
发布于 2024-08-24 03:37:10 字数 652 浏览 2 评论 0原文



  • 如果客户不支付额外费用或者我们没有太多时间,那就走吧 对于 A
  • 如果客户付款,或者我们有时间使网站兼容,那么至少 AA
  • 如果客户付款并需要根据 给政府。规则然后去 AAA



• 优先级 1:供所有用户访问 Web 内容和 Web 开发人员 为了达到一致性级别“A”,这些 必须满足要求。

• 优先级 2:这些要求 应该由网络来满足 开发者,这样就没有任何团体发现它 难以访问网页内容 并达到一致性水平 “AA”。

• 优先级 3:这些要求可能会 让 Web 开发人员满意 方便访问 Web 内容 一些团体并达到一致性 “AAA”级。

What is the purpose of making 3 priority level by WCAG?

is it like?

  • If client not paying extra or if we don't have much time then go
    for A
  • If client paying then or if we have time to make site compatible go for at least
  • If client paying and needed according
    to govt. rules then go for AAA

If we are making site then which level we should we try to achieve, or we should do only on client request?

Although i found these definitions on this site but these are confusing for me

• Priority 1: For all users to access
the Web content and for Web developers
to attain Conformance level “A”, these
requirements must be satisfied.

• Priority 2: These requirements
should be satisfied by the Web
developers so that no group finds it
difficult to access the Web content
and so as to attain Conformance level

• Priority 3: These requirements may
be satisfied by the Web developers to
facilitate access to Web content for
some groups and attain Conformance
level “AAA”.

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默嘫て 2024-08-31 03:37:10

WCAG 2.0 分为三个一致性级别 (A-AA-AAA),因为成功标准是根据它们对页面设计或视觉呈现的影响来组织的。级别越高,对设计的限制就越多。

例如,让我们以准则 1.4(可区分)为例,它是为了让用户更容易看到和听到内容,包括将前景与背景分开。

  • 成功标准 1.4.1 是关于
    (A 级)
  • 成功标准 1.4.3 是关于
    对比度至少为 4.5:1,
    以下情况除外:(AA 级)
  • 最后,成功标准 1.4.6


根据经验,A 级的成功标准应该对界面不可见或几乎不可见。另一方面,AAA 级将对设计产生如此大的影响,甚至 W3C 声称大多数组织都无法达到该级别(因为设计上的妥协太重要):

来源:http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#conformance-reqs(WCAG 2.0) - 来自 W3C

“注 2:不建议将 AAA 级一致性要求作为整个站点的一般策略,因为某些内容不可能满足所有 AAA 级成功标准。”


WCAG 2.0 is divided into three conformance levels (A-AA-AAA) because the success criteria are organised based on the impact they have on design or visual presentation of the pages. The higher the level, the more restraining it becomes on design.

For example, let's take guideline 1.4 (Distinguishable), which is about making it easier for users to see and hear content including separating foreground from background.

  • Success Criterion 1.4.1 is about the
    Use of Color. The rule goes like
    this: Color is not used as the only
    visual means of conveying
    information, indicating an action,
    prompting a response, or
    distinguishing a visual element.
    (Level A)
  • Success Criterion 1.4.3 is about
    Contrast (Minimum). The rule goes
    like this: The visual presentation of
    text and images of text has a
    contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1,
    except for the following: (Level AA)
  • And finally, success criterion 1.4.6
    is about Contrast (Enhanced). And the
    rule goes like this: The visual
    presentation of text and images of
    text has a contrast ratio of at least
    7:1, except for the following: (Level

As you can see, the more higher we get, the more demanding it becomes and the more pressure it put on how things can be presented in the web page.

As a rule of thumb, success criteria from level A should be invisible or barely noticeable to the interface. On the other hand, level AAA will have such a high impact on design, that even the W3C claims that most organizations will not be able to achieve that level (as the compromises on design will be too important):

Source: http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#conformance-reqs (WCAG 2.0) - from the W3C

"Note 2: It is not recommended that Level AAA conformance be required as a general policy for entire sites because it is not possible to satisfy all Level AAA Success Criteria for some content."

Working towards compliance to one conformance level or another in any given project shouldn't have anything to do with what the client pays or doesn't pay. It should always be about making everything you can (within the boundaries of resources and budget of course) to ensure that all users, regardless of disabilities or limitations, can enjoy the content that is provided to the public. And this is especially true when it comes to government content.

提笔落墨 2024-08-31 03:37:10

WCAG 文档解释了为什么有不同的级别。

The WCAG documentation explains why there are different levels.

柒夜笙歌凉 2024-08-31 03:37:10

确实,A 越多就越难实现,但相反,可能受益的人就越多。

不确定我是否同意 Adam 的观点,即您应该以 100 为目标。由于 W3C 表示在某些情况下 100 是无法实现的,因此以 100 为目标可能会浪费客户资源。打个比方,如果您受雇销售服务对于客户来说,他们为您提供了潜在客户,您可以目标是向 100% 的潜在客户销售,但每个人都知道,虽然理论上 100% 是可能的,但在现实世界中永远无法实现。最好设定一个现实的目标。

It is certainly true that the more A's the harder it is to achieve, but conversely the more people who are likely to benefit.

Not sure I agree with Adam that you should aim for 100. Since W3C have said 100 is not achievable in some cases, then it could be a waste of client resources to aim for 100. To give an analogy if you were employed to sell services for a client and they provide you with leads, you could aim to sell to 100% of the leads but everyone knows that although theoretically 100% is possible, in the real world it could never be achieved. It is better to set a realistic target.

公布 2024-08-31 03:37:10


这就像在说“这个网站在满分 100 分中有多好?”。你不能对客户说“我的目标只是70分”,你应该以100分为目标。

The different levels are used to 'grade' a site based on accessibility. You should always aim for the best.

It's like saying "how good is this website out of 100?". You can't say to the client "I'll only aim for a score of 70", you should aim for 100.

自我难过 2024-08-31 03:37:10

WCAG 2.0 定义了 3 个可访问性级别 A、AA 和 AAA。
由于AAA级可能会影响设计标准,例如美国的Section 508和欧洲的EN 301549仅要求AA级。


Web accessibility helps people with disabilities or elders to use the web.
WCAG 2.0 defined 3 levels of accessibility A, AA, and AAA.
The main reason of the different levels was to lower the impact of the design of the page, keeping the website accessible but at the same time with a good design quality.
Since the level AAA may impact on the design standards like Section 508 in the USA and EN 301549 in Europe require only AA level.

Source: https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#conformance-reqs

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