我在 Oracle 数据库中有一个表,其中包含一个 DATE 列,其中加载了每行的插入时间戳。我需要使用此类表中的现有数据来分析某些事件之间的相关性,以便使用这样的数据:
A 1 Mon 15, February 2010 10:03:22
B 2 Mon 15, February 2010 10:05:37
C 3 Mon 15, February 2010 10:20:21
D 4 Mon 15, February 2010 10:20:21
E 5 Mon 15, February 2010 10:20:24
F 6 Mon 15, February 2010 10:23:35
G 7 Mon 15, February 2010 10:45:22
我想关联到这样的内容,假设相关记录在当前记录和下一个记录之间的最大差异为 5 分钟” TS”:
Mon 15, February 2010 10:03:22 2
Mon 15, February 2010 10:20:21 4
Mon 15, February 2010 10:45:22 1
I have a table in an Oracle Database that has, among others, a DATE column that is loaded with the insertion timestamp of each row. I need to use existing data in such table to analyze the correlation between some events, so that with data like this:
A 1 Mon 15, February 2010 10:03:22
B 2 Mon 15, February 2010 10:05:37
C 3 Mon 15, February 2010 10:20:21
D 4 Mon 15, February 2010 10:20:21
E 5 Mon 15, February 2010 10:20:24
F 6 Mon 15, February 2010 10:23:35
G 7 Mon 15, February 2010 10:45:22
I would like to correlate to something like this, assumming related records are between a 5-minutes max difference between current and next "TS":
Mon 15, February 2010 10:03:22 2
Mon 15, February 2010 10:20:21 4
Mon 15, February 2010 10:45:22 1
Is is possible to use analytic functions to achieve this? How?
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select distinct
first_value(ts) over (partition by continuous_group order by ts) first_ts
, count(ts) over (partition by continuous_group) count
from (
select col_1, col_2, ts, sum(discontinuity) over (order by ts) continuous_group
from (
select col_1, col_2, ts, case when lag(ts) over (order by ts) + numtodsinterval(5,'MINUTE') <= ts then 1 else 0 end discontinuity
from (
select 'A' col_1, 1 col_2, to_date('2010-2-15 10:03:22', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') ts from dual
union (
select 'B' col_1, 2 col_2, to_date('2010-2-15 10:05:37', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') ts from dual)
union (
select 'C' col_1, 3 col_2, to_date('2010-2-15 10:20:21', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') ts from dual)
union (
select 'D' col_1, 4 col_2, to_date('2010-2-15 10:20:21', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') ts from dual)
union (
select 'E' col_1, 5 col_2, to_date('2010-2-15 10:20:24', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') ts from dual)
union (
select 'F' col_1, 6 col_2, to_date('2010-2-15 10:23:35', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') ts from dual)
union (
select 'G' col_1, 7 col_2, to_date('2010-2-15 10:45:22', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') ts from dual)
) order by first_value(ts) over (partition by continuous_group order by ts);
我认为您不需要为此进行分析,您只需要生成大约五分钟的间隔即可。以下代码使用公共表表达式(也称为子查询分解)从给定的开始日期生成五分钟的间隔。主查询使用 SUM() 和 CASE() 生成落在区间内的记录计数
SQL> select * from t23
2 /
- ---------- -----------------
A 1 15-feb-2010 10:03
B 2 15-feb-2010 10:05
C 3 15-feb-2010 10:20
D 4 15-feb-2010 10:20
E 5 15-feb-2010 10:20
F 6 15-feb-2010 10:23
G 7 15-feb-2010 10:45
7 rows selected.
SQL> with t_range as (
2 select to_date('15 February 2010 10:00','DD Month YYYY hh24:mi')
3 + ((level-1)/288) as this_5mins
4 , to_date('15 February 2010 10:00','DD Month YYYY hh24:mi')
5 + (level/288) as next_5mins
6 from dual
7 connect by level <= 12
8 )
9 select t_range.this_5mins
10 , sum(case when t23.col3 >= t_range.this_5mins
11 and t23.col3 < t_range.next_5mins
12 then 1
13 else 0 end ) as cnt
14 from t23 cross join t_range
15 group by t_range.this_5mins
16 /
----------------- ----------
15-feb-2010 10:10 0
15-feb-2010 10:20 4
15-feb-2010 10:30 0
15-feb-2010 10:05 1
15-feb-2010 10:55 0
15-feb-2010 10:15 0
15-feb-2010 10:40 0
15-feb-2010 10:45 1
15-feb-2010 10:00 1
15-feb-2010 10:35 0
15-feb-2010 10:25 0
15-feb-2010 10:50 0
12 rows selected.
这会将与前一行相距不到 5 分钟的行分组在一起:
This will group together rows that are less than 5 minutes distant from the previous row: