SQL Server 2000:执行串联聚合子查询的想法
QuestionID QuestionTitle UpVotes DownVotes
========== ============= ======= =========
2142075 Win32: Cre... 0 0
2232727 Win32: How... 2 0
1870139 Wondows Ae... 12 0
QuestionID QuestionTitle UpVotes DownVotes Authors
========== ============= ======= ========= ==========
2142075 Win32: Cre... 0 0 Ian Boyd
2232727 Win32: How... 2 0 Ian Boyd, roygbiv
1870139 Wondows Ae... 12 0 Ian Boyd, Aaron Klotz, Jason Diller, danbystrom
SQL Server 2000 没有 CONCAT(AuthorName, ', ')
聚合操作,我一直在伪造它 - 对 TOP 执行简单的子选择1
QuestionID QuestionTitle UpVotes DownVotes FirstAuthor AuthorCount
========== ============= ======= ========= =========== ===========
2142075 Win32: Cre... 0 0 Ian Boyd 1
2232727 Win32: How... 2 0 Ian Boyd 2
1870139 Wondows Ae... 12 0 Ian Boyd 3
QuestionID QuestionTitle UpVotes DownVotes Authors
========== ============= ======= ========= ==========
2142075 Win32: Cre... 0 0 Ian Boyd
2232727 Win32: How... 2 0 Ian Boyd, …
1870139 Wondows Ae... 12 0 Ian Boyd, …
这效果很好,因为通常问题不会被编辑 - 这意味着我完美支持 99% 的情况,而 1% 的情况只有一半 -assed 也是如此。
作为一个更复杂且容易出现错误的解决方案,我正在考虑迭代显示的列表,并为列表中的每个“问题”启动一个线程池工作线程。 list,对数据库执行查询以获取作者列表,然后在内存中聚合该列表。这意味着该列表首先填充(本机)应用程序。然后我会发出几千个单独的查询。
亚当机械师说得很清楚 :
不要将行连接成分隔符 SQL Server 中的字符串。做客户端 侧面。
谁能想到一个更好的解决方案,比我原来的“TOP 1 加省略号”解决方案一样快(比如说......在一个数量级内)?
Cade的 链接到 Adam Machanic 的解决方案 我喜欢最好的。一个用户定义的函数,似乎通过魔法进行操作:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ConcatAuthors(@QuestionID int)
SET @Output = ''
SELECT @Output = CASE @Output
WHEN '' THEN AuthorName
ELSE @Output + ', ' + AuthorName
SELECT QuestionID, AuthorName, QuestionDate AS AuthorDate FROM Questions
SELECT QuestionID, EditorName, EditDate FROM QuestionEdits
) dt
WHERE dt.QuestionID = @QuestionID
ORDER BY AuthorDate
RETURN @Output
使用 T-SQL 用法:
SELECT QuestionID, QuestionTitle, UpVotes, DownVotes, dbo.ConcatAuthors(AuthorID)
FROM Questions
i have a query that returns rows that i want, e.g.
QuestionID QuestionTitle UpVotes DownVotes
========== ============= ======= =========
2142075 Win32: Cre... 0 0
2232727 Win32: How... 2 0
1870139 Wondows Ae... 12 0
Now i want to have a column returned, that contains a comma separated list of "Authors" (e.g. original poster and editors). e.g.:
QuestionID QuestionTitle UpVotes DownVotes Authors
========== ============= ======= ========= ==========
2142075 Win32: Cre... 0 0 Ian Boyd
2232727 Win32: How... 2 0 Ian Boyd, roygbiv
1870139 Wondows Ae... 12 0 Ian Boyd, Aaron Klotz, Jason Diller, danbystrom
Faking It
SQL Server 2000 does not have a CONCAT(AuthorName, ', ')
aggregation operation, i've been faking it - performing simple sub-selects for the TOP 1
author, and the author count.
QuestionID QuestionTitle UpVotes DownVotes FirstAuthor AuthorCount
========== ============= ======= ========= =========== ===========
2142075 Win32: Cre... 0 0 Ian Boyd 1
2232727 Win32: How... 2 0 Ian Boyd 2
1870139 Wondows Ae... 12 0 Ian Boyd 3
If there is more than one author, then i show the user an ellipses ("…"), to indicate there is more than one. e.g. the user would see:
QuestionID QuestionTitle UpVotes DownVotes Authors
========== ============= ======= ========= ==========
2142075 Win32: Cre... 0 0 Ian Boyd
2232727 Win32: How... 2 0 Ian Boyd, …
1870139 Wondows Ae... 12 0 Ian Boyd, …
And that works well enough, since normally a question isn't edited - which means i'm supporting the 99% case perfectly, and the 1% case only half-assed as well.
Threaded Re-query
As a more complicated, and bug-prone solution, i was thinking of iterating the displayed list, and spinning up a thread-pool worker thread for each "question" in the list, perform a query against the database to get the list of authors, then aggregating the list in memory. This would mean that the list fills first in the (native) application. Then i issue a few thousand individual queries afterwards.
But that would be horribly, horrendously, terribly, slow. Not to mention bug-riddled, since it will be thread work.
Yeah yeah yeah
Adam Mechanic says quite plainly:
Don't concatenate rows into delimited
strings in SQL Server. Do it client
Tell me how, and i'll do it.
Can anyone think of a better solution, that is as fast (say...within an order of magnitude) than my original "TOP 1 plus ellipses" solution?
For example, is there a way to return a results set, where reach row has an associated results set? So for each "master" row, i could get at a "detail" results set that contains the list.
Code for best answer
Cade's link to Adam Machanic's solution i like the best. A user-defined function, that seems to operate via magic:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ConcatAuthors(@QuestionID int)
SET @Output = ''
SELECT @Output = CASE @Output
WHEN '' THEN AuthorName
ELSE @Output + ', ' + AuthorName
SELECT QuestionID, AuthorName, QuestionDate AS AuthorDate FROM Questions
SELECT QuestionID, EditorName, EditDate FROM QuestionEdits
) dt
WHERE dt.QuestionID = @QuestionID
ORDER BY AuthorDate
RETURN @Output
With a T-SQL usage of:
SELECT QuestionID, QuestionTitle, UpVotes, DownVotes, dbo.ConcatAuthors(AuthorID)
FROM Questions
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。

http://dataeducation.com/ rowset-string-concatenation-which-method-is-best/
http://www.simple-talk.com/sql/t-sql-programming/concatenating-row-values-in-transact-sql/ (请参阅响应中 Phil Factor 的交叉连接解决方案 - 该解决方案将在 SQL Server 2000 中工作)
显然,在 SQL Server 2005 中,FOR XML 技巧是最简单、最灵活且通常性能最高的。
至于为每行返回一个行集,如果由于某种原因您仍然想这样做,您可以在存储过程中执行此操作,但客户端将需要消耗第一个行集中的所有行,然后转到下一个行集并将其与第一个行集中的第一行关联起来,等等。您的 SP 需要在作为第一个行集返回的同一集上打开一个游标,并按顺序运行多个选择以生成所有子行集。这是我已经完成的一项技术,但仅限于实际需要所有数据的情况(例如,在完全填充的树视图中)。
Have a look at these articles:
http://www.simple-talk.com/sql/t-sql-programming/concatenating-row-values-in-transact-sql/ (See Phil Factor's cross join solution in the responses - which will work in SQL Server 2000)
Obviously in SQL Server 2005, the FOR XML trick is easiest, most flexible and generally most performant.
As far as returning a rowset for each row, if you still want to do that for some reason, you can do that in a stored procedure, but the client will need to consume all the rows in the first rowset and then go to the next rowset and associate it with the first row in the first rowset, etc. Your SP would need to open a cursor on the same set it returned as the first rowset and run multiple selects in sequence to generate all the child rowsets. It's a technique I've done, but only where ALL the data actually was needed (for instance, in a fully-populated tree view).
And regardless of what people say, doing it client-side is often a very big waste of bandwidth, because returning all the rows and doing the looping and breaking in the client side means that huge number of identical columns are being transferred at the start of each row just to get the changing column at the end of the row.
Wherever you do it, it should be an informed decision based on your use case.
我尝试了 3 种方法来解决此问题,即此处发布的一种方法:activex 脚本和 UDF 函数。
对我来说最有效的脚本(速度方面)是奇怪的 Axtive-X 脚本,它运行多个查询来获取要连接的附加数据。
UDF 平均需要 22 分钟来转换,子查询方法(在此处发布)大约需要 5 分钟,而 activeX 脚本需要 4 分 30 分钟,这让我很恼火,因为这是我希望放弃的脚本。我得看看是否可以在其他地方提高效率。
我认为额外的 30 秒被用于存储数据的 tempdb 使用,因为我的脚本需要 order by。
I tried 3 approaches to this solution, the one posted here, activex scripting and UDF functions.
The most effective script (speed-wise) for me was bizzarely Axtive-X script running multiple queries to get the additioanl data to concat.
UDF took an average of 22 minutes to transform, the Subquery method (posted here) took around 5m and the activeX script took 4m30, much to my annoyance since this was the script I was hoping to ditch. I'll have to see if I can iron out a few more efficiencies elsewhere.
I think the extra 30s is used by the tempdb being used to store the data since my script requires an order by.
It should be noted that I am concatanating huge quantities of textual data.
您还可以查看此脚本。这基本上就是 Cade Roux 在他的帖子中提到的交叉连接方法。
上面的方法看起来非常干净:您必须首先创建一个视图,然后根据视图中的值创建一个语句。您可以在代码中动态构建第二个 sql 语句,因此它应该可以直接使用。
You can also take a look to this script. It's basically the cross join approach that Cade Roux also mentioned in his post.
The above approach looks very clean: you have to do a view first and secondly create a statement based on the values in the view. The second sql statement you can build dynamically in your code, so it should be straight forward to use.
我不确定这是否适用于 SQL Server 2000,但您可以尝试一下:
OUTPUT from SQL Server 2005:
EDIT query that Replaces FOR XML PATH with FOR XML RAW, so this should work on SQL服务器 2000
I'm not sure if this works in SQL Server 2000, but you can try it:
OUTPUT from SQL Server 2005:
EDIT query that replaces FOR XML PATH with FOR XML RAW, so this should work on SQL Server 2000
OUTPUT, same as original query