有人建议我重新安排我的代码以“池化”我的 ADO 连接。在每个网页上,我都会打开一个连接并继续使用相同的打开连接。但其他人告诉我,这在 10 年前很重要,但现在不那么重要了。如果我在网络发布上进行 5 个 db 调用,那么使用我打开/关闭的 5 个单独的连接是否有问题?
It has been suggested to me that I rearrange my code to "pool" my ADO connections. On each web page I would open one connection and keep using the same open connection. But someone else told me that was important 10 years ago but is not so important now. If I make, let's say, 5 db calls on a web posting, is it problematic to be using 5 separate connections that I open/close?
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与 SQL Server 的连接自动汇集在 ASP.NET 应用程序中:每个不同的连接字符串对应一个池。如果您遵循最佳实践并将数据库代码隐藏在连接字符串在整个应用程序中保持不变的 DAL 中,那么您将始终使用单个连接对象池。
那么这对于您的数据库方法意味着什么?嗯,一方面,这意味着“关闭连接”实际上转化为“将连接返回到池”,而不是真正关闭应用程序与 SQL Server 的链接。因此,关闭和重新开放并不是什么大事。然而,话虽如此,这里还是有一些最佳实践可供遵循。
首先,即使您的应用程序急剧扩展,您也不希望耗尽池中的连接。也就是说,永远不要轮流考虑“此页面上的用户” - 考虑“使用此页面的上千人”。
第三,我强烈建议不要在页面生命周期的早期打开连接并在生命周期的后期以不同的方法关闭它。为什么?因为您能做的最糟糕的事情就是让连接保持打开状态,因为您忘记添加关闭它的逻辑。是的,当 GC 启动时,它们最终会被关闭,但是,再次,如果您正在考虑“成千上万的人使用此页面*,那么真正遇到麻烦的机会就变得显而易见了。
。建议实现管理数据库连接并提供处理数据的工具的 DAL,构建一个业务逻辑层 (BLL),使用这些工具向 UI 提供类型安全对象(例如“模型”对象)。如果您使用 IDisposable 接口实现 BLL 对象,那么您始终可以使用作用域确保连接安全。它还可以让您在非常时间内保持数据库连接打开:只需打开BLL 对象,将数据拉入本地对象或列表,然后关闭 BLL 对象(超出范围)。然后,您可以在连接关闭后使用 BLL 返回的数据。
您的 BusinessLogicSubClass 将从实现 IDisposable 的 BusinessLogic 对象派生。它将实例化您的 DAL 类并打开一个连接,如下所示:
当 BusinessLogic 类超出范围时,将自动调用 Dispose 方法,因为它实现了 IDisposable 接口。
您的 DAL 类将具有匹配的方法:
根据我到目前为止所描述的内容,DAL 不具有 IDisposable 属性。但是,当我测试新的 BLL 方法时,我在测试代码中广泛使用 DAL 类,因此我将 DAL 构造为 IDisposable,以便我可以在测试期间使用“using”构造。
Connections to SQL Server are pooled in an ASP.NET application automatically: one pool for each distinct connection string. If you follow best practices and hide your database code away in a DAL whose connection string is constant throughout the application, then you'll always be working with a single pool of connection objects.
So what does this mean for your approach to the database? Well, for one it means that "closing a connection" really translates into "returning a connection to the pool" rather than truly closing the application's link to SQL Server. Thus, closing and reopening is not that big of a deal. However, with that being said, there are a few best practices to follow here.
First, you don't want to run out of connections in your pool even if your app scales up dramatically. That is, never think in turns of "the user on this page" - think in terms "the thousand people using this page".
Second, even though it isn't that taxing to close and reopen a connection, you'll generally want to open a connection as late as possible, use it until it is done and then close it as early as possible. The only exception is if you have a time-consuming process that must come after retrieving some data and before saving or retrieving other data.
Third, I would strongly advise against opening a connection early in the page lifecycle and closing it late in the lifecycle in a different method. Why? Because the worst thing you can do is to leave a connection open because you forget to add the logic to close it. Yes, they'll eventually be closed when the GC kicks in, but, again, if you are thinking about "the thousand people using this page* the chance for real trouble becomes obvious.
Now, what if you say that you are sure you close the connection because you always do so in some key, logical spot (e.g. the Page_Unload method). Well, this is great as long as you can confidently say you'll never throw an error that hops out of the page lifecycle. Which you can't. So...don't open in one method of the page lifecycle and close in another.
Finally, I would strongly recommend implementing a DAL that manages the database connections and provides tools for working with data. On top of that, build a Business Logic Layer (BLL) that uses these tools to supply type-safe objects to your UI (e.g. "Model" objects). If you implement the BLL objects with an IDisposable interface, then you can always ensure Connection safety using scope. It will also let you keep the database connection open for a very short period of time: just open the BLL object, pull data into a local object or list, and then close the BLL object (go out of scope). You can then work with the data returned by the BLL after the connection has been closed.
So...what does this look like. Well, on your Pages (the UI) you'll use Business Logic classes like this:
Your BusinessLogicSubClass will be derived from a BusinessLogic object that implements IDisposable. It will instantiate your DAL class and open a connection like so:
when the BusinessLogic class goes out of scope, the Dispose method will automatically be called because it implements the IDisposable interface.
Your DAL class will have matching methods:
Given what I've described so far, the DAL doesn't have to be IDisposable. However, I use my DAL class extensively in my testing code when I'm testing new BLL methods so I constructed the DAL as an IDisposable so I could use the "using" construct during testing.
Follow this approach and, in essence, you'll never have to think about connection pooling again.
如果您将 ADO.NET 与 SQL Server 一起使用,那么您的连接可能已经被池化。连接池是当今数据库中非常常见的做法,大多数时候您在不知情的情况下使用连接池。我的猜测是,您被告知手动池化连接并不那么重要,因为现在它通常是自动的。
If you are using ADO.NET with SQL Server, then your connections are likely already pooled. Connection pooling is a very common practice with databases these days, and most of the time you use pooling without knowing it. My guess is that you were told that manually pooling connections is not that important, as it is generally automatic now.
It is a good practice, for a couple reasons. For one, creating a connection requires a certain amount of time, and constantly closing and opening your connections can waste valuable time. Second, connections are often a finite resource, and they should not be wasted. Often, stack-level limitations can also prevent how frequently connections can be opened. In high-throughput environments, actually opening and closing connections can use up a finite resource and create a bottleneck as they slowly become available again.
从框架 2.0 开始,ASP.NET 默认池化与 SQL Server 的连接。
页面循环使得保持连接对象对所有数据库操作保持打开状态有点困难,因此我通常做的是使用一个连接对象来定期获取 Page_Load 中完成的数据,然后如果需要的话使用另一个连接,例如在按钮事件来更新数据库中的数据。
From framework 2.0 ASP.NET pools the connections to SQL Server by default.
However, what the people that you have talked to is talking about is not exactly pooling. Rather it's about reducing the number of database sessions.
As the connections are pooled, the penalty for closing a connection object and opening another is quite small. What usually happens is that the database connection itself is returned to the connection pool, and when you create the next connection object it just re-establishes the database connection using the same connection that you just returned.
Still, as there is a request made to the database each time a connection is re-establihed, you should try to reduce the number of connection objects that you use if it's reasonably possible.
The page cycle makes it a bit difficult to keep a connection object open for all database operations, so what I usually do is to use one connection object for the regular fetching of data done in Page_Load, then another connection if it's needed for example in a button event to update data in the database.
如果扩展到 15 个数据库调用会怎样?这些联系开始堆积。
I would say that it's a good idea to pool connections to anything. Almost everything has a finite connection limit. Additionally, there's an overhead associated with opening connections so using the same connection is much more efficient and saves response time.
What if you scale to 15 database calls? Those connections start piling up.
Pool 'em. There isn't a reason not to.
Sure, servers can chew through about anything these days but any response time you can save improves the user's experience.
无论如何,ADO.NET 通常都会汇集您的连接。有时这被认为是一件好事;它努力做正确的事,可能不会造成任何悲伤。
ADO.NET will often pool your connections anyway. This is sometimes considered to be a good thing; it tries hard to do the right thing and probably won't cause any grief.
You do not need to do anything special to achieve this, except create connections with the same parameters each time (this is not difficult, just use the same routine to create connections on each page).
Of course pooled connections can lead to difficulties in unusual cases, in which case you might want to disable them. But otherwise, just leave it well alone and it should work.
对于跨越半个地球、连接速度较慢的 MSSQL Server,池化将显着提高应用程序的响应能力。
对于本地 MySQL 安装,您可能看不到显着差异。
The key thing I've found is how long it takes to create a database connection.
For an MSSQL Server on a slow connection halfway round the world, pooling will improve your app's responsiveness noticeably.
For a local MySQL install, you might not see a significant difference.