
发布于 2024-08-27 10:14:42 字数 936 浏览 5 评论 0原文



  • 坐标
  • 半径
  • 速度
  • 方向




如果距离很大,那么我们存储后更新可能会发生碰撞(可以计算,因为我们知道距离和速度)。它需要存储在某种优先级队列中。在之前计算出的更新次数之后,需要再次检查距离,然后我们执行相同的过程 - 将其放入列表中或再次放入优先级队列中。


  1. 这是一个游戏吗?
  2. 你想每n毫秒重新计算一次新位置,并在此时检查是否有碰撞吗?
  3. 您想查找第一次/每次碰撞发生的时间吗?
  4. 准确性有多重要?
  5. 如果非常小的快速移动的圆圈偶尔会相互穿过,这是一个大问题吗?

What is the best way to check collision of huge number of circles?
It's very easy to detect collision between two circles, but if we check every combination then it is O(n2) which definitely not an optimal solution.

We can assume that circle object has following properties:

  • Coordinates
  • Radius
  • Velocity
  • Direction

Velocity is constant, but direction can change.

I've come up with two solutions, but maybe there are some better solutions.

Solution 1
Divide whole space into overlapping squares and check for collision only with circles that are in the same square. Squares need to overlap so there won't be a problem when a circle moves from one square to another.

Solution 2
At the beginning distances between every pair of circles need to be calculated.
If the distance is small then these pair is stored in some list, and we need to check for collision in every update.
If the distance is big then we store after which update there can be a collision (it can be calculated because we know the distance and velocitites). It needs to be stored in some kind of priority queue. After previously calculated number of updates distance needs to be checked again and then we do the same procedure - put it on the list or again in the priority queue.

Answers to Mark Byers questions

  1. Is it for a game?
    It's for simulation, but it can be treated also as a game
  2. Do you want to recalculate the new position every n milliseconds, and also check for collisions at this time?
    Yes, time between update is constant.
  3. Do you want to find the time at which the first/every collision occurs?
    No, I want to find every collision and do 'something' when it occures.
  4. How important is accuracy?
    It depends on what do you mean by accuracy. I need to detect all collisions.
  5. Is it a big problem if very small fast moving circles can pass through each other occasionally?
    It can be assumed that speed is so small that it won't happen.

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烈酒灼喉 2024-09-03 10:14:42

有“空间索引”数据结构用于存储您的圈子以便以后快速比较;四叉树、r 树和 kd 树就是示例。

解决方案 1 似乎是一个空间索引,而解决方案 2 会在每次重新计算对时从空间索引中受益。





您概述的结对方法听起来很有希望。您可以按下一次碰撞对这些对进行排序,并在它们碰撞到适当的新位置时重新插入它们。您只需对两个对象的新生成的碰撞列表 (O(n lg n)) 进行排序,然后合并两个列表(每个对象的新碰撞和现有碰撞列表;插入新碰撞,删除那些碰撞)陈旧的碰撞列出了发生碰撞的两个对象),其时间复杂度为 O(n)。




There are "spatial index" data-structures for storing your circles for quick comparison later; Quadtree, r-tree and kd-tree are examples.

Solution 1 seems to be a spatial index, and solution 2 would benefit from a spatial index every time you recalculate your pairs.

To complicate matters, your objects are moving - they have velocity.

It is normal to use spatial indexes for objects in games and simulations, but mostly for stationary objects, and typically objects that don't react to a collision by moving.

It is normal in games and such that you compute everything at set time intervals (discrete), so it might be that two objects pass through each other but you fail to notice because they moved so fast. Many games actually don't even evaluate collisions in strict chronological order. They have a spatial index for stationary objects e.g. walls, and lists for all the moving objects that they check exhaustively (although with relaxed discrete checks as I outlined).

Accurate continuous collision detection and where the objects react to collisions in simulations is usually much more demanding.

The pairs approach you outlined sounds promising. You might keep the pairs sorted by next collision, and reinsert them when they have collided in the appropriate new positions. You only have to sort the new generated collision list (O(n lg n)) for the two objects and then to merge two lists (the new collisions for each object, and the existing list of collisions; inserting the new collisions, removing those stale collisions that listed the two objects that collided) which is O(n).

Another solution to this is to adapt your spatial index to store the objects not strictly in one sector but in each that it has passed through since the last calculation, and do things discretely. This means storing fast moving objects in your spatial structure, and you'd need to optimise it for this case.

Remember that linked lists or lists of pointers are very bad for caching on modern processors. I'd advocate that you store copies of your circles - their important properties for collision detection at any rate - in an array (sequential memory) in each sector of any spatial index, or in the pairs you outlined above.

As Mark says in the comments, it could be quite simple to parallelise the calculations.

话少情深 2024-09-03 10:14:42


将您的空间划分为不重叠的矩形单元。因此,当您检查一个圆是否发生碰撞时,您会查找第一个圆所在单元格内的所有圆,并在周围的每个方向上查找 X 个单元格。我尝试了许多 X 值,发现 X=1 是最快的解决方案。所以你必须将空间划分为每个方向上大小等于的单元格:

Divisor = SimulationBoxSize / MaximumCircleDiameter;
CellSize = SimulationBoxSize / Divisor;


  1. 将所有圆圈放入框内
  2. 创建单元格结构并存储指向单元格内圆圈的索引或指针(在数组或列表上)
  3. 及时采取步骤(移动所有内容)并更新内部的圆圈位置细胞
  4. 观察每个圆圈是否发生碰撞。您应该在每个方向检查一个单元格
  5. 如果发生碰撞 - 执行某些操作
  6. 转到 3。

如果您写得正确,那么您将得到大约 O(N) 复杂度,因为最大数量9 个单元格(2D)或 27 个单元格(3D)内的圆对于任何圆总数都是恒定的。


  1. 为每个圆创建一个距离 R R R < R_max,计算我们应该更新列表的时间(关于T_update = R_max / V_max;其中V_max是最大当前速度)
  2. 及时迈出一步
  3. 检查每个圆圈的距离它的列表
  4. 如果存在冲突 - 执行某些操作
  5. 如果当前时间大于 T_update,则转到 1。
  6. 否则转到 2。

通常通过使用 添加另一个列表来改进此列表解决方案R_max_2> R_max 并具有自己的 T_2 过期时间。在此解决方案中,第二个列表用于更新第一个列表。当然,在T_2之后,您必须更新所有列表,其时间为O(N^2)。另请注意 TT_2 时间,因为如果碰撞可以改变速度,那么这些时间也会改变。另外,如果您向系统引入一些力,那么它也会导致速度变化。

您可以使用列表进行碰撞检测,使用单元格更新列表。一本书中写道,这是最好的解决方案,但我认为如果您创建小单元(如我的示例),那么解决方案 1 会更好。但这是我的意见。


  1. 当您计算距离时 r = sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2) + (y1-y2)*(y1-y2) + ... ) 你不必进行平方根运算。您可以将 r^2 与某个值进行比较 - 没问题。另外,您不必执行所有 (x1-x2)*(x1-x2) 操作(我的意思是,对于所有维度),因为如果 x*x 是比某些 r_collision^2 更大,然后所有其他 y*y 等等,总而言之,会更大。
  2. 分子动力学方法很容易并行化。您可以使用线程甚至 GPU 来完成此操作。您可以计算不同线程中的每个距离。在 GPU 上,您可以轻松创建数千个线程,几乎不需要任何成本。


I assume you are doing simple hard-sphere molecular dynamic simulation, right? I came accros the same problem many times in Monte Carlo and molecular dynamic simulations. Both of your solutions are very often mentioned in literature about simulations. Personaly I prefer solution 1, but slightly modified.

Solution 1
Divide your space into rectangular cells that don't overlap. So when you check one circle for collision you look for all circles inside a cell that your first circle is, and look X cells in each direction around. I've tried many values of X and found that X=1 is the fastest solution. So you have to divide space into cells size in each direction equal to:

Divisor = SimulationBoxSize / MaximumCircleDiameter;
CellSize = SimulationBoxSize / Divisor;

Divisor should be bigger than 3, otherwise it will cause errors (if it is too small, you should enlarge your simulation box).
Then your algorithm will look like this:

  1. Put all circles inside the box
  2. Create cell structure and store indexes or pointers to circles inside a cell (on array or on a list)
  3. Make a step in time (move everything) and update circles positions inside on cells
  4. Look around every circle for collision. You should check one cell around in every direction
  5. If there is a collision - do something
  6. Go to 3.

If you will write it correctly then you would have something about O(N) complexity, because maximum number of circles inside 9 cells (in 2D) or 27 cells (in 3D) is constant for any total number of circles.

Solution 2
Ususaly this is done like this:

  1. For each circle create a list of circles that are in distance R < R_max, calculate time after which we should update lists (something about T_update = R_max / V_max; where V_max is maximum current velocity)
  2. Make a step in time
  3. Check distance of each circle with circles on its list
  4. If there is a collision - do something
  5. If current time is bigger then T_update, go to 1.
  6. Else go to 2.

This solution with lists is very often improved by adding another list with R_max_2 > R_max and with its own T_2 expiration time. In this solution this second list is used to update the first list. Of course after T_2 you have to update all lists which is O(N^2). Also be carefull with this T and T_2 times, because if collision can change velocity then those times would change. Also if you introduce some foreces to your system, then it will also cause velocity change.

Solution 1+2
You can use lists for collision detection and cells for updating lists. In one book it was written that this is the best solution, but I think that if you create small cells (like in my example) then solution 1 is better. But it is my opinion.

Other stuff
You can also do other things to improve speed of simulation:

  1. When you calculate distance r = sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2) + (y1-y2)*(y1-y2) + ...) you don't have to do square root operation. You can compare r^2 to some value - it's ok. Also you don't have to do all (x1-x2)*(x1-x2) operations (I mean, for all dimentions), because if x*x is bigger than some r_collision^2 then all other y*y and so on, summed up, would be bigger.
  2. Molecular dynamics method is very easy to parallelise. You can do it with threads or even on GPU. You can calculate each distance in different thread. On GPU you can easly create thousends of threads almost costless.

For hard-spheres there is also effective algorithm that doesn't do steps in time, but instead it looks for nearest collision in time and jumps to this time and updates all positions. It can be good for not dense systems where collisions are not very probable.

牵你的手,一向走下去 2024-09-03 10:14:42

一种可能的技术是在圆的中心使用Delaunay 三角剖分

考虑每个圆的中心并应用德劳内三角剖分。这会将您的表面细分为三角形。这允许您构建一个图表,其中每个节点存储三角形的中心,每条边都连接到相邻圆的中心。上面操作的曲面细分会将邻居的数量限制为合理的值(平均 6 个邻居),



one possible technique is to use the Delaunay triangulation on the center of your circles.

consider the center of each circle and apply the delaunay triangulation. this will tesselate your surface into triangles. this allows you to build a graph where each node stores the center of a triangle, and each edge connects to the center of a neighbour circle. the tesselation operated above will limit the number of neighbours to a reasonable value (6 neighbours on average)

now, when a circle moves, you have a limited set of circles to consider for collision. you then have to apply the tesselation again to the set of circles which are impacted by the move, but this operation involves only a very small subset of circles (the neighbours of the moving circle, and some neighbours of the neighbours)

the critical part is the first tesselation, which will take some time to perform, later tesselations are not a problem. and of course you need an efficient implementation of a graph in term of time and space...

嘿哥们儿 2024-09-03 10:14:42


即使您使用非常简单的方案,例如将所有圆放入列表中,按 center.x 排序,也可以大大加快速度。要测试给定的圆,您只需针对列表中其两侧的圆进行测试,直到到达 x 坐标大于半径的圆。

Sub-divide your space up into regions and maintain a list of which circles are centred in each region.

Even if you use a very simple scheme, such as placing all the circles in a list, sorted by centre.x, then you can speed things up massively. To test a given circle, you only need to test it against the circles on either side of it in the list, going out until you reach one that has an x coordinate more than radius away.

万劫不复 2024-09-03 10:14:42

您可以制作“球体树”的 2D 版本,这是威尔建议的“空间索引”的特殊(并且非常容易实现)情况。这个想法是将圆“组合”成一个“包含”圆,直到得到一个“包含”“大量圆”的圆。

1) 将两个圆的中心位置相加(作为向量)并按 1/2 缩放,即包含圆的中心
2) 减去两个圆的中心位置(作为向量),将半径和比例相加 1/2,即为包含圆的半径

You could make a 2D version of a "sphere tree" which is a special (and really easy to implement) case of the "spatial index" that Will suggested. The idea is to "combine" circles into a "containing" circle until you've got a single circle that "contains" the "huge number of circles".

Just to indicate the simplicity of computing a "containing circle" (top-of-my-head):
1) Add the center-locations of the two circles (as vectors) and scale by 1/2, thats the center of the containing circle
2) Subtract the center locations of the two circles (as vectors), add the radii and scale by 1/2, thats the radius of the containing circle

绿光 2024-09-03 10:14:42

什么答案最有效将在一定程度上取决于圆圈的密度。如果密度较低,那么在地图上放置一个低分辨率网格并标记那些包含圆圈的网格元素可能是最有效的。每次更新大约需要 O(N*m*k) 时间,其中 N 是圆圈总数,m 是平均数量每个网格点的圆数,k 是一个圆覆盖的平均网格点数。如果一个圆每转移动多个网格点,则必须修改 m 以包含扫描的网格点数量。

另一方面,如果密度非常高,您最好尝试图形遍历方法。让每个圆包含距离 R 内的所有邻居(对于每个圆半径 r_iR > r_i)。然后,如果你移动,你会查询“向前”方向上的所有圆,寻找它们的邻居,并抓住任何位于 D 内的圆;那么你就忘记了现在比 D 更远的向后方向上的所有那些。现在完整的更新将需要 O(N*n^2) 其中 n 是平均值半径R内的圆数。对于像紧密排列的六角形晶格这样的东西,这会给你比上面的网格方法更好的结果。

What answer is most efficient will depend somewhat on the density of circles. If the density is low, then placing placing a low-resolution grid over the map and marking those grid elements that contain a circle will likely be the most efficient. This will take approximately O(N*m*k) per update, where N is the total number of circles, m is the average number of circles per grid point, and k is the average number of grid points covered by one circle. If one circle moves more than one grid point per turn, then you have to modify m to include the number of grid points swept.

On the other hand, if the density is extremely high, you're best off trying a graph-walking approach. Let each circle contain all neighbors within a distance R (R > r_i for every circle radius r_i). Then, if you move, you query all the circles in the "forward" direction for neighbors they have and grab any that will be within D; then you forget all the ones in the backward direction that are now farther than D. Now a complete update will take O(N*n^2) where n is the average number of circles within a radius R. For something like a closely-spaced hexagonal lattice, this will give you much better results than the grid method above.

绅刃 2024-09-03 10:14:42

一个建议 - 我不是游戏开发者










A suggestion - I am no game developer

Why not precalculate when the collisions are going to occur

as you specify

We can assume that circle object has following properties:





Velocity is constant, but direction can change.

Then as the direction of one object changes, recalculate those pairs that are affected. This method is effective if directions do not change too frequently.

撩人痒 2024-09-03 10:14:42




As Will mentioned in his answer, spacial partition trees are the common solution to this problem. Those algorithms sometimes take some tweaking to handle moving objects efficiently though. You'll want to use a loose bucket-fitting rule so that most steps of movement don't require an object to change buckets.

I've seen your "solution 1" used for this problem before and referred to as a "collision hash". It can work well if the space you're dealing with is small enough to be manageable and you expect your objects to be at least vaguely close to uniformly distributed. If your objects may be clustered, then it's obvious how that causes a problem. Using a hybrid approach of some type of a partition tree inside each hash-box can help with this and can convert a pure tree approach into something that's easier to scale concurrently.

Overlapping regions is one way to deal with objects that straddle the boundaries of tree buckets or hash boxes. A more common solution is to test any object that crosses the edge against all objects in the neighboring box, or to insert the object into both boxes (though that requires some extra handling to avoid breaking traversals).

你不是我要的菜∠ 2024-09-03 10:14:42


  • 当对象移动“太快”时,它们会相互跳过而不会发生碰撞< /p>

  • 当多个物体在同一个时间点内碰撞时,最终结果(例如,它们如何弹跳,它们受到多少伤害,...)取决于按照您检查碰撞的顺序,而不是碰撞将会/应该发生的顺序。 在极少数情况下,这可能会导致游戏锁定(例如,3 个对象在同一时间点内发生碰撞;对象 1 和对象 2 的碰撞进行调整,然后对象 2 和对象 3 的碰撞进行调整,导致对象 2再次与 object1 碰撞,因此必须重做 object1 和 object2 之间的碰撞,但这会导致 object2 再次与 object3 碰撞,所以...)。

注意:理论上,第二个问题可以通过“递归刻度细分”来解决(如果超过 2 个物体发生碰撞,则将刻度的长度分成两半,然后重试,直到“子细分”中只有 2 个物体发生碰撞)打钩”)。这也可能导致游戏锁定和/或崩溃(当 3 个或更多物体在同一时刻发生碰撞时,最终会出现“永远递归”的情况)。

有时,当游戏开发人员使用“刻度”时,他们也会说“1 个固定长度刻度 = 1 / 可变帧速率”,这是荒谬的,因为应该是固定长度的东西不能依赖于变量(例如,当 GPU 运行时)如果未能达到每秒 60 帧,整个模拟就会以慢动作进行);如果他们不这样做并使用“可变长度刻度”,那么“刻度”的两个问题都会变得更加严重(特别是在低帧速率下),并且模拟变得不确定(这对于多线程来说可能是有问题的)玩家,并且当玩家保存、加载或暂停游戏时可能会导致不同的行为)。

唯一正确的做法是加上一个维度(时间),给每个物体一条描述为“起始坐标和终止坐标”的线段,加上一条“终止坐标后的轨迹”。当任何对象改变其轨迹时(因为发生了不可预测的事情或因为它到达了“结束坐标”),您可以通过执行“两条线之间的距离<(object1.radius + object2.radius)”来找到“最快”碰撞" 计算发生变化的对象和所有其他对象;然后修改两个对象的“结束坐标”和“结束坐标后的轨迹”。


    while(running) {
        frame_time = estimate_when_frame_will_be_visible(); // Note: Likely to be many milliseconds after you start drawing the frame
        while(soonest_object_end_time < frame_time) {
        for each object {


  • 将世界分割成“区域” - 例如,如果您知道 object1 将穿过区域 1 和 2,则它不能与任何其他不穿过区域 1 或区域 2 的物体发生碰撞

  • 将对象保留在“end_time % bucket_size”存储桶中,以最大限度地减少查找“下一个最快结束时间”所需的时间

  • 使用多个线程执行“calculate_object_position_at_time(frame_time);”对于并行的每个对象,

  • 所有“直到下一帧时间的高级模拟状态”都与“render()”并行工作(特别是如果大多数渲染由 GPU 完成,从而使 CPU 空闲)。


  • 当碰撞很少发生时,它可以比“滴答声”快得多(您可以在相对较长的时间内几乎不做任何工作);当您有空闲时间时(无论出于何种原因 - 例如,包括因为玩家暂停了游戏),您可以机会主义地进一步计算未来(有效地“平滑”随着时间的推移而产生的开销,以避免性能峰值)。

  • 当碰撞频繁发生时,它会给你正确的结果,但可能比在相同条件下给你错误结果的破笑话慢。


它还使得“模拟时间”和“实时”之间的任意关系变得微不足道 - 像快进和慢动作这样的事情不会导致任何中断(即使模拟运行得与硬件可以处理的速度一样快或如此慢)很难判断是否有任何东西在移动);并且(在没有不可预测性的情况下)您可以提前计算未来的任意时间,并且(如果您存储旧的“对象线段”信息而不是在过期时丢弃它)您可以跳到过去的任意时间,并且(如果您仅在特定时间点存储旧信息以最小化存储成本)您可以跳回到存储信息描述的时间,然后向前计算到任意时间。这些东西结合起来也使得“即时慢动作重放”之类的事情变得很容易。


当然,缺点是复杂性 - 一旦您想要处理诸如加速/减速(重力、摩擦、倾斜运动)、平滑曲线(椭圆轨道、样条线)或不同形状的物体(例如任意网格/多边形而不是球体)之类的事情/圆圈)计算最快碰撞何时发生所涉及的数学变得更加困难和昂贵;这就是为什么游戏开发者采用较差的“刻度”方法来进行比具有线性运动的 N 个球体或圆形更复杂的模拟。

If your code depends on a "tick" (and tests to determine if objects overlap at the tick), then:

  • when objects are moving "too fast" they skip over each other without colliding

  • when multiple objects collide in the same tick, the end result (e.g. how they bounce, how much damage they take, ...) depends on the order that you check for collisions and not the order that collisions would/should occur. In rare cases this can cause a game to lock up (e.g. 3 objects collide in the same tick; object1 and object2 are adjusted for their collision, then object2 and object3 are adjusted for their collision causing object2 to be colliding with object1 again, so the collision between object1 and object2 has to be redone but that causes object2 to be colliding with object3 again, so ...).

Note: In theory this second problem can be solved by "recursive tick sub-division" (if more than 2 objects collide, divide the length of the tick in half and retry until only 2 objects are colliding in that "sub-tick"). This can also cause games to lock up and/or crash (when 3 or more objects collide at the exact same instant you end up with a "recurse forever" scenario).

In addition; sometimes when game developers use "ticks" they also say "1 fixed length tick = 1 / variable frame rate", which is absurd because something that is supposed to be a fixed length can't depend on something variable (e.g. when the GPU is failing to achieve 60 frames per second the entire simulation goes in slow motion); and if they don't do this and have "variable length ticks" instead then both of the problems with "ticks" become significantly worse (especially at low frame rates) and the simulation becomes non-deterministic (which can be problematic for multi-player, and can result in different behavior when the player saves, loads or pauses the game).

The only correct way is to add a dimension (time), and give each object a line segment described as "starting coordinates and ending coordinates", plus a "trajectory after ending coordinates". When any object changes its trajectory (either because something unpredicted happened or because it reached its "ending coordinates") you'd find the "soonest" collision by doing a "distance between 2 lines < (object1.radius + object2.radius)" calculation for the object that changed and every other object; then modify the "ending coordinates" and "trajectory after ending coordinates" for both objects.

The outer "game loop" would be something like:

    while(running) {
        frame_time = estimate_when_frame_will_be_visible(); // Note: Likely to be many milliseconds after you start drawing the frame
        while(soonest_object_end_time < frame_time) {
        for each object {

Note that there are multiple ways to optimize this, including:

  • split the world into "zones" - e.g. so that if you know object1 would be passing through zones 1 and 2 then it can't collide with any other object that doesn't also pass through zone 1 or zone 2

  • keep objects in "end_time % bucket_size" buckets to minimize time taken to find "next soonest end time"

  • use multiple threads to do the "calculate_object_position_at_time(frame_time);" for each object in parallel

  • do all the "advance simulation state up to next frame time" work in parallel with "render()" (especially if most rendering is done by GPU, leaving CPU/s free).

For performance:

  • When collisions occur infrequently it can be significantly faster than "ticks" (you can do almost no work for relatively long periods of time); and when you have spare time (for whatever reason - e.g. including because the player paused the game) you can opportunistically calculate further into the future (effectively, "smoothing out" the overhead over time to avoid performance spikes).

  • When collisions occur frequently it will give you the correct results, but can be slower than a broken joke that gives you incorrect results under the same conditions.

It also makes it trivial to have an arbitrary relationship between "simulation time" and "real time" - things like fast forward and slow motion will not cause anything to break (even if the simulation is running as fast as hardware can handle or so slow that its hard to tell if anything is moving at all); and (in the absence of unpredictability) you can calculate ahead to an arbitrary time in the future, and (if you store old "object line segment" information instead of discarding it when it expires) you can skip to an arbitrary time in the past, and (if you only store old information at specific points in time to minimize storage costs) you can skip back to a time described by stored information and then calculate forward to an arbitrary time. These things combined also make it easy to do things like "instant slow motion replay".

Finally; it's also more convenient for multiplayer scenarios, where you don't want to waste a huge amount of bandwidth sending a "new location" for every object to every client at every tick.

Of course the downside is complexity - as soon as you want to deal with things like acceleration/deceleration (gravity, friction, lurching movement), smooth curves (elliptical orbits, splines) or different shaped objects (e.g. arbitrary meshes/polygons and not spheres/circles) the mathematics involved in calculating when the soonest collision will occur becomes significantly harder and more expensive; which is why game developers resort to the inferior "ticks" approach for simulations that are more complex than the case of N spheres or circles with linear motion.

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