验证 -moz-border-radius / -webkit-border-radius
有什么方法可以在 CSS 验证器中验证 -moz-border-radius / -webkit-border-radius 吗?
is there any way to validate -moz-border-radius / -webkit-border-radius in the CSS validator?
The client wants validation buttons in the sidebar (ugh!) and I can't find any way to bypass it. I've used @import too, no success.
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-moz- 和 -webkit- 不会验证。它们是特定于供应商的。当CSS3变得更加“官方”时,实际的边框半径应该可以很好地验证。请记住,有几个 jQuery 插件可以圆润边框,但我强烈建议不要使用它们。
-moz- and -webkit- aren't going to validate. They are vendor specific. When CSS3 becomes more 'offical', the actual border-radius should validate fine. Remember that there are several jQuery plugins that can round borders, but I highly recommend against them.
如果您使用 PrefixFree,您可以在样式表中使用非前缀属性,它会将它们转换为适当浏览器的前缀属性(如果需要)。这意味着在样式表中,您可以编写
border-radius: 5px;
(这将验证为 CSS3),但旧版本的 Firefox 和 Safari 将自动使用-moz- border-radius: 5px;
和-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
。If you use PrefixFree, you can use non-prefixed properties in your stylesheet and it'll convert them to prefixed properties (if necessary) for the appropriate browsers. This means in your stylesheet, you can write, for example,
border-radius: 5px;
(which will validate as CSS3), but older versions of Firefox and Safari will automatically use-moz-border-radius: 5px;
and-webkit-border-radius: 5px;