如何使 Rails caches_page 在 capistrano 部署中幸存?
是否可以配置 Rails,以便使用 caches_page 创建的缓存在 Capistrano 部署中保留下来?即,我可以将缓存配置为保存到共享目录而不是公共目录中吗?
Is it possible to configure Rails so caches created with caches_page survive a Capistrano deploy? Ie, can I configure the cache to be saved into a shared directory rather than in the public directory?
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The accepted answer is OK, but it's generally better not to copy everything upon the deployment, but just symlink the cache folder.
This way, you can create your folder in shared/ directory and symlink it upon deployment like:
Capistrano 与 Rails 并不真正相关,它只是 Rails 社区常用来进行部署。所以不,你不能“配置Rails”来做你想做的事。您可以做的就是向 Capfile 添加一个任务,该任务运行 shell 命令以将缓存复制到新部署中,然后再将其符号链接为“当前”。
Capistrano isn't really Rails related, it's just commonly used by the Rails community for deployment. So no, you can't "configure Rails" to do what you want. What you can do is add a task to your Capfile that runs shell commands to copy the cache into your new deployment before it is symlinked as 'current'.
But I really don't think you'd want to do such a thing for cached pages because the cache will likely be out of sync with the new code's output.
我发现这足以将 public/cache 目录符号链接到共享下:
I found this was sufficient to have the public/cache directory symlinked under shared: