如何设置 QNetworkReply 属性以获得正确的 NCBI 页面?
我尝试使用 downloadURL 函数获取以下网址,如下所示:
http://www. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/27884304
但是数据并不是我们通过浏览器看到的那样,现在我知道这是因为需要一些正确的信息(例如浏览器类型)。我如何知道需要设置哪些信息,如何设置? (通过setHeader函数或其他方式??)
在VC++中,我们可以使用CInternetSession和CHttpConnection对象来获取正确的数据,而无需设置任何其他详细信息,Qt或其他跨平台C++网络库中是否有类似的方法? (是的,我需要跨平台属性。)
QNetworkReply::NetworkError downloadURL(const QUrl &url, QByteArray &data) {
QNetworkAccessManager manager;
QNetworkRequest request(url);
request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT
6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091221 Firefox/3.5.7 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)");
QNetworkReply *reply = manager.get(request);
QEventLoop loop;
QObject::connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), &loop, SLOT(quit()));
QVariant statusCodeV = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute);
QUrl redirectTo = statusCodeV.toUrl();
if (!redirectTo.isEmpty())
if (redirectTo.host().isEmpty())
const QByteArray newaddr = ("http://"+url.host()+redirectTo.encodedPath()).toAscii();
return (downloadURL(redirectTo, data));
if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError)
return reply->error();
data = reply->readAll();
delete reply;
return QNetworkReply::NoError; }
CString downloadURL (CString sGetFromURL)
// create an internet session
CInternetSession csiSession;
int pos;
BOOL neof;
// parse URL to get server/object/port
DWORD dwServiceType;
CString sServerName;
CString sObject;
CHttpConnection* pHTTPServer = NULL;
CHttpFile* pFile = NULL;
AfxParseURL ( sGetFromURL, dwServiceType, sServerName, sObject, nPort );
// open HTTP connection
pHTTPServer = csiSession.GetHttpConnection ( sServerName, nPort );
// get HTTP object
pFile = pHTTPServer->OpenRequest ( CHttpConnection::HTTP_VERB_GET, sObject, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD );
I try to get this following url using the downloadURL function as follows:
But the data is not as what we can see through the browser, now I know it's because some correct information (such as browser type) is needed. How can I know what kind of information I need to set, and how can I set it? (By setHeader function or some other way??)
In VC++, we can use CInternetSession and CHttpConnection Object to get the correct data without setting any other detail information, is there any similar way in Qt or other cross-platform C++ network lib?? (Yes, I need the the cross-platform property.)
QNetworkReply::NetworkError downloadURL(const QUrl &url, QByteArray &data) {
QNetworkAccessManager manager;
QNetworkRequest request(url);
request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT
6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091221 Firefox/3.5.7 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)");
QNetworkReply *reply = manager.get(request);
QEventLoop loop;
QObject::connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), &loop, SLOT(quit()));
QVariant statusCodeV = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute);
QUrl redirectTo = statusCodeV.toUrl();
if (!redirectTo.isEmpty())
if (redirectTo.host().isEmpty())
const QByteArray newaddr = ("http://"+url.host()+redirectTo.encodedPath()).toAscii();
return (downloadURL(redirectTo, data));
if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError)
return reply->error();
data = reply->readAll();
delete reply;
return QNetworkReply::NoError; }
By VC, we can just do this, then the correct data is in the CHttpFile.
CString downloadURL (CString sGetFromURL)
// create an internet session
CInternetSession csiSession;
int pos;
BOOL neof;
// parse URL to get server/object/port
DWORD dwServiceType;
CString sServerName;
CString sObject;
CHttpConnection* pHTTPServer = NULL;
CHttpFile* pFile = NULL;
AfxParseURL ( sGetFromURL, dwServiceType, sServerName, sObject, nPort );
// open HTTP connection
pHTTPServer = csiSession.GetHttpConnection ( sServerName, nPort );
// get HTTP object
pFile = pHTTPServer->OpenRequest ( CHttpConnection::HTTP_VERB_GET, sObject, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD );
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您设置了错误的 Content-Type 标头。您提供的值更适合 User-Agent 标头
You set wrong Content-Type header. The value you provided fits more User-Agent header
Close, but you aren't setting the correct header. You need to do: