.NET 程序集引用对我来说都是循环的

发布于 2024-08-23 15:42:51 字数 2407 浏览 0 评论 0原文


我正在尝试调试我的前任创建的 ac# 应用程序。他是一名程序员,我是一名系统管理员,也许这就是我出错的地方。




类型 'Mcrcsip.Web.McrcsipWebExceptionBase 是在一个程序集中定义的 没有引用。您必须添加一个 引用程序集“Mcrcsip.Web”, 版本=,文化=中立, PublicKeyToken=8bbdde85caf008d0'。




  • Mrcsip.Amwa.Solution
    • http://amwa-test.internal.lan/
    • Mcrcsip.Amwa.Core
      • Mcrcsip.Aws.Bol
      • Mcrcsip.Common
      • Mcrcsip.Web
      • nunit.framework
      • 系统
      • 系统.配置
      • 系统数据
      • 系统.企业服务
      • 系统.Web
      • 系统.Web.服务
      • 系统.XML
    • Mcrcsip.Amwa.CrFactory
      • CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine
      • CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Framework
      • CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.InfoStore
      • CrystalDecisions.ReportSource
      • CrystalDecisions.Shared
      • CrystalDecisions.Web
      • Mcrcsip.Amwa.Core
      • Mcrcsip.Web
      • 系统
      • 系统配置
      • 系统数据
      • 系统.绘图
      • 系统.Web
      • 系统.XML
    • Mcrcsip.Amwa.PdfFormHandler
      • itextsharp
      • Mcrcsip.Amwa.Core
      • Mcrcsip.Web
      • 系统
      • 系统.配置
      • 系统数据
      • 系统.Web
      • 系统.Xml
    • Mcrcsip.Amwa.Web
      • Mcrcsip.Amwa.Core
      • Mcrcsip.Amwa.CrFactory
      • Mcrcsip.Amwa.PdfFormHandler
      • Mcrcsip.Aws.BOL
      • Mcrcsip.Common
      • Mcrcsip.SharePoint
      • Mcrcsip.Web
      • 系统
      • 系统配置
      • 系统数据
      • 系统.EnterpriseServices
      • 系统.Web
      • 系统.Web.服务
      • 系统.XML
    • Mcrcsip.Amwa.WebControls
      • 系统
      • 系统数据
      • 系统.设计
      • 系统.绘图
      • 系统.Web
      • 系统.Xml
    • Mcrcsip.Amwa.Setup

Update: Last night, I decided that this is just too much work to change the folder where some reports are saved. My work-around here is to rename the folder, run the batch job I need done, and then change the folder name back to what it was originally. I feel like I could spend the rest of today and all of next week working on this and still have nothing to show. I'd rather catch hell for going against my boss than not be able to invoice our customers (which only happens once a year). Thank you to all those who have helped, I'm humbled by your willingness to help some anonymous fella in over his head. I'm not sure how to "abandon" this question but still give you guys props, I'll read the faq and any comments during lunch. Thank you.

I'm trying to debug a c# application that my predecessor created. he's a programmer, I'm a sysadmin, maybe that's where I'm going wrong.

Anyway, I need to recompile one of the assemblies and deploy it to our production server. When I compile it, I get the error:

The type 'Mcrcsip.Web.McrcsipWebExceptionBase is definined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'Mcrcsip.Web, Version=2.0.3266.28977, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c3de6c6abcdf794b'.

I happen to have a copy of that assembly, and when I delete the reference to the existing assembly ( with a different public key token) and add a reference to the assembly it's asking for, when I compile, I get this error message:

The type
is definined in an assembly that is
not referenced. You must add a
reference to assembly 'Mcrcsip.Web,
Version=, Culture=neutral,

If I search for this error on google (genericised, of course) I get a bunch of "this is how you add an assembly reference..." results.

How do I get off this merry-go-round?

Here's how the solution's laid out:

  • Mcrcsip.Amwa.Solution
    • http://amwa-test.internal.lan/
    • Mcrcsip.Amwa.Core
      • Mcrcsip.Aws.Bol
      • Mcrcsip.Common
      • Mcrcsip.Web
      • nunit.framework
      • System
      • System.Configuration
      • System.Data
      • System.Enterprise Services
      • System.Web
      • System.Web.Services
      • System.XML
    • Mcrcsip.Amwa.CrFactory
      • CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine
      • CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Framework
      • CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.InfoStore
      • CrystalDecisions.ReportSource
      • CrystalDecisions.Shared
      • CrystalDecisions.Web
      • Mcrcsip.Amwa.Core
      • Mcrcsip.Web
      • System
      • System.configuration
      • System.Data
      • System.Drawing
      • System.Web
      • System.XML
    • Mcrcsip.Amwa.PdfFormHandler
      • itextsharp
      • Mcrcsip.Amwa.Core
      • Mcrcsip.Web
      • System
      • System.Configuration
      • System.Data
      • System.Web
      • System.Xml
    • Mcrcsip.Amwa.Web
      • Mcrcsip.Amwa.Core
      • Mcrcsip.Amwa.CrFactory
      • Mcrcsip.Amwa.PdfFormHandler
      • Mcrcsip.Aws.BOL
      • Mcrcsip.Common
      • Mcrcsip.SharePoint
      • Mcrcsip.Web
      • System
      • System.configuration
      • System.Data
      • System.EnterpriseServices
      • System.Web
      • System.Web.Services
      • System.XML
    • Mcrcsip.Amwa.WebControls
      • System
      • System.Data
      • System.Design
      • System.Drawing
      • System.Web
      • System.Xml
    • Mcrcsip.Amwa.Setup

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口干舌燥 2024-08-30 15:42:51





通过重新阅读您的原始帖子,很明显您已经dll版本不一致问题。也就是说,您的解决方案中至少有一个项目依赖于 Mcrcsip.Web 版本 X,并且您的解决方案中至少有一个项目依赖于 Mcrcsip.Web 版本 Y [或更糟糕的是,依赖于依赖于 Mcrcsip.Web 版本 Y 的库]。追踪这些可能既困难又乏味。




  1. 当您具有依赖项(例如 A 依赖于 B 和 C,B 依赖于 C,
  2. A 和 B 最初是针对 C 版本 1 构建的,
  3. A 是针对 C 更新和构建的) ver 2,

与我们直观的预期相反,当我们构建 A 时,B 不会自动更新为使用 C ver 2。A 和 B 都必须引用相同库正确构建。因此,要么 A 必须符合 C ver 1,要么 B 必须重新构建并符合 C ver 2。


还值得知道的是,有两种依赖引用,硬依赖引用和软依赖引用[实际上,它们是相同的,即指向 dll 的链接,除了一种是另一种的特殊情况,从概念上讲,这有助于区分两者]。


硬引用是项目对静态 dll 的依赖。也就是说,依赖关系是在特定时间构建的,并且永远不会更新,除非其物理文件被新文件替换。通过“添加引用”对话框以及从 .Net、COM 或浏览选项卡添加引用,可以将硬引用添加到解决方案中。硬引用通常用于添加对当前解决方案范围之外开发的软件的依赖关系[即由其他内部团队开发的框架、第三方和其他第一方产品]。硬引用也有变得过时的趋势,因为它们是由自己的开发流维护和更新的。


  1. 您有一个依赖项,例如 A 依赖于 B 和 C,B 依赖于 C,
  2. A 和 B 最初是针对 C 版本 1 构建的,
  3. A 是针对 C 版本 2 更新和构建的,

此外,假设 A 和 B 都在相同的解决方案

  • SimpleSolution
    • A
      • B [硬引用]
      • C v2 [硬引用]
    • B
      • C v1 [硬引用]

当构建 A 时,您将收到您所描述的错误。 A 期望来自 C v2 的对象,但由于 B 对 C v1 具有硬依赖关系,因此 C v1 首先加载到内存中,从而发生冲突。 A 期望 v2 并找到 v1。那是你的错误。


  1. 将项目 B 硬引用 C v1 更新为 C v2
  2. 强制重建项目 B
  3. 将项目 A 硬引用 B 更新为[新建] B
  4. 强制重建 A


A 软引用是同一解决方案中一个项目对另一个项目的依赖关系。也就是说,每次重建整个解决方案时都会重建依赖关系。通过“添加引用”对话框将软引用添加到解决方案中,并从“项目”选项卡添加引用。软引用通常用于添加对当前解决方案范围内开发的软件的依赖关系,它们的主要优点是在同一解决方案中将更改传播给消费者。由于这个事实,软引用不可能是陈旧的。

[这是硬引用的特殊情况,Visual Studio 将添加一个指向目标项目的输出路径的引用,我相信如果目标项目更改其输出配置,它也会更新此路径 - 但这是一个非常方便的功能保证区别]


  1. 您有一个依赖项,例如 A 依赖于 B 和 C,B 依赖于 C,
  2. A 和 B 最初是针对 C 版本 1 构建的,
  3. A 是针对 C 版本 2 更新和构建的,

此外,假设 A 和B 在同一个解决方案

  • SimpleSolution 中
    • A
      • B [软参考]
      • C v2 [硬引用]
    • B
      • C v1 [硬引用]

当构建 A 时,您将收到您所描述的错误。 A 期望来自 C v2 的对象,但由于 B 对 C v1 具有硬依赖关系,因此 C v1 首先加载到内存中,从而发生冲突。 A 期望 v2 并找到 v1。那是你的错误。


  1. 请将项目 B 硬引用 C v1 更新为 C v2
  2. 强制重建 A


IL DASM [中间语言 DisASeMbler]


最简单的方法是打开构建输出目录,然后检查解决方案生成的每个 dll 的程序集清单。


  1. 请打开 ildasm.exe
    • 对于 VS2010,可以通过快捷方式使用 ildasm
    • 对于 VS2008 和 VS2005,打开 Visual Studio 命令提示符,从命令行键入“ildasm”
  2. 打开 dll,
    • 点击文件 ->打开,或者
    • 按 Ctrl-O,或
    • 将 dll 拖放到 ildasm 窗口
  3. 打开 MANIFEST
    • 双击标记为 MANIFEST 的红色三角形节点
  4. 查找对 Mcrcsip.Web 的引用
    • 单击“查找”并在对话框中输入 Mcrcsip.Web,或者
    • 按 Alt-F 并在对话框中输入 Mcrcsip.Web,或者
    • 手动检查 MANIFEST 文件的内容
  5. 验证版本号

这是繁琐且痛苦的,但如果您遇到[非平凡] dll 不一致错误,这是找到它的唯一方法。


  1. 确保您的解决方案在适用的情况下使用软引用,
    • 展开 Mcrcsip.Amwa.CrFactory
      • 展开参考
      • 删除引用 Mcrcsip.Amwa.Core
      • 打开“添加引用”对话框
      • 从“项目”选项卡打开 Mcrcsip.Amwa.Core
    • 展开 Mcrcsip.Amwa.PdfFormHandler
      • 展开参考
      • 删除引用 Mcrcsip.Amwa.Core
      • 打开“添加引用”对话框
      • 从“项目”选项卡打开 Mcrcsip.Amwa.Core
    • 展开 Mcrcsip.Amwa.Web
      • 展开参考
      • 删除引用 Mcrcsip.Amwa.Core
      • 删除引用 Mcrcsip.Amwa.CrFactory
      • 删除引用 Mcrcsip.Amwa.PdfFormHandler
      • 打开“添加引用”对话框
      • 从“项目”选项卡打开 Mcrcsip.Amwa.Core
      • 从“项目”选项卡打开 Mcrcsip.Amwa.CrFactory
      • 从“项目”选项卡打开 Mcrcsip.Amwa.PdfFormHandler
  2. 确保您的解决方案在适用的情况下使用新的硬引用,
    • 展开 Mcrcsip.Amwa.Core
      • 展开参考
      • 删除引用 Mcrcsip.Aws.Bol
      • 删除引用 Mcrcsip.Common
      • 删除引用 Mcrcsip.Web
      • 打开“添加引用”对话框
      • 从“浏览”选项卡打开 Mcrcsip.Aws.Bol [始终最好指定位置]
      • 从“浏览”选项卡打开 Mcrcsip.Common
      • 从“浏览”选项卡打开 Mcrcsip.Web
    • 展开 Mcrcsip.Amwa.CrFactory
      • 展开参考
      • 删除引用 Mcrcsip.Web
      • 打开“添加引用”对话框
      • 从“浏览”选项卡打开 Mcrcsip.Web
    • 展开 Mcrcsip.Amwa.PdfFormHandler
      • 展开参考
      • 删除引用 Mcrcsip.Web
      • 打开“添加引用”对话框
      • 从“浏览”选项卡打开 Mcrcsip.Web
    • 展开 Mcrcsip.Amwa.Web
      • 展开参考
      • 删除引用 Mcrcsip.Aws.Bol
      • 删除引用 Mcrcsip.Common
      • 删除引用 Mcrcsip.SharePoint
      • 删除引用 Mcrcsip.Web
      • 打开“添加引用”对话框
      • 从“浏览”选项卡打开 Mcrcsip.Aws.Bol
      • 从“浏览”选项卡打开 Mcrcsip.Common
      • 从“浏览”选项卡打开 Mcrcsip.SharePoint
      • 从“浏览”选项卡打开 Mcrcsip.Web
  3. 构建


  • Mcrcsip.Aws.BOL
  • Mcrcsip.Common
  • Mcrcsip.SharePoint

共享您的对 Mcrcsip.Web 的依赖,并且正在引用旧版本。如果是这种情况,则为上面列出的每个硬引用

  1. 选择一个引用
  2. ,按 F4
  3. 的路径属性打开文件对话框复制内容
  4. 从ildasm 中
  5. ,粘贴到文件名
  6. 检查 MANIFEST

确保执行此操作上述三个硬引用中的每一个。一旦您确定了这三个子集中的哪一个子集引用了旧版本的 Mcrcsip.Web,您现在就可以找到该项目,更新硬引用,重建它,然后最终更新您的强>硬引用,重建,瞧。鲍勃是你叔叔。


Le fin

PS 对于冗长表示歉意。这不是一个非常复杂的问题,但我相信您会同意,它涉及很多细节。我真的希望这有帮助。也感谢您的合作:)

PPS 顺便说一句,我从您的评论中推断原始开发人员在各处都使用了硬引用[即即使在同一解决方案中]。也许他有他的理由,但在我看来,那是屁股。

Reference inconsistencies or: how i learned how to stop worrying and love ILDASM

ahem, cough cough,



From re-reading your original post, it is clear that you have a dll version-inconsistency issue. That is, at least one project in your solution depends on Mcrcsip.Web version X, and at least one project in your solution depends on Mcrcsip.Web version Y [or worse still, depends on a library that depends on Mcrcsip.Web version Y]. These can be difficult and tedious to track down.

See Recommended Solution to skip to the end.


This sort of inconsistency arises when

  1. you have a dependency such as A depends on B and C, B depends on C,
  2. A and B are originally built against C ver 1,
  3. A is updated and built against C ver 2,

contrary to what we intuitively expect, B will not auto-magically update to use C ver 2 when we build A. Both A and B must reference the same library to build properly. So either A must conform to C ver 1, or B must be rebuilt and conform to C ver 2.

Now, this can happen in any project configuration, which is why it is important to version your software [believe me this problem gets worse without proper signing\versioning], and communicate well within your team whenever a dependency update occurs.

It is also worth knowing there are two kinds of dependency references, hard and soft [in actual fact, they are the same, that is links to dlls, except one is a special case of the other, and conceptually it helps to distinguish the two].

Hard References

A hard reference is a dependency of a project to a static dll. That is, the dependency was built at a specific time and will never update unless its physical file is replaced with a new one. Hard references are added to a solution via Add References dialog, and adding a reference from the .Net, COM, or Browse tabs. Hard references are typically used to add dependencies to software developed outside the scope of the current solution [ie framework, third party, and other first party products developed by other internal teams]. Hard references also have a tendency to become stale, because they are maintained and updated by their own development stream.

Assume scenario above

  1. you have a dependency such as A depends on B and C, B depends on C,
  2. A and B are originally built against C ver 1,
  3. A is updated and built against C ver 2,

Further, assume A and B are within the same solution

  • SimpleSolution
    • A
      • B [Hard reference]
      • C v2 [Hard reference]
    • B
      • C v1 [Hard reference]

When A is built, you will receive the error you described. A expects an object from C v2, but because B has a hard dependency on C v1, C v1 is loaded into memory first, and a collision occurs. A expects v2 and finds v1. That is your error.

To resolve this situation, you must

  1. Update project B hard reference C v1 to C v2
  2. Force rebuild of project B
  3. Update project A hard reference B to [newly built] B
  4. Force rebuild of A

Soft References

A soft reference is a dependency of a project to another project within the same solution. That is, the dependency is rebuilt every time the entire solution is rebuilt. Soft references are added to a solution via Add References dialog, and adding a reference from the Projects tab. Soft references are typically used to add dependencies to software developed inside the scope of the current solution, they have the primary advantage of propagating changes as they are made to consumers within the same solution. By virtue of this fact, soft references cannot be stale.

[this is a special case of a hard reference, Visual Studio will add a reference that points to the output path of the target project, i believe it also updates this path if the target project changes its output configuration - but a very handy feature that warrants distinction]

Assume scenario above

  1. you have a dependency such as A depends on B and C, B depends on C,
  2. A and B are originally built against C ver 1,
  3. A is updated and built against C ver 2,

Further, assume A and B are within the same solution

  • SimpleSolution
    • A
      • B [Soft reference]
      • C v2 [Hard reference]
    • B
      • C v1 [Hard reference]

When A is built, you will receive the error you described. A expects an object from C v2, but because B has a hard dependency on C v1, C v1 is loaded into memory first, and a collision occurs. A expects v2 and finds v1. That is your error.

To resolve,

  1. Update project B hard reference C v1 to C v2
  2. Force rebuild of A

As you can see, soft references are easier to maintain.

IL DASM [Intermediate Language DisASeMbler]

Now that you know a bit more about references, and project maintenance, how exactly do you ascertain the state of your build? After all, any one of your projects or their dependencies may be inconsistent.

The easy way is to open your build output directory, and inspect the assembly manifest of each and every single dll that your solution produced.

To inspect an assembly's manifest,

  1. open ildasm.exe
    • For VS2010, ildasm is available from shortcut
    • For VS2008 and VS2005, open a Visual Studio Command Prompt, from command line, type 'ildasm'
  2. open a dll,
    • click File -> Open, or
    • press Ctrl-O, or
    • drag and drop your dll into ildasm window
  3. open MANIFEST
    • double click red triangle node labeled MANIFEST
  4. find references to Mcrcsip.Web
    • click Find and enter Mcrcsip.Web into dialog box, or
    • press Alt-F and enter Mcrcsip.Web into dialog box, or
    • manually inspect contents of MANIFEST file
  5. verify version number

This is tedious and painful, but if you encounter a [non-trivial] dll inconsistency error, this is the only way to find it.

Recommended Solution

  1. Ensure your solution is using soft references where applicable,
    • expand Mcrcsip.Amwa.CrFactory
      • expand References
      • remove reference Mcrcsip.Amwa.Core
      • open Add References dialog
      • open Mcrcsip.Amwa.Core from Projects tab
    • expand Mcrcsip.Amwa.PdfFormHandler
      • expand References
      • remove reference Mcrcsip.Amwa.Core
      • open Add References dialog
      • open Mcrcsip.Amwa.Core from Projects tab
    • expand Mcrcsip.Amwa.Web
      • expand References
      • remove reference Mcrcsip.Amwa.Core
      • remove reference Mcrcsip.Amwa.CrFactory
      • remove reference Mcrcsip.Amwa.PdfFormHandler
      • open Add References dialog
      • open Mcrcsip.Amwa.Core from Projects tab
      • open Mcrcsip.Amwa.CrFactory from Projects tab
      • open Mcrcsip.Amwa.PdfFormHandler from Projects tab
  2. Ensure your solution is using fresh hard references where applicable,
    • expand Mcrcsip.Amwa.Core
      • expand References
      • remove reference Mcrcsip.Aws.Bol
      • remove reference Mcrcsip.Common
      • remove reference Mcrcsip.Web
      • open Add References dialog
      • open Mcrcsip.Aws.Bol from Browse tab [always best to specify location]
      • open Mcrcsip.Common from Browse tab
      • open Mcrcsip.Web from Browse tab
    • expand Mcrcsip.Amwa.CrFactory
      • expand References
      • remove reference Mcrcsip.Web
      • open Add References dialog
      • open Mcrcsip.Web from Browse tab
    • expand Mcrcsip.Amwa.PdfFormHandler
      • expand References
      • remove reference Mcrcsip.Web
      • open Add References dialog
      • open Mcrcsip.Web from Browse tab
    • expand Mcrcsip.Amwa.Web
      • expand References
      • remove reference Mcrcsip.Aws.Bol
      • remove reference Mcrcsip.Common
      • remove reference Mcrcsip.SharePoint
      • remove reference Mcrcsip.Web
      • open Add References dialog
      • open Mcrcsip.Aws.Bol from Browse tab
      • open Mcrcsip.Common from Browse tab
      • open Mcrcsip.SharePoint from Browse tab
      • open Mcrcsip.Web from Browse tab
  3. Build

If you still encounter errors at this step, then you know that one or all of

  • Mcrcsip.Aws.BOL
  • Mcrcsip.Common
  • Mcrcsip.SharePoint

shares your dependency on Mcrcsip.Web, and is referencing the old version. If this is the case, then for each hard reference listed above

  1. select a reference
  2. press F4
  3. copy contents from Path property
  4. open file dialog in ildasm
  5. paste into File name
  6. inspect MANIFEST

Make sure you do this for each and every one of the three hard references above. once you identify which subset of those three are referencing the old version of Mcrcsip.Web, you may now find that project, update its hard reference, rebuild it, and then finally update your hard reference, rebuild, and voila. Bob's your uncle.


Le fin

PS apologies for verbosity. this isn't a terribly complex problem, but as i am sure you would agree, it involves a lot of detail. i really hope this helps. thanks for your co-operation too :)

PPS btw, i am inferring from your comments that original developer used hard references everywhere [ie even within same solution]. perhaps he had his reasons, but imo, that is ass.

凉城已无爱 2024-08-30 15:42:51

如果右键单击引用,转到属性,“特定版本”设置为什么?确保它设置为“True”并且列出的版本确实是 2.0.x。

在属性页面中,仔细检查路径。您可能在 GAC 的其他地方注册了优先的不同版本。在命令行中使用“gacutil -l”来获取该程序集的所有注册版本的列表。如果您看到具有不同密钥的重复项,请使用 gacutil 删除您不想要的密钥。

If you right-click the reference, go to properties, what is "Specific Version" set to? Make sure that it is set to 'True' and the version listed is indeed 2.0.x.

In the properties page, double-check the path. You might have a different version registered elsewhere in your GAC that is getting precedence. Use "gacutil -l " in the command line to get a list of all registered versions of that assembly. If you see duplicates with different keys, use gacutil to nuke the one you don't want.

失眠症患者 2024-08-30 15:42:51

观看“批量构建”选项下的其他构建。这将让您优先考虑首先构建哪个程序集,然后依赖项将根据需要以正确的顺序获取其 DLL。

Watch the build other under the Batch Build options. This will let you prioritize what assembly to build first, then dependencies shall get their DLL as required in the proper order.

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