生产中的 Rails 应用程序不起作用
我有一个正在使用 mongrel 运行的 Rails 应用程序,我可以成功启动该应用程序的 mogrel,但是当我尝试访问 URL 上的应用程序时,它没有响应......它只是挂起。
这是杂种日志...但是当我点击 xxx.xxx.xxx.xx:3001 时,它没有显示网站,但在开发人员上工作正常。
** 在 开始 Mongrel 监听
** 启动“name.co.za”:“name.co.za”组。
** 将组更改为“name.co.za”。
** 将用户更改为“name.co.za”。
** 在生产环境中启动 Rails...
** Rails 已加载。
** 加载任何 Rails 特定的 GemPlugins
** 信号准备就绪。术语 =>停止。 USR2=>重新启动。 INT=>停止(不重新启动)。
** 已注册 Rails 信号。 HUP=>重新加载(无需重新启动)。可能效果不太好。
** Mongrel 1.1.5 版本为
** 将 PID 文件写入 /home/name.co.za/shared/log/mongrel.pid
i have a rails application on production which is running using mongrel, I can successfully start the mogrel for the application but when i try to access the application on the URL it is not responding... it is just hanging.
This is the mongrel log... but when I hit xxx.xxx.xxx.xx:3001 it is not showing the website but on developent is working fine.
** Starting Mongrel listening at
** Initiating groups for "name.co.za":"name.co.za".
** Changing group to "name.co.za".
** Changing user to "name.co.za".
** Starting Rails with production environment...
** Rails loaded.
** Loading any Rails specific GemPlugins
** Signals ready. TERM => stop. USR2 => restart. INT => stop (no restart).
** Rails signals registered. HUP => reload (without restart). It might not work well.
** Mongrel 1.1.5 available at
** Writing PID file to /home/name.co.za/shared/log/mongrel.pid
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端口 3001 可能已被其他进程绑定?
其他解决方案:尝试添加 -a xxx.xxx.xxx.xx 将 mongrel 绑定到 ip-address。
may be port 3001 already bind by other process?
Other solution: try to add -a xxx.xxx.xxx.xx to bind mongrel to ip-address.
A couple ideas:
What OS?