Borland StarTeam 2008 - 如何恢复文件 +文件历史记录
我不小心从 Starteam 存储库中删除了一个文件, 我可以在不同的视图/配置上查看文件内容,并且可以复制它并重新签入文件,但它的历史记录很重要。 是否可以恢复该文件及其历史记录?
谢谢 莎朗·惠普尔
I accidently delete a file from the Starteam repository,
I am able to view the file content on different view/configuration, and I am able to copy it and recheck-in the file but its history is important.
Is it possible to restore the file along with its history?
Thank you
Sharon whipple
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根据附加到要恢复的文件的标签或根据删除文件之前的时间创建新视图(视图 > 新建...)。切换到此视图(视图 > 选择视图...)。使用 VCM 提升(在“选择比较或合并类型:”下,选择提升)到提示视图(视图 > 比较/合并...)。提交时,请检查要恢复的文件是否具有与其关联的“反向共享”操作(VCM 会话 > 提交更改...)。到提示视图。
Create a new view (View > New...) based on a label attached to the file you want to restore, or based on a time before the file was deleted. Switch to this view (View > Select View...). Use VCM to promote (Under "Select the type of compare or merge:, choose Promote) to the tip view (View > Compare/Merge...). Before committing, check that the file to be restored has action Reverse share associated with it. Commit (VCM Session > Commit Changes...). The file should now be restored to the tip view.
在第 37 页,本文档 ( http://www.nohau .se/products/starteam/StarTeam-2008-Best-Practices.pdf )建议转到上一个视图/配置,然后与您的提示视图共享该文件。您可以通过在图形客户端中打开两个视图来共享文件,然后按住 Ctrl 键单击旧视图中已删除的文件并将其拖动到提示视图(它将提示您共享文件)。
On page 37, this document ( ) recommends going to a previous view/configuration and then sharing the file with your tip view. You can share a file by having both views open in your graphical client, and Ctrl-Clicking the deleted file from your old view and dragging it to your tip view (it will prompt you about sharing the file).