推送到 Mercurial 存储库 (bitbucket) 会产生“请求实体太大”?
当您尝试推送到 Bitbucket 上的 Mercurial 存储库并生成响应时,这意味着什么:
abort: HTTP Error 413: Request Entity Too Large
What does it mean when you try to push to a Mercurial repository on Bitbucket and it produces the response:
abort: HTTP Error 413: Request Entity Too Large
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请考虑向 bitbucket 团队询问。同时您可以尝试使用 ssh 访问而不是 http。
Consider asking this the bitbucket team. In the meanwhile you could try using ssh access instead of http.
看起来 BitBucket 对 HTTP 上传有大小限制,而您超出了它们。您上传的大文件可能会破坏某些内容。尝试排除该文件,看看会发生什么。
Looks like BitBucket has a size limit on HTTP uploads and you are exceeding them. It is probably a large file that you are uploading that is breaking things. Try excluding that one file and see what happens.
这意味着您已达到 Bitbucket 或 @TheSteve0 指出的其他事物设置的上传限制。
如果您在 nginx 后面运行,请记住默认上传大小为 1MB。要增加它,请将以下内容添加到 nginx.conf 的“http”部分;
It means that you've reached an upload limit set by Bitbucket or another thing as @TheSteve0 has pointed out.
If you are running behind nginx remember that the default upload size is 1MB. To increase it add the following to the "http" section of nginx.conf;
Then restart nginx