My current favorite is WebDriverCSS in combination with BrowserStack Automate API. This pair of tools allows for multi-platform, multi-browser regression testing across the very wide range of devices that BrowserStack supports. It requires writing code but is much more comprehensive than any solution bound to Phantom or Slimer.
If you are ok with an old WebKit being your only test UA, here's a great writeup on CSS regression testing using PhantomCSS. Their basic example provides exactly what the original question desired: visual diffs between two commits.
For a simpler tool that requires no coding (only YAML config), I point people towards Wraith more often than PhantomCSS. Give @ericcraio's answer a vote if you like Wraith and don't want to write Casper code.
There are some restrictions on how many tests you can run each day as a free user. But unlike Litmus; you can run tests on all supported browsers--Litmus only allows free users to test their websites on Internet Explorer 7 and Mozilla Firefox 2.
It'll crawl your site and take screen captures has damn near every browser you'd want.
In addition to the core functionality Litmus also allows you to to track bugs, log in to private sites, and allows you to publish compatibility reports from your tests.
What you've described is precisely what Mogotest does. We can log into your site, take screenshots for all the pages you've configured, and do automated comparison using the principles of Web Consistency Testing.
We also keep a full track of history so we can tell you exactly when something broke (and what your site looked at that time) and even cooler, we can detect when you've fixed something. And finally, we snapshot your code at each test run so we can show you exactly what changed for each issue.
Sorry for the self-promoting nature of this answer. I just wanted to be thorough in addressing what you're looking for.
我目前最喜欢的是 WebDriverCSS 与 BrowserStack Automate API。这对工具允许在 BrowserStack 支持的各种设备上进行多平台、多浏览器回归测试。它需要编写代码,但比任何绑定到 Phantom 或 Slimer 的解决方案都要全面得多。
如果您同意旧的 WebKit 作为唯一的测试 UA,这里有一篇关于 CSS 回归测试的精彩文章使用PhantomCSS。他们的基本示例准确地提供了原始问题所需的内容:两次提交之间的视觉差异。
对于不需要编码(只需 YAML 配置)的更简单的工具,我更常向人们推荐 Wraith,而不是 PhantomCSS。如果您喜欢 Wraith 并且不想编写 Casper 代码,请给 @ericcraio 的答案投票。
My current favorite is WebDriverCSS in combination with BrowserStack Automate API. This pair of tools allows for multi-platform, multi-browser regression testing across the very wide range of devices that BrowserStack supports. It requires writing code but is much more comprehensive than any solution bound to Phantom or Slimer.
If you are ok with an old WebKit being your only test UA, here's a great writeup on CSS regression testing using PhantomCSS. Their basic example provides exactly what the original question desired: visual diffs between two commits.
For a simpler tool that requires no coding (only YAML config), I point people towards Wraith more often than PhantomCSS. Give @ericcraio's answer a vote if you like Wraith and don't want to write Casper code.
我知道这个问题已经发布了一段时间,但我想提一下 bbc-news 的一个名为 wraith 的新 CSS 回归工具。
它利用 phantomJS 和 imagemagick 等工具。
I know this question has been posted for awhile but I wanted to mention about a new CSS regression tool called wraith by bbc-news.
It utilizes tools such as phantomJS and imagemagick.
免费用户每天可以运行的测试数量有一些限制。但与 Litmus 不同;您可以在所有受支持的浏览器上运行测试 - Litmus 只允许免费用户在 Internet Explorer 7 和 Mozilla Firefox 2 上测试其网站。
Check out Browser Shots. This is a free service.
There are some restrictions on how many tests you can run each day as a free user. But unlike Litmus; you can run tests on all supported browsers--Litmus only allows free users to test their websites on Internet Explorer 7 and Mozilla Firefox 2.
我正在开发一个名为 SUCCSS 的 CSS 回归测试工具,它是一个 npm 全局开源的: https://github .com/B2F/Succss。 Atm,您可以在那里阅读其完整文档:
I am developing a CSS regression testing tool which is called SUCCSS, it is a npm global, open source: Atm, you can read its full documentation there:
查看 Litmus。
除了核心功能之外,Litmus 还允许您跟踪错误、登录私人站点,并允许您发布测试的兼容性报告。
Check out Litmus.
It'll crawl your site and take screen captures has damn near every browser you'd want.
In addition to the core functionality Litmus also allows you to to track bugs, log in to private sites, and allows you to publish compatibility reports from your tests.
您所描述的正是 Mogotest 所做的。我们可以登录您的网站,对您配置的所有页面进行屏幕截图,并使用Web一致性测试<的原则进行自动比较/a>.
What you've described is precisely what Mogotest does. We can log into your site, take screenshots for all the pages you've configured, and do automated comparison using the principles of Web Consistency Testing.
We also keep a full track of history so we can tell you exactly when something broke (and what your site looked at that time) and even cooler, we can detect when you've fixed something. And finally, we snapshot your code at each test run so we can show you exactly what changed for each issue.
Sorry for the self-promoting nature of this answer. I just wanted to be thorough in addressing what you're looking for.