T9 词典如何工作?其背后的数据结构是怎样的。如果我们输入“4663”,当我们按下按钮时,我们会得到“gone”,然后是“home”等...
How does a T9 dictionary work? What is the data structure behind it. If we type '4663' we get 'good' when we press down button we get 'gone' then 'home' etc...
EDIT: If the user types in 46 then it should show 'go' and when pressed down arrow should show 'gone' etc...
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它可以通过多种方式实现,其中之一是 Trie。路径由数字表示,节点指向单词的集合。
它也可以使用嵌套哈希表来实现,哈希表的键是一个字母和对于每个数字,算法都会计算所有可能的路线(O(3^n) 路线)。
It can be implemented in several ways, one of them is Trie. The route is represented by the digits and the nodes point to collection of words.
It can be implemented using nested hash tables as well, the key of the hash table is a letter and on every digit the algorithm calculates all possible routes (O(3^n) routes).
T9 的工作原理是从第一个可能的字母开始按顺序过滤可能性。因此,示例中的第一步是将字典列表过滤为以 G、H 或 I 开头的所有单词。下一步,获取该列表并按 M、N、O 过滤第二个字母。依此类推...
translates to
T9 works by filtering the possibilities down sequentially starting with the first possible letters. So the first step in your example will be to filter the dictionary list to all words beginning with G, H, or I. Next step, take that list and filter the second letters by M, N, O. And so on...
我猜想,就像之前的 T9 使用 trie 一样,其中链接由位图表示(每个字母 1 位)。这被称为简洁的数据结构,正如 Steve Hanov 很好地解释的那样:
http://stevehanov。 ca/blog/index.php?id=120
I guess, as those before that T9 uses a trie, where the links are represented by a bitmap (1 bit per letter). This is called a succinct data structure, as Steve Hanov explains very nicely:
我认为 T9 使用的是基于位图的 Trie。第一层有一个 32 位(我假设它们扩展为 32)字,其中每个位代表一个字母。所有有效作为单词起始字母的字母都已设置其位。
在下一个级别中,对于上一个级别中设置的每个位都有一个 32 位映射。在这些映射中,如果相应的字母作为单词中的第二个字母有效,则设置每个位,而起始字母由第一级决定。
I think that T9 is using a bit-map-based Trie. On the first level there is a 32-bit (I assume they expanded to 32) word where each bit represents a letter. All letters that are valid as start letters for a word have their bit set.
In the next level there is one 32-bit map for each of those bits that were set in the previous level. In these maps each bit is set if the corresponding letter is valid as a second letter in a word, with the starting letter decided by the first level.
The structure then continues. Using one-bit-per-letter makes a very efficient storage. The addressing scheme however must be challenging. There might also be some kind of optimization using the above schema for short words while using something else for longer words.
使用 Trie 的 C# 实现
C# implementation using Trie
这样,当您有 4663 作为输入时,您可以通过大约 O(1) 的哈希表查找来非常简单地检索相关链表。
I'd probably do it by starting with a dictionary, then (for each word) push the word onto a list keyed by the numbers that could form the word.
Then, you'll probably need to sort the resulting lists in some fashion, so more likely words appear before less likely words (if you have the space, I'd also include a small area for a counter, so we can incrementally re-sort these OR simply mov ethe last used to the front of the suggestion list, so we, over time, tend towards giving the user a better answer).
That way, when you have 4663 as an input, you can quite simply retrieve the relevant linked list wit ha roughly O(1) hash table lookup.