在 ruby on Rails 或 php 中创建弯曲、拱形、楔形等文本效果
我知道 imagemagick 中有一个转换漩涡效果,但我可以为文本创建其他效果,如弯曲、拱形、楔形、捏紧等......就像 Word 中的艺术字一样。
我对其他可能帮助我完成这件事的软件包持开放态度.. php 或 ruby ..
i know there is a convert -swirl effect in imagemagick but can i create other effects for text like curved, arched, wedged, pinched etc.. just like wordart in word.
i am open to other packages that might help me get this thing done.. php or ruby..
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以下是一些示例: http://www.fmwconcepts.com/imagemagick/texteffect/index .php
如果你有兴趣,你可以通过 php 运行这个 shell 脚本
exec()< /code>
Here are some examples: http://www.fmwconcepts.com/imagemagick/texteffect/index.php
If you are interested, you can run this shell script through php
function or any other language which provide you with such an ability.查看 RMagick,它是 ImageMagick 库的 Ruby 接口。
还有许多其他语言的接口,包括 PHP。
Check out RMagick, which is a Ruby interface to the ImageMagick library.
There are interfaces for many other languages as well, including PHP.
Look here for an overview.
正如 Lars 所建议的,RMagick 是在 RoR 中实现此目的的不错选择。如果您正在寻找 PHP,我不确定它是否可以完成您想要做的一些事情,但是 GD2(如果您使用包管理器安装 PHP,则通常包含在 PHP 中)是一个很好的工具。 ImageMagick 还有一个 PHP 扩展。
As Lars suggested, RMagick is a good choice for doing it in RoR. If you're looking in PHP, I'm not sure that it can do some of the things you're wanting to, but GD2 (which is usually natively included with PHP if you installed PHP with a package manager) is a good tool. There is also a PHP extension for ImageMagick.