
发布于 2024-08-23 09:27:28 字数 1431 浏览 5 评论 0原文

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捎一片雪花 2024-08-30 09:27:28
  • 每天

    站立会议(简短)每个人都在场,可以帮助每个人了解彼此在做什么。这也有助于经理摆脱一些管理障碍,有助于防止颠簸,并把给每个人一点压力,而经理不必这样做。 (你想要完成一些事情,这样你明天早上就会在同事面前看起来很好)。 Scrum 等方法将这一点正式化。

  • 与不同的团队成员一起进行代码审查。非经理团队成员之一是否更有经验?让这个人与其他人一起进行代码审查会很好;他/她会分享他们的经验,并成为了解大部分情况的其他人(除了经理)。没有法律规定在同行评审中,一个人必须比另一个人资历更高,并且是宣布代码正确或错误的人。我认为,如果两个“同行”正在进行代码审查,他们应该从结对编程开始。

  • 如果您正在尝试编写一些高质量的代码,某些代码可能适合pair -编程。 XP 人们说你应该一直这样做,但我相信有时这样做会更有帮助。例如,当一名开发人员比另一名开发人员更有经验时,这有助于指导。此外,当您希望在某个特定领域传播知识时。 (只有一个人理解系统的一部分;下次需要修改时,让那个人与其他人一起打字。)此外,有时系统的一部分非常重要,正确地编写它比每分钟的代码行数重要得多。这是一个让两个人共同解决问题的好地方,最终两个人对这个关键代码而不是一个人有深入的了解。

  • 比如每周一次,让某人在午餐期间就他们正在做的有趣的事情进行简短的谈话。这可以引发热烈的讨论,促进信心和相互尊重,但我们在这里感兴趣的是它可以提高意识。

  • 重视、支持并相信优秀的代码。一些商店(主要是经理)并不真正相信好的代码,这导致人们只是破坏(蹩脚)代码,即使开发人员可以做得很好代码。如果开发人员对他们正在编写的代码感到满意,如果您时不时地实施一些新技术,如果高质量的工作对您的职业生涯有所帮助,那么关于代码的沟通就会容易得多。

以及有关结对编程的更多信息。本次讨论的结对编程的关键部分是结对编程促进 共享代码和交叉知识。我之所以提到结对编程特别有用的具体地方,是因为“我们将进行结对编程”策略的成功率约为 10%。另外 90% 的人,即这种做法的支持者,当一位大经理问“为什么所有这些人坐在同一张办公桌上?”时,他们无法给出足够好的答案。结对编程的优势肯定比仅由一名程序员进行的优势高出 200% 以上,因为您使用的是两个人在正确的时间进行结对编程可以提高您的解决方案/降压比;在错误的时间它可以减少它。

  • Standup meetings each day (keep them short) with everyone present help everyone understand what each other is doing. This also helps the manager get some management out of the way, helps prevents thrashing, and puts a little pressure on each individual without the manager having to do it. (You want to have something done so you'll look good in front of your peers tomorrow morning). Some methodologies like Scrum formalize this.

  • Have code review with different team members. Is one of the non-manager team members more experienced? Having this person do code review with others would be good; he/she would share their experience and be someone else (besides the manager) who knows most of what's going on. There's no law that says in a peer review one person must be more senior than the other and be the one who declares code right or wrong. I think though that if two "peers" are doing code review, they should just pair-program to begin with.

  • if your are trying to write some quality code, certain bits of code might lend themselves to pair-programming. XP people say you should do this all the time, but I believe it's more helpful sometimes and other times. For example, when one developer is more experienced than the other, this helps with mentoring. Also, when there is a specific area where you want knowledge to be spread. (Only one guy understands a part of the system; next time that needs revising, have that guy do it with the other person typing.) Also, sometimes a part of the system is really important, and having it crafted correctly is far more important than lines-of-code per minute. This is a great place to have two heads on the problem, and in the end two people have intimate knowledge of this key code instead of one.

  • Something like once a week, have someone present a short talk during lunch on something interesting they're doing. This can generate great discussion, promote confidence and mutual respect, but what we're interested in here is that it promotes awareness.

  • Value, support and believe in good code. Some shops (the managers mainly) don't really believe in good code, and this leads to people just busting out (crappy) code, even if the developers could make great code. Communication about code happens a lot easier if developers are happy with the code they're making, if you're implementing some new technology now and then, and if quality work helps your career.

And more about pair programming. The key part of pair programming for this discussion is that pair-progrmaming promotes shared code and cross-knowledge. The reason I mention the specific places where pair programming is particularly helpful is because the policy "we're going to do pair programming" succeeds about 10% of the time. The other 90%, the proponents of the practice can't give a good enough answer when a big manager asks, "why are all these people sitting at the same desks?" The advantages of pair programming have to be 200%+ than just one programmer doing it, because you're using two people. Done at the right time, pair programming can increase your solution/buck ratio; at the wrong time it can decrease it.

蓝颜夕 2024-08-30 09:27:28



Agile techniques like pair programming and daily stand-up meetings are good formal ways to get communication happening.

But it sounds like what you really need to do is just get people talking to each other. Developers tend to be introverts, so you have to work at this. Have lunch together. Look over each other's shoulders. Ask for advice from one another (even when you don't need it). Ask each other about those weird technologies that not everyone understands. Gather for integration tests.

独木成林 2024-08-30 09:27:28



I am in a similar situation at my workplace. Some members of the team are, like you said, highly independent and do not share any insight or practices with other member of the team. I find this to be highly unprofessional and overall hurtful to the team.

Of course it's only inevitable to have some members more proficient than others, and, in the world of programming, some members will have trouble shoving their egos aside. The best thing to do is to have scheduled meetings and code reviews in which everyone is involved. Have a central documentation site where people can post certain techniques that they use. If you figure something out that you think can be useful to the rest of the team, upload it to the site and send an e-mail telling everyone. Communication is key.

殊姿 2024-08-30 09:27:28


我认为站立会议对你来说是一个好的开始。您可以在 Martin Fowler - 这不仅仅是站着:每日站立会议的模式中找到更多信息

What could help you are daily stand-ups (from agile development). It takes only couple of minutes and basicaly all the members present to the others status of their work, problems they deal with and plans for tomorrow.

I think stand-ups is a good start for you. You can find some more info e.g. at Martin Fowler - It's Not Just Standing Up: Patterns of Daily Stand-up Meetings

财迷小姐 2024-08-30 09:27:28



In our team, we have progress meetings every week. This allows to discover what others do and where each one is placed in the big picture.

Sometimes it is followed by a mini social event when we share a homemade cake. The name of the person who brings the cake next time is written in the minutes of progress meeeting.

却一份温柔 2024-08-30 09:27:28


一起去烧烤,打足球,在工作之外找一些大家都喜欢的团队活动。这将教会人们相互信任,而不是“独立”,并将其他所有有用的团队实践(如 scrum 会议或结对编程)的效果乘以 10。


Go make BBQ together, play foosball, find some team activity besides work that everyone likes. That will teach people to trust each other as opposed to being "independent" and multiply by 10 the effect of every other useful team practice, like scrum-meeting or pair programming.

三岁铭 2024-08-30 09:27:28

以下是我的一些想法(小公司,三名程序员;曾经在一个大约 20 人的团队中工作)。

  • 某种进度报告,以便每个人都可以看到其他人正在做什么。 “我一直在做的事情”会议对某些人有用,但我不喜欢它们——它们太严格了,为此目的举行的坐下来的会议常常会变成浪费时间和/或者容易消失在老鼠洞里。在我目前的工作中,我们有一个 cron 作业,提醒我们每周发送进度电子邮件:在这些电子邮件中,我们应该说明我们已经取得的成就、待办事项列表中接下来的几项(在适当的情况下进行估计)、我们遇到的任何问题。遇到过。
  • 选择性提交通知。很少有人会粗略地浏览一下全公司范围内的提交邮件(即使是在我的小团队中) - 但如果您可以授权每个开发人员仅监控他们正在工作的领域,他们可能可以跟踪它。 (无论如何,你不应该让太多的人同时处理同一段代码。太多的厨师等等。)
  • 某种提供待办事项列表的票务系统可能会有所帮助。不过,您需要非常清楚如何管理它 - 特别是您的发起和关闭工单的流程是什么。
  • 内部文档。这是一个难题;有些开发人员讨厌它,有些开发人员写得太多,有些开发人员写得足够多。至少一半的问题出在索引和表示上;如果你需要的信息深埋在一份名为“小心豹子”的难以理解的文件中五层深处,那是没有好处的。我非常喜欢用于此目的的维基,因为它们非常易于使用。
  • 当团队规模超过一定规模时,您可能会发现管理您的文档成为了一项全职工作。在以前的工作场所,我们花了钱购买了搜索引擎设备,不断地爬行我们的内部网站点,这非常棒。

Here are some thoughts off the top of my head (small company, three programmers; used to work in a team of about 20).

  • Some sort of progress reporting so that everybody can see what everybody else is working on. "What I've been working on" meetings work for some people, but I'm not a fan of them - they're too regimented, and a sit-down meeting for this purpose can often turn into a waste of time and/or be prone to disappearing down ratholes. At my current work we have a cron job that reminds us to send our weekly progress emails: in these we are expected to say what we've achieved, the next few items on our todo list (with estimates where appropriate), any problems we've encountered.
  • Selective commit notifications. Very few people pay more than a cursory glance to company-wide commit mails (even in my small team) - but if you can empower each developer to monitor just the fields they're working in, they probably can keep track of it. (You shouldn't have too many people working on the same piece of code at once, anyway. Too many cooks and all that.)
  • Some sort of ticketing system to provide a todo list can be helpful. You need to be very clear over how this is managed, though - particularly what your processes are for originating and closing tickets.
  • Internal documentation. This is a hard problem; some developers hate it, some write far too much, and some write just enough. At least half the problem is in indexing and presentation; it's no good if the information you need is buried five layers deep in an impenetrable document entitled "Beware of the Leopard". I'm quite a fan of wikis for this purpose as they're so easy to use.
  • Above a certain size of team you might find it becomes a full-time job for somebody to manage your documentation. At a previous workplace we spent the money on a search engine appliance, continually crawling our intranet sites, which was wonderful.
栀梦 2024-08-30 09:27:28


  • 每天的站立会议是必须的。根据我的经验,进行得很好
  • 维基百科也是必不可少的。您可以提出标准做法并
    关于并维护 wiki 中的内容。当
  • 的成员都在场
  • 引发大量“商店”讨论的最后一个做法是,每个

We are in a similar situation (a long project and are all friends), and had similar problems. The following practices allowed us to improve a lot:

  • Daily standup meeting are a must. In my experience a well conducted
    daily standup is the best thing to encourage communication among the
    team. Everyone knows what all team members are doing, and can help
    out with any problem.
  • A wiki is also essential. You can put up standard practices and
    technologies that are used within the team. To have everyone actively
    participate, the leader assigns all team members something to write
    about and maintain whithin the wiki. It is particuarly effective when
    each one writes about something that they particularly likes or is
    interested in.
  • Try to have the whole team present, or all the members that are
    available, in meetings where requirements/features are analyzed,
    priorized, etc. It doesn't matter if some of members of the team are
    not specificaly working in that area of the project. This will give
    context to everybody and a broader vision of the project. It will
    allow (and encourage) them to participate in this discussions of the
    project as a whole, and not solely concentrate on the part that they
    are working on. This practice will motivate a lot of discussion, all
    of us when given a chance and knowledge (it only takes a very small
    amount) have an opinion and like to comment on all everything within
    the project.
  • The final practice that motivates a lot of "shop" talk, is that every
    two week some member gives a small presentation about some technology or
    technique. Generaly it includes practical exercises, and time discuss
    and ask questions.
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