如何在 Xcode 中使用单个项目文件(在多台计算机上)
我在两台不同的计算机上使用不同的用户名进行编码。 Xcode 为每个文件创建一个 .pbxuser 文件,因此有必要复制每个文件的配置。
I code on 2 different computers with different username. Xcode makes a .pbxuser file for each one, making necesary replicate the config from each one.
This is error prone, and the files are not diff-friendly so everything must be carefully checked. Any way to avoid this?
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.pbxuser 文件中的信息并不是特别重要 - 它只是个人设置,例如窗口位置、断点等。所有重要的内容都在 project.pbxproj 中,这是您需要同步/备份/签入源的唯一文件控制/等您可以忽略甚至删除 .xcodeproj 目录中的其他文件 - 它们将使用默认设置重新创建。
The info in the .pbxuser file is not particularly important - it's just personal settings like window locations, breakpoints, etc. All the important stuff is in project.pbxproj and this is the only file you need to sync/back up/check into source control/etc. You can ignore or even delete the other files in the .xcodeproj directory - they will get re-created with default settings.
.pbxuser 文件确实包含自定义可执行文件。因此,如果您使用自定义可执行文件作为单元测试运行程序(或其他一些可执行文件),您可能必须共享该文件
the .pbxuser file does contain custom executables in there. So if you use a custom executable as a unit test runner, (or some other executable) you might have to share that file
当我有 Xcode 项目时,我可能需要在多台计算机上处理,我只是将我的项目放在 Dropbox 上。然后它位于我可能用来处理它的任何计算机上的同一文件夹中,并且每次修改文件时都会同步更改。这样我就可以在每台计算机上处理完全相同的相同项目。
When I have Xcode projects I might have to work on on multiple computers, I just have my project live on Dropbox. Then it's in the same folder on any computer I might use to work on it, and the changes get synced every time files are modified. That way I'm literally working on the exact same project on each computer.