在 HTML 中显示街道地址最语义化的方式是什么?
我有一个将在网页上显示的地址,但它不是该页面作者的地址。根据 w3c 建议<,应如何将其编码为语义< /a> 的:
作者可以使用 ADDRESS 元素来提供文档或文档主要部分(例如表单)的联系信息。该元素通常出现在文档的开头或结尾。
I have an address that is going to be displayed on a webpage, but it is not the address for the author of the page. How should this be coded to be semantic given the w3c recommendation of:
The ADDRESS element may be used by authors to supply contact information for a document or a major part of a document such as a form. This element often appears at the beginning or end of a document.
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您可以使用 hCard 微格式 来描述您的地址。微格式的优点是您可以在现有文档中使用它们来丰富它们。
下面是一个源自 Microformats wiki 的示例:
You could use the hCard Microformat to describe your address. The advantage of Microformats is that you can use them in your existing documents to enrich them.
Here’s an example derived from the example from the Microformats wiki:
Gumbo 的答案缺少一种成分。 hcard/vcard需要有名称 (fn)。
The answer by Gumbo is missing an ingredient. An hcard/vcard is required to have a name (fn).
Also the address tag should not be used in this case as it is specifically used to relate to the author of the page it is displayed on.
Most business wanting to display their address on their website should use the following:
您可以使用 RDFa,例如:
you can use RDFa, eg:
为此,您可以使用 Schema.org 词汇表的 PostalAddress 项。它可以通过微数据、RDFa,或 JSON- LD。
例如,使用 RDFa:
You can use the Schema.org vocabulary's PostalAddress item for this. It can be used via Microdata, RDFa, or JSON-LD.
For example, using RDFa:
AFAIK, this should also be valid with
in place of the enclosing<div>