将视频有效发送到另一个位置所需的各种流协议。

这是一个网站,其中包含使用 Flash 的示例技术。不过,还有许多其他选项可用于来自第三方的 Flash 视频聊天分发。

这并不是说不可能使用 Silverlight 构建这样的东西。然而,实际上并没有背后的产业,因为 Silverlight 中的摄像机支持才刚刚出现,并且是在 Silverlight 4.0 版本中首次发布。目前,还需要完成大量工作来构建与 Flash 社区中存在的内容(已存在多年)相当的内容。 Silverlight 中的网络摄像头支持使得从摄像头捕获快照变得非常简单,但还不能捕获视频。

In this case, Flash 10 has the clear advantage as Adobe includes the necessary functionality to build a working video chat application (including video encoding codecs). Adobe has an in-beta (lab) product code-named Stratus which makes connecting two video clients easy for example. Flash also has built-in support for the various streaming protocols needed to efficiently send video to another location.

Here's a web site with a walk-through for example using Flash technologies. There are plenty of other options though that are available for Flash video chat distribution as well from 3rd parties.

That's not to say that it's not possible to build something like this using Silverlight. However, there really isn't the industry behind it as the video camera support in Silverlight is just emerging and in it's first release in Silverlight version 4.0. For now, there's still a LOT of work that must be done to build out the equivalent of what exists in the Flash community (has existed for years). The web camera support in Silverlight has made it simple enough to capture a snapshot from the camera, but not yet a video.

So尛奶瓶 2024-09-03 12:15:42

作为 Silverlight 产品经理以及帮助 Adob​​e 为 Microsoft 制定竞争策略的人之一,我只想说“这取决于每个人”


Flash每天大约有 8-1800 万次安装,那么假设 Flash 存在于全球每台机器上呢?现实情况是,普通人每年可能至少安装 Flash 7 次,因此从数学上来说,Flash 不可能绝对普及到 90%。

事实上,我坐在办公室旁边,他是这种方法需要 3 次才能得到正确的“正”数。所以用它做你想做的事吧。

Silverlight 的安装量已超过 4 亿,而且增长速度相当快。 Flash 花了大约 6 年时间才达到这个数字,而 Flash 的加速超过这个数字主要是由于 Windows XP 将运行时嵌入到 OEM 安装中。事实上,Flash 默认情况下不再安装在操作系统上,而是严重依赖硬件 OEM 交易(安装现金),这就是“维持普遍存在”的模糊之处。

我想说 Flash 在客户端上的普及率不是 90%,我想说 Flash 在网络本身上的普及率是 90%,因为我认为 Adob​​e 正在推动错误的议程 - 他们没有安装套接字,已经饱和了。



这实际上取决于您的团队和您是否愿意采用什么,还与预算和时间有关。如果您有时间进行一些个人开发并想要探索 Flash 或 Silverlight,请选择两者 - 您将学到 10 倍的知识(我非常了解 Flash、Flex 和 Silverlight/WPF - 9 年多了)。

然而,如果您是一名 .NET 开发人员,那么您就会明白,您不仅要投资一种语言,还要投资一个完整的外部实体,从工具到社区动态。如果您希望采用任一技术,您将需要花费大约 6 个月到 1 年的时间成为“初级”开发人员/设计师。

我强烈建议您采用两者,但老实说,我不会宣布其中任何一个都是领先的获胜者。 Adobe 在尝试解决许多懒惰的工具和普遍存在的问题方面取得了巨大进展,因此他们可能会扭转局面。微软变得自满了,要吸引设计受众还有很长的路要走,所以对他们来说还处于早期阶段。

怪物统计数据是一个值得跟踪的废话统计数据,因为这就像看着你的房子外面下雨,并宣布世界今天正在遭受一场大雨的侵袭……它并没有回答 Flex 工作在市场上存在了多久。广告上说,是不是人才短缺?为什么?是因为 Flex 开发人员的每小时价格与所说的市场价格或工作条件等不匹配吗?


事实上,当今世界上大约有 600 万 .NET 开发人员,其中大多数人正在慢慢地转向未来,因为他们还没有准备好放弃 Microsoft 及其工具而采用外国技术。此外,Visual Studio 2010 即将投放市场,因此这将在 WPF/Silverlight 背后掀起新一波的兴奋浪潮,因为它将成为“文件-新建-项目”技术与“下载、关注”技术的更容易的访问点这些步骤等等”

Windows Phone 7,尽管其他人可能会说 iPhone 等将再次超越市场,我确信这一点。这也将增加对该产品的关注度并进一步刺激供应/需求。

现在,如果您是一名同时具备 Flash/Flex 和 .NET 技能的设计师,那么这绝对是您的市场,因为您的需求量很大。

- Scott Barnes

前 Silverlight 产品经理,现在是 Adob​​e/Microsoft 技术的 UX 专家。

As the former Product Manager for Silverlight and one of the guys that helped craft Adobe compete strategy for Microsoft let me simply say "it depends on each individual"

RE: Ubiquity.

Flash has around 8-18 million installs every day, so whilst the assumption that Flash is on every single machine world-wide? the reality is that an average person is likely to install Flash at least 7 times per person each year so thus it implies mathematically impossible for Flash to be absolutely 90% ubiquitous

In actuality, I sat next to the office who was one of the architects for that methodology and it took 3 goes to get the right "positive" number. So do what you will with that.

Silverlight has around 400million+ installs and is growing actually quite rapidly. It took Flash approx 6 years to reach that number and the acceleration of Flash to go beyond that was largely due to Windows XP baking the runtime into the OEM installs. The fact Flash is no longer installed on Operating systems by default and relies heavily on Hardware OEM deals (cash for installs) this is where it gets a little murky on "sustaining ubiquity".

I'd say Flash isn't 90% ubiquity on clients, i'd say Flash is 90% ubiquity on the web itself, in that i think Adobe are pushing the wrong agenda - it's saturation they have not install sockets.

RE: Skillset

I'd say most on here are correct with a twist. In that it's not so much always about what you know, but it's more about "who else will know what you know" as you're most likely going to have to work with someone on a project sooner or later?

It's really about what your team and you are comfortable in terms of adopting, it also has to do with budgets and time. If you have time to do some personal development and want to explore into either Flash or Silverlight, choose both - you will learn 10x as much (I know Flash, Flex and Silverlight/WPF quite well - 9+ years at this).

However, if you're a .NET developer then understand you're about to invest in not only a language but a complete foreign entity ranging from tools to community dynamics as well. You will need to simply absorb about 6months to 1 year of being a "junior" developer/designer should you wish to adopt either technology.

I'd highly recommend you adopt both though as i honestly wouldn't declare either one just yet an outfront winner. Adobe is making strong gains in attemps to fix a lot of their lazy tooling and ubiquity issues so they may turn this ship around. Microsoft is getting complacent and still has a long ways to entice the design audience, so it's still quite early days for them as well.

RE: Jobs
Monster stats are a b.s stat to track as it is like watching rain fall outside your house and declare that the world is suffering from an influx of rain today... it doesn't answer how long the Flex jobs have been in market for the said advertising, in that is there a skillset shortage? why? is it because the price per hour for a Flex developer doesn't match the said market rate or working conditions etc..

It's a supply/demand argument and I could create spin on both sides of that isle should I choose to.

The reality is there's about 6million .NET developers world wide today, and most of them are slowly turning their heads towards the future in that they aren't quite ready to abandon Microsoft and its tools for a foreign technology. Furthermore, Visual Studio 2010 is about to unload onto the market, so that will create a new wave of excitment behind WPF/Silverlight given it will be a much easier access point to the technology "File-New-Project" vs "download, follow these steps etc"

Windows Phone 7, despite what others may say about iPhone etc will overtake the market again, that i'm sure of. This will also increase the mindshare around the product and stimulate the supply/demand further.

Right now, if you are a designer with both Flash/Flex and .NET skill set, it's definately your market right now as you are in HIGH demand.

- Scott Barnes

Former Silverlight Product Manager and now UX Specialist for both Adobe/Microsoft technologies.

濫情▎り 2024-09-03 12:15:42

取决于您的编程经验和用户受众。如果您是一名熟练的 .Net 开发人员,那么 Silverlight 是最适合您的工具。但如果您希望为用户提供最大的兼容性,您应该选择 Flex,因为它使用 Flash 浏览器插件。

Depends on your programming experience and user audience. If you're a skilled .Net developer, then Silverlight is the best tool for your. But if you want maximum compatibility for your users, you should choose Flex, because it uses the Flash browser plugin.

雪落纷纷 2024-09-03 12:15:42

冬季奥运会和许多其他主要流媒体赛事选择了 Silverlight 而不是 Flash。考虑到这一点:他们不会浪费钱,也不会影响结果。如需了解最新采用率,请访问 www.riastats.com

the winter olympic games and a lot of other major streaming events chose Silverlight over Flash. take that into account: they wouldn't waste their money neither compromise the results. and for latest adoption rates check www.riastats.com

画骨成沙 2024-09-03 12:15:42

Silverlight 的一大优点是您可以重用现有的 .NET 代码。

One great thing about Silverlight is that you can reuse existing .NET-Code.

又怨 2024-09-03 12:15:42

我使用 Flex 进行开发已经有一段时间了,我非常喜欢它。除非您是大型 MS .net 商店(而且我怀疑您是否会问这个问题),那么我会推荐 Flex。它更加成熟,插件拥有庞大的安装基础,并且可以在更多平台上运行。

其中一个考虑因素是您的技能未来的市场价值如何。目前,Monster 上的 Flex 职位数量与 Silverlight 职位数量之比约为 4 比 1。相反,如果您必须出去雇用人员来完成这项工作,您可能需要考虑 Silverlight,因为 Flex 程序员一直短缺一阵子。

I've been developing in Flex for a while and I absolutely love it. Unless you're a big MS .net shop (and I doubt you'd be asking the question if you were) then I'd recommend Flex. It's more mature, the plug-in has a huge install base and it runs on more platforms.

One consideration is how marketable will your skills be in the future. Flex jobs currently outnumber Silverlight jobs on Monster at a rate of about 4 to 1. Conversely, if you've got to go out and hire folks for the job, you may want to look at Silverlight because there has been a shortage of Flex programmers for a while.

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