OpenSSH for Windows 5.6p1-2 based release created!!
Happy New Year all! Since COpSSH has started charging I've resurrected this project
Updated all binaries to current releases
Added several new supporting DLLs as required by all executables in package
Renamed switch.exe to bash.exe to remove the need to modify and compile mkpasswd.exe each build
Please note there is a very minor bug in this release, detailed in the docs. I'm working on fixing this, anyone who can code in C and can offer a bit of help it would be much appreciated
新的、复活的项目站点(Win7 兼容性等等!):
New, resurrected project site (Win7 compability and more!):
Cygwin 可以为您提供此功能。
Cygwin can give you this functionality.
尝试 WinScp
Try WinScp
Give a shot.