我使用可下载的 Geonames 数据库来了解世界上所有国家、州、县和城市,但我想知道是否有街道数据库吗?
所以你可以选择:国家 ->州/部门/地区 -> (县/地区)->城市->无论您喜欢哪个国家的街道。
因为当我在 Google 地图中搜索街道时,我可以看到所有上层(国家/地区/城市)。有没有可以为此下载 MySQL 的数据库?
I use the downloadable Geonames database for all countries, states, counties and cities in the world, but I wonder if there is a database for streets?
So you could pick: country -> state/department/district -> (county/region) -> city -> street in whatever country you like.
Because when I do a search for a street in Google Maps I can see all the upper levels (country/region/city). Is there a database you could download for MySQL for this?
There has to be a database for this, cause there are always national companies that provide this kind of information. Where did they get it from?
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。
您查看过 OpenStreetMap 吗?它是免费的,并有一个导出屏幕,可让您下载 XML 和其他格式的数据。
那些关心 OpenStreetMap 数据准确性的人可能想阅读 ITO 对 < a href="http://itoworld.blogspot.com/2010/02/ito-world-at-ted-2010-project-haiti.html" rel="nofollow noreferrer">OpenStreetMap 海地的数据。
如果您有 5 分钟时间,您可能想观看 Tim Berners-Lee 的 TED 视频谈论 OpenStreetMap 数据的用途。
Have you checked out OpenStreetMap? It is free and has a export screen that lets you download the data in XML and other formats.
Those concerned with the accruacy of the OpenStreetMap data may want to read what ITO has to say about OpenStreetMap's data for Haiti.
If you have 5 minutes you may want to watch this TED video by Tim Berners-Lee talking about what is being done with OpenStreetMap data.
您正在寻找 Navteq 或 Tele Atlas。
You're looking for Navteq or Tele Atlas.
They will charge lots of money.
美国人口普查局提供了他们所谓的TIGER 文件,这可能会帮助您无论如何,美国......就免费提供的全球数据而言,我严重怀疑你会发现很多,但许多政府可能会提供类似于 TIGER 文件的东西。祝你好运。
The US Census Bureau provides what they call TIGER files, which might help you out for the US anyway... As far as freely available worldwide data I seriously doubt you're gonna find much, but many governments probably provide something similar to the TIGER files. Good luck.
我认为一个好的解决方案是 Listreet
价格公道 背后团队有求必应
I think one good solution would be Listreet
Samples seems to contain country, region, city, streets and even elevation with longitude and latitude
Prices are fair and the team behind is responsive