
发布于 2024-08-26 09:53:21 字数 270 浏览 5 评论 0原文


例如,真正让我烦恼的一件事是,有人提供免费软件,但要求您在下载之前输入您的姓名和电子邮件地址。 为什么他们需要我的姓名和电子邮件地址?我只是想使用该程序!我理解开发人员可能想了解他们拥有多少用户等,但我必须做的额外工作确实让我思考两次下载他们的软件,即使它确实有很棒的功能。

In your experience as a developer, what kinds of things have turned away users and prospective users from using your programs? Also, what kinds of things turn you away from using someone else's programs?

For example, one thing that really bugs me is when someone provides free software, but require you to enter your name and email address before you download it. Why do they need my name and email address? I just want to use the program! I understand that the developer(s) may want to get a feel for how many users they have, etc, but the extra work I have to do really makes me think twice about downloading their software, even if it does really great things.

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猫腻 2024-09-02 09:53:21
  • 注册时需要大量信息——正如您所说,姓名和电子邮件已经够糟糕的了,但有些注册表单有很多字段。越少越好。
  • 收费但拒绝透露价格,除非您与销售代表交谈
  • 拥有一个仅在某些浏览器中运行的网站
  • 自 2003 年以来没有发布
  • 任何文档
  • 支持论坛有很多问题但没有答案
  • Requiring lots of information when signing up -- name and email is bad enough, as you say, but some registration forms have many many fields. The fewer the better.
  • Charging money but refusing to disclose the price unless you speak to a sales rep
  • Having a web site that only works in certain browsers
  • No releases since 2003
  • No documentation
  • Support forum with many questions and no answers
樱&纷飞 2024-09-02 09:53:21


  • 在系统启动时自动启动一个或多个进程的程序,这些进程在后台不断运行(不可见,在时钟托盘中,或以其他方式)。
    • 虽然其中一些是必要的,但大多数可以通过定期运行的实用程序更好地实现(使用系统的任务计划程序!),或者在启动相关程序之前不需要启动。
  • 在所有打开的窗口(甚至是其他应用程序的窗口)顶部弹出的对话框。
    • 如果您运行全屏应用,这会更烦人。
    • 弹出对话框不允许您切换到另一个应用程序,除非它们被关闭,这让我想扔掉一些东西。
  • 当我已经将该类型分配给另一个应用程序时,窃取我的文件类型关联或更改与 MIME 类型关联的图标。至少,先问我。
  • 以其他应用程序无法打开的文件类型存储用户数据/文档
    • 最糟糕的是文件还绑定到应用程序的特定版本
  • 自动用图标弄乱我的桌面和快速启动菜单
  • 自动将指向你的蹩脚网站的链接添加到我的网络浏览器的书签中
  • 假设我使用 Internet Explorer 并专门启动它,而不是在系统中查询默认浏览器(媒体播放器、电子邮件客户端等也是如此)
  • 无法理解用户特定设置和系统范围设置之间的区别
  • 重新映射常见的、近的- 无缘无故的通用键盘快捷键(剪切、粘贴、撤消、打印、刷新等)
    • 如果您要将 Ctrl+C 从“复制”重新映射为“关闭而不保存任何内容”,至少会弹出一个对话框警告人们使用它
  • 需要精确库或框架的版本。我不想为了运行您的程序而必须卸载 .Net 2.0 框架并重新安装 1.1。
  • 用户界面或文档中的拼写、标点或语法错误。如果您不愿意运行(至少)自动拼写检查器,那么您可能也懒得正确测试您的应用程序。
  • 以无用的方式向用户显示错误消息。我不在乎是否“发生意外错误#3410”,我想知道这到底意味着什么以及我应该做什么。
    • 如果您认为该错误足够重要,需要在唯一的错误消息中进行编程,那么您为什么要编写可以优雅地处理这种情况的错误处理代码呢?仅当错误是由我直接造成或我可以修复时才告诉我。
    • 与此相关的是,所有错误不都是意外的吗?
  • 当我单击“帮助”时将我发送到网站,而不是在本地安装中包含帮助文件。我不介意您是否定期从网络下载更新的帮助文件,但当互联网连接不可用时,人们仍然需要文档。
  • 项目符号列表太长。

Here are a few annoyances that I haven't seen anyone else mention:

  • Programs that auto-launch one or more processes at system startup that run constantly in the background (invisibly, in the clock tray, or otherwise).
    • While some of these are necessary, most would either be better implemented with a utility that runs periodically (use the system's task scheduler!) or don't need to be launched until the associated program is launched.
  • Dialog boxes that pop up on top of all open windows (even those of other applications).
    • This is even more annoying if you run full-screen apps.
    • Pop-up dialogs that won't let you switch to another app until they are dismissed make me want to throw something.
  • Stealing my file type associations or changing the icons associated with a MIME type when I already have that type assigned to another application. At an absolute minimum, ask me first.
  • Storing user data/documents in file types that can't be opened by other applications
    • The worst is when files are also bound to a specific version of the application
  • Automatically cluttering my desktop and quick launch menus with icons
  • Automatically adding a link to your crappy website into my web browser's bookmarks
  • Assuming I use Internet Explorer and launch it specifically instead of querying the system for the default browser (same goes for media player, email client, etc)
  • Failing to understand the difference between user-specific settings and system-wide settings
  • Re-mapping common, near-universal keyboard shortcuts (cut, paste, undo, print, refresh, etc) for no good reason
    • If you're going to re-map Ctrl+C from "copy" to "close without saving anything", at least pop up a dialog warning people when they use it
  • Requiring an exact version of a library or framework. I don't want to have to uninstall the .Net 2.0 framework and re-install 1.1 just to run your program.
  • Spelling, punctuation, or grammar errors in the user interface or documentation. If you can't be bothered to at run (at least) an automated spelling checker, then you probably also didn't bother testing your app properly.
  • Displaying error messages to the user in a way that isn't useful. I don't care if "unexpected error #3410 occurred", I want to know what on earth that means and what I should do about it.
    • If you thought the error was important enough to program in a unique error message, why did you instead program error-handling code that could gracefully handle the situation? Only let me know about an error if I caused it directly or if I can fix it.
    • On a related note, aren't all errors unexpected?
  • Sending me to a website when I click "Help" instead of including help files with the local installation. I don't mind if you periodically download updated help files from the web, but people still need documentation when an Internet connection isn't available.
  • Bulleted lists that are way too long.
时光无声 2024-09-02 09:53:21

与默认选择的各种免费软件(甚至像 Google 工具栏之类的东西)捆绑在一起的安装程序。我只想要我下载的程序,而不是其他各种程序。我可以理解,开发人员可能会因为在他们的设置中包含这些附加组件而获得一些回报,但我讨厌选择默认安装它们。

Setup programs that come bundled with all sorts of freeware (even things like Google toolbar) that are selected by default. I just want the program I downloaded, not all sorts of other programs. I can understand that developers might get something in return for including these add-ons in their setups but I hate it when they are selected to be installed by default.

百思不得你姐 2024-09-02 09:53:21



广告感染。您知道这种情况,如果您将鼠标滚动到正在阅读的文本上,它会弹出一个东西,这样您就无法再阅读它了。还有带有声音的 Flash 广告(尤其是您无法关闭的广告。这就是我安装 adblock plus 的原因)以及当您坐在页面上时多次出现的弹出窗口。

此外,还会弹出窗口告诉我加入网站新闻信件邮件列表。 (其中“否”按钮非常小)

Automatic updates and "information" screens that pop up every single system startup.

Yes, you updated yourself good job but I don't care nor want to know that you have. Do I really have to click "No, I don't want to upgrade to the pricier version" every single time I start my computer?

Ad infections. You know the kind where if you scroll your mouse over the text your reading it'll pop up a thing so you can't read it anymore. And flash ads that have sound(especially that you can't turn off. this was the reason I installed adblock plus) and pop up windows that happen multiple times while your sitting on a page.

Also, pop ups telling me to join a sites news letter mailing list. (where the "no" button is very small)

猥琐帝 2024-09-02 09:53:21



I will rethink downloading something if I think they will start sending me SPAM if I give them my e-mail address.

At a previous employer we had a program I helped write that was online as a "free" download. They had to put something in for Name, address, phone, and e-mail. Oh, and no opt-out checkbox. It annoys me when other companies do this, but I didn't have any say in the matter.

篱下浅笙歌 2024-09-02 09:53:21


  • 捆绑软件,大多数时候是广告软件或浏览器栏,
  • 必须点击太多次才能执行一个简单的操作

The info needed for free things gets me too, but other than that:

  • Bundled software, most of the time adware or browser bars
  • Having to click too many times to do a simple action
早茶月光 2024-09-02 09:53:21


Websites that advertise "Free Download!" for something that turns out to be a paid app. Wow, so generous to allow me to transfer data over the internet for free.

日裸衫吸 2024-09-02 09:53:21


我安装了一款名为 Pamella 的应用程序,可以记录 Skype 通话。我对任务栏中的 1 个图标(Skype 的图标)没意见,但帕梅拉添加第二个图标让我很生气,我把它卸载了。

Putting an icon in the taskbar when I don't want it there.

I installed an app called Pamella that records Skype calls. I'm fine with 1 icon in the taskbar -- Skype's icon -- but Pamela adding a second just got me angry and I uninstalled it.

她说她爱他 2024-09-02 09:53:21
  • 丑陋/不合适的用户界面。对我来说,这真的很重要。
  • 必须注册才能下载程序(特别是免费软件)
  • 特定于浏览器/需要特殊/其他应用程序才能正常工作
  • 臃肿的应用程序从几 MB 开始,最终增长到 100 MB 并消耗大量内存。


  • Ugly / unfit user-interface. For me, this is really important.
  • Having to register to download the program (specially if it's freeware)
  • Browser-specific / requiring special/other applications to work properly
  • Bloated applications that start with a few MBs and finally grow to 100's of MBs and huge mem consumption.

That'd be most of the things that turn me away from a program.

几度春秋 2024-09-02 09:53:21


我下载或购买软件是因为我想用它来做某事。如果它如此友好以至于 100% 直观并且不需要任何文档就可以使用,那就太棒了!如果它有全面的在线或其他帮助来回答我提出的所有问题,那也没关系。

然而,如果它有任何类型的学习曲线,除了我自己不断的尝试和错误之外,我才能用它做任何事情……它会在前 5 分钟内离开驱动器。好吧,如果有人付钱给我,也许我会使用它,但即使在这些情况下,我也可能会推荐其他东西。



One of the things that bugs me the most (using, not downloading to try in the first place...):

I download or buy software it is because I want to USE it for something. If it is so friendly that it is 100% intuitive and needs no documentation before being useful, great! If it has comprehensive on-line or other help that answers all my questions as they come up, that's OK too.

However, if it has any kind of learning curve at all and nothing but my own persistent trial and error before I can do anything with it.... Off the drive it goes, within the first 5 minutes. Well, maybe I will use it if I am being paid to, but even in these cases I would probably recommend something else.

A user interface that is so simple that practically no documentation is required, or that has documentation that is accessible is a joy to use. If the program is complex and requires non-trivial documentation, that documentation should explain EVERYTHING a user might want to know, making no assumptions about his or her prior knowledge. That also puts my appreciation meter way up there.

Make your software actually do something people want done, and make it painless for them to do that with it, and you will have lots of satisfied users and word of mouth recommendations.

入怼 2024-09-02 09:53:21





I left this on my list but it's a big enough annoyance that it probably stands on its own:

Software that requires users to pay for bug fixes, security patches, or critical updates.

If you have a patch that adds some new feature that I want, I don't mind paying for it. If you made a mistake and you are trying to get me to pay you to fix your mistake, then that's where we have a problem. Any physical product manufactured and sold would call this a "recall" and wouldn't dare charge customers to fix it.

In the past, some software products have shipped with known flaws to encourage users to buy the "critical updates subscription". This is downright evil.

原谅过去的我 2024-09-02 09:53:21


安装过程有多复杂?我需要花多少分钟来理解该程序的基础知识,以便我能够高效地使用它?它与其他程序有多接近,以便我可以利用我使用其他程序的方式来使用它,例如,如果我使用 Microsoft Office 多年,菜单是否与此类似,或者是其他人对最终菜单系统的想法?这些是我在新项目中倾向于解决的问题。


How much pain am I going to endure to develop a conscious competence in using the program? Some computer games I tried to play but after a few hours if I haven't figured things out, I'll stop playing. If a program is hard to use and I don't have a really good motivation to resolve it, that will stop me right there.

How complicated is the installation process? How many minutes will I spend getting the basics of the program understood so I can be productive with it? How close to other programs is it, so that I can leverage how I use other programs to use this,e.g. if I've used Microsoft Office for years are the menus similar to that or is it someone else's idea of the ultimate menu system? Those are the questions I tend to wrestle with in a new program.

If something takes hours to install and then more hours to configure for my use, this really makes me question how useful is the software, really. I can understand the appeal of software that can be customized in a bazillion ways, but if I'm just getting used to the software, do I want these options at this point? To give an example of how absurd this would be in other situations, imagine if you had to list all the ingredients in a pizza or an automobile before getting to the options that mattered to you? You have to list everything in the pizza dough or car's body that most people don't think twice about what is there.

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