Sphinx PHP 搜索
- 50 Cent
- 50 Lions
- 50 Foot Wave 等。
这很棒,但是当我搜索“50 Ce”时,我会得到:
- Ryczące Dwudziestki
- Spisek
- Bernhard Gal
- Cowabunga Go-Go
等疯狂的结果。另外,当我搜索“50 Cent”时,正确的结果位于顶部,但下面是随机结果。有什么想法吗?
PHP 代码:
$query = $_GET['query'];
if (!empty($query))
$sphinx->AddQuery($query, 'artists');
$sphinx->AddQuery($query, 'variations');
$sphinx->SetFilter('name', array(3));
$sphinx->SetLimits(0, 10);
$result = $sphinx->RunQueries();
echo '<pre>';
switch ($result)
case false:
echo 'Query failed: ' . $sphinx->GetLastError() . "\n";
if ($sphinx->GetLastWarning())
echo 'WARNING: ' . $sphinx->GetLastWarning() . "\n";
if (is_array($result[0]['matches']) && count($result[0]['matches']))
foreach ($result[0]['matches'] as $value => $info)
$artist = artistDetails($value);
echo $artist['name'] . "\n";
Sphinx 索引和来源:
source artists
type = mysql
sql_host = localhost
sql_user = user
sql_pass = pass
sql_db = db
sql_port = 3300
sql_query = \
id, name \
FROM artists;
#sql_attr_uint = group_id
#sql_attr_timestamp = time
sql_query_info = SELECT id,name FROM artists WHERE id=$id
index artists
source = artists
path = /var/sphinx/artists
docinfo = extern
charset_type = utf-8
I'm doing a Sphinx search but turning up some really weird results. Any help is appreciated.
So for example if I type "50", I get:
- 50 Cent
- 50 Lions
- 50 Foot Wave, etc.
This is great, but when I search "50 Ce", I get:
- Ryczące Dwudziestki
- Spisek
- Bernhard Gal
- Cowabunga Go-Go
And other crazy results. Also when I search for "50 Cent", the correct result is at the top, but then random results below. Any ideas why?
PHP code:
$query = $_GET['query'];
if (!empty($query))
$sphinx->AddQuery($query, 'artists');
$sphinx->AddQuery($query, 'variations');
$sphinx->SetFilter('name', array(3));
$sphinx->SetLimits(0, 10);
$result = $sphinx->RunQueries();
echo '<pre>';
switch ($result)
case false:
echo 'Query failed: ' . $sphinx->GetLastError() . "\n";
if ($sphinx->GetLastWarning())
echo 'WARNING: ' . $sphinx->GetLastWarning() . "\n";
if (is_array($result[0]['matches']) && count($result[0]['matches']))
foreach ($result[0]['matches'] as $value => $info)
$artist = artistDetails($value);
echo $artist['name'] . "\n";
Sphinx Index and Source:
source artists
type = mysql
sql_host = localhost
sql_user = user
sql_pass = pass
sql_db = db
sql_port = 3300
sql_query = \
id, name \
FROM artists;
#sql_attr_uint = group_id
#sql_attr_timestamp = time
sql_query_info = SELECT id,name FROM artists WHERE id=$id
index artists
source = artists
path = /var/sphinx/artists
docinfo = extern
charset_type = utf-8
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您需要使用 min_prefix_len 索引配置选项来告诉 sphinx 您希望它对部分单词进行索引和匹配。您可能还需要将enable_star设置为1
http:// www.sphinxsearch.com/docs/current.html#conf-min-prefix-len
启用前缀索引后,您将能够搜索“50 Ce*”等内容以获得部分单词匹配。如果您希望允许部分单词匹配,而不要求您的用户知道如何添加 * 本身,您可能必须在将搜索字符串传递给 sphinx 之前以编程方式修改它。
You need to use the min_prefix_len index config option to tell sphinx that you want it to index and match on partial words. You'll probably also need to set enable_star to 1
after enabling prefix indexing you'll be able to search for stuff like "50 Ce*" to get partial word matches. If you want partial word matches to be allowed without requiring your users to know about adding the * themselves you'll probably have to modify the search string programmatically before passing it to sphinx.