避免 Powershell 中不可知的锯齿状数组扁平化

发布于 2024-08-26 02:08:48 字数 4638 浏览 5 评论 0原文

我在 Powershell 中遇到了一个有趣的问题,但一直无法找到解决方案。当我谷歌(并找到类似 这篇文章),没有什么比我想做的事情更复杂的了,所以我想我应该在这里发布这个问题。

该问题与外部数组长度为 1 的多维数组有关。看来 Powershell 非常坚持将数组展平,例如 @( @('A') ) 变为 @( 'A' )。这是第一个片段(提示是 >,顺便说一句):

> $a =  @( @( 'Test' ) )
> $a.gettype().isarray
> $a[0].gettype().isarray

所以,我希望 $a[0].gettype().isarray 为 true,以便我可以索引该值作为 $a[0][0] (现实世界的场景是在循环内处理动态数组,我想获取作为 $a[$i][ 的值$j],但是如果内部项不被识别为数组而是字符串(在我的例子中),则开始索引字符串的字符,如 $a[0][ 0]-eq'T')。

我有几个很长的代码示例,所以我将它们发布在最后。并且,作为参考,这是在安装了 PSv2 和 PSCX 的 Windows 7 Ultimate 上进行的。

考虑代码示例 1:我使用 += 运算符手动构建一个简单的数组。中间数组 $w 被展平,因此无法正确添加到最终数组中。我在网上找到了类似问题的解决方案,基本上涉及在内部数组之前放置一个逗号以强制外部数组不展平,这确实有效,但我再次寻找一种可以在循环内构建数组的解决方案(交错的数组数组,处理 CSS 文件),因此,如果我将前导逗号添加到单个元素数组(实现为中间数组 $y),我想对其他数组执行相同的操作数组(如 $z),但这会对将 $z 添加到最终数组的方式产生不利影响。

现在考虑代码示例 2:这更接近我遇到的实际问题。当从函数返回具有一个元素的多维数组时,它会被展平。在离开函数之前它是正确的。再说一次,这些都是例子,我真的在尝试处理一个文件,而不必知道该函数是否会返回 @( @( 'color', 'black') ) 或with @( @( 'color', 'black'), @( 'background-color', 'white') )

有没有人遇到过这个问题,有没有人解决这个问题?我知道我可以实例化框架对象,并且我假设如果我创建一个 object[] 或一个 list<> 或其他类似的东西,一切都会好起来的,但我已经处理这个问题了一段时间了确实,似乎必须有一种正确的方法来做到这一点(无需实例化真正的框架对象)。

代码示例 1

function Display($x, [int]$indent, [string]$title)
  if($title -ne '') { write-host "$title`: " -foregroundcolor cyan -nonewline }
  { write-host "'$x'" -foregroundcolor cyan }
    write-host ''
    $s = new-object string(' ', $indent)
    for($i = 0; $i -lt $x.length; $i++)
      write-host "$s[$i]: " -nonewline -foregroundcolor cyan
      Display $x[$i] $($indent+1)
  if($title -ne '') { write-host '' }

### Start Program
$final = @( @( 'a', 'b' ), @('c'))
Display $final 0 'Initial Value'

### How do we do this part ??? ###########
$w = @( @('d', 'e') )                   ##
$x = @( @('f', 'g'), @('h') )           ##
# But now $w is flat, $w.length = 2     ##
# Even if we put a leading comma (,)    ##
# in front of the array, $y will work   ##
# but $w will not. This can be a        ##
# problem inside a loop where you don't ##
# know the length of the array, and you ##
# need to put a comma in front of       ##
# single- and multidimensional arrays.  ##
$y = @( ,@('D', 'E') )                  ##
$z = @( ,@('F', 'G'), @('H') )          ##

$final += $w
$final += $x
$final += $y
$final += $z
Display $final 0 'Final Value'

### Desired final value: @( @('a', 'b'), @('c'), @('d', 'e'), @('f', 'g'), @('h'), @('D', 'E'), @('F', 'G'), @('H') )
### As in the below:
# Initial Value:
# [0]:
#  [0]: 'a'
#  [1]: 'b'
# [1]:
#  [0]: 'c'
# Final Value:
# [0]:
#  [0]: 'a'
#  [1]: 'b'
# [1]:
#  [0]: 'c'
# [2]:
#  [0]: 'd'
#  [1]: 'e'
# [3]:
#  [0]: 'f'
#  [1]: 'g'
# [4]:
#  [0]: 'h'
# [5]:
#  [0]: 'D'
#  [1]: 'E'
# [6]:
#  [0]: 'F'
#  [1]: 'G'
# [7]:
#  [0]: 'H'

代码示例 2

function Display($x, [int]$indent, [string]$title)
  if($title -ne '') { write-host "$title`: " -foregroundcolor cyan -nonewline }
  { write-host "'$x'" -foregroundcolor cyan }
    write-host ''
    $s = new-object string(' ', $indent)
    for($i = 0; $i -lt $x.length; $i++)
      write-host "$s[$i]: " -nonewline -foregroundcolor cyan
      Display $x[$i] $($indent+1)
  if($title -ne '') { write-host '' }

function funA()
  $ret = @()
  $temp = @(0)
  $temp[0] = @('p', 'q')
  $ret += $temp
  Display $ret 0 'Inside Function A'
  return $ret # What about return ,$ret ? What about if $ret = @( @('p', 'q'), @('r', 's') ) -- would return ,$ret still work?

function funB()
  $ret = @( ,@('r', 's') )
  Display $ret 0 'Inside Function B'
  return $ret

### Start Program

$z = funA
Display $z 0 'Return from Function A'
$z = funB
Display $z 0 'Return from Function B'

### Desired final value: @( @('p', 'q') )  and same for r,s
### As in the below:
# Inside Function A:
# [0]:
#  [0]: 'p'
#  [1]: 'q'
# Return from Function A:
# [0]:
#  [0]: 'p'
#  [1]: 'q'


I'm running into an interesting problem in Powershell, and haven't been able to find a solution to it. When I google (and find things like this post), nothing quite as involved as what I'm trying to do comes up, so I thought I'd post the question here.

The problem has to do with multidimensional arrays with an outer array length of one. It appears Powershell is very adamant about flattening arrays like @( @('A') ) becomes @( 'A' ). Here is the first snippet (prompt is >, btw):

> $a =  @( @( 'Test' ) )
> $a.gettype().isarray
> $a[0].gettype().isarray

So, I'd like to have $a[0].gettype().isarray be true, so that I can index the value as $a[0][0] (the real world scenario is processing dynamic arrays inside of a loop, and I'd like to get the values as $a[$i][$j], but if the inner item is not recognized as an array but as a string (in my case), you start indexing into the characters of the string, as in $a[0][0] -eq 'T').

I have a couple of long code examples, so I have posted them at the end. And, for reference, this is on Windows 7 Ultimate with PSv2 and PSCX installed.

Consider code example 1: I build a simple array manually using the += operator. Intermediate array $w is flattened, and consequently is not added to the final array correctly. I have found solutions online for similar problems, which basically involve putting a comma before the inner array to force the outer array to not flatten, which does work, but again, I'm looking for a solution that can build arrays inside a loop (a jagged array of arrays, processing a CSS file), so if I add the leading comma to the single element array (implemented as intermediate array $y), I'd like to do the same for other arrays (like $z), but that adversely affects how $z is added to the final array.

Now consider code example 2: This is closer to the actual problem I am having. When a multidimensional array with one element is returned from a function, it is flattened. It is correct before it leaves the function. And again, these are examples, I'm really trying to process a file without having to know if the function is going to come back with @( @( 'color', 'black') ) or with @( @( 'color', 'black'), @( 'background-color', 'white') )

Has anybody encountered this, and has anybody resolved this? I know I can instantiate framework objects, and I'm assuming everything will be fine if I create an object[], or a list<>, or something else similar, but I've been dealing with this for a little bit and something sure seems like there has to be a right way to do this (without having to instantiate true framework objects).

Code Example 1

function Display($x, [int]$indent, [string]$title)
  if($title -ne '') { write-host "$title`: " -foregroundcolor cyan -nonewline }
  { write-host "'$x'" -foregroundcolor cyan }
    write-host ''
    $s = new-object string(' ', $indent)
    for($i = 0; $i -lt $x.length; $i++)
      write-host "$s[$i]: " -nonewline -foregroundcolor cyan
      Display $x[$i] $($indent+1)
  if($title -ne '') { write-host '' }

### Start Program
$final = @( @( 'a', 'b' ), @('c'))
Display $final 0 'Initial Value'

### How do we do this part ??? ###########
$w = @( @('d', 'e') )                   ##
$x = @( @('f', 'g'), @('h') )           ##
# But now $w is flat, $w.length = 2     ##
# Even if we put a leading comma (,)    ##
# in front of the array, $y will work   ##
# but $w will not. This can be a        ##
# problem inside a loop where you don't ##
# know the length of the array, and you ##
# need to put a comma in front of       ##
# single- and multidimensional arrays.  ##
$y = @( ,@('D', 'E') )                  ##
$z = @( ,@('F', 'G'), @('H') )          ##

$final += $w
$final += $x
$final += $y
$final += $z
Display $final 0 'Final Value'

### Desired final value: @( @('a', 'b'), @('c'), @('d', 'e'), @('f', 'g'), @('h'), @('D', 'E'), @('F', 'G'), @('H') )
### As in the below:
# Initial Value:
# [0]:
#  [0]: 'a'
#  [1]: 'b'
# [1]:
#  [0]: 'c'
# Final Value:
# [0]:
#  [0]: 'a'
#  [1]: 'b'
# [1]:
#  [0]: 'c'
# [2]:
#  [0]: 'd'
#  [1]: 'e'
# [3]:
#  [0]: 'f'
#  [1]: 'g'
# [4]:
#  [0]: 'h'
# [5]:
#  [0]: 'D'
#  [1]: 'E'
# [6]:
#  [0]: 'F'
#  [1]: 'G'
# [7]:
#  [0]: 'H'

Code Example 2

function Display($x, [int]$indent, [string]$title)
  if($title -ne '') { write-host "$title`: " -foregroundcolor cyan -nonewline }
  { write-host "'$x'" -foregroundcolor cyan }
    write-host ''
    $s = new-object string(' ', $indent)
    for($i = 0; $i -lt $x.length; $i++)
      write-host "$s[$i]: " -nonewline -foregroundcolor cyan
      Display $x[$i] $($indent+1)
  if($title -ne '') { write-host '' }

function funA()
  $ret = @()
  $temp = @(0)
  $temp[0] = @('p', 'q')
  $ret += $temp
  Display $ret 0 'Inside Function A'
  return $ret # What about return ,$ret ? What about if $ret = @( @('p', 'q'), @('r', 's') ) -- would return ,$ret still work?

function funB()
  $ret = @( ,@('r', 's') )
  Display $ret 0 'Inside Function B'
  return $ret

### Start Program

$z = funA
Display $z 0 'Return from Function A'
$z = funB
Display $z 0 'Return from Function B'

### Desired final value: @( @('p', 'q') )  and same for r,s
### As in the below:
# Inside Function A:
# [0]:
#  [0]: 'p'
#  [1]: 'q'
# Return from Function A:
# [0]:
#  [0]: 'p'
#  [1]: 'q'

Thanks, Matt

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最舍不得你 2024-09-02 02:08:48

还有另一个问题以同样的问题开头:Powershell 陷阱。看起来这是有意设计的。

我认为如果你返回 ,$ret 而不是 $ret ,它应该可以工作。


  • 您可以通过 $item -is [array] 测试该项目是否为数组(只是因为它看起来更像 PowerShell ;)
  • @() 有效仅适用于非数组的项目。如果链接 @(@(@(1))),您将得到一个包含一个 int 项的数组 (@(@(@(1)))[0].gettype( ) 返回 Int32)。
    因此,@( ,@('r', 's') ),@('r', ' s')

There is another question that starts with the same problem: Powershell pitfalls . It looks like this is done by design.

I think if you return ,$ret instead of $ret, it should work.

Two more notes:

  • you can test, if the item is array by $item -is [array] (just because it looks more like PowerShell ;)
  • @() has effect only on items that are not arrays. If you chain @(@(@(1))), you will get an array with one int item (@(@(@(1)))[0].gettype() returns Int32).
    So, @( ,@('r', 's') ) is the same as ,@('r', 's').
暮倦 2024-09-02 02:08:48

我尝试了 stej 所说的并且它有效,使用以下示例:

function funC([int]$numOfPairs)
  $ret = @()
  if($numOfPairs -eq 1)
  { $ret = ,@('r','s') }
  elseif($numOfPairs -eq 2)
  { $ret = @('r','s'),@('t','u') }
  { $ret = @('r','s'),@('t','u'),@('v','w') }

  Display $ret 0 "Inside Function C ($numOfPairs)"
  return ,$ret

### Start Program

$z = funC 1
Display $z 0 'Return from Function C(1)'
$z = funC 2
Display $z 0 'Return from Function C(2)'
$z = funC 3
Display $z 0 'Return from Function C(3)'

I tried what stej said and it worked, using this example:

function funC([int]$numOfPairs)
  $ret = @()
  if($numOfPairs -eq 1)
  { $ret = ,@('r','s') }
  elseif($numOfPairs -eq 2)
  { $ret = @('r','s'),@('t','u') }
  { $ret = @('r','s'),@('t','u'),@('v','w') }

  Display $ret 0 "Inside Function C ($numOfPairs)"
  return ,$ret

### Start Program

$z = funC 1
Display $z 0 'Return from Function C(1)'
$z = funC 2
Display $z 0 'Return from Function C(2)'
$z = funC 3
Display $z 0 'Return from Function C(3)'
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