在 Visio 中从 Java 代码创建 UML 图
有什么方法可以从 Java 代码“自动”创建类图吗?我愿意使用任何 Eclipse 插件或任何其他解决方案。我不关心我必须导入/导出多少类型的数据才能实现这一点。
Is there any way to "auto-magically" create Class Diagrams from Java code? I am open to using any eclipse plugins, or any other solutions.. I don't care how many types of data I have to import/export through to get this to happen.
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Visio 是 Microsoft 产品,它无法识别 Java 库类或语法。
JUDE 社区版可以导入和导出 Java 5。如果您使用 Java,它可能更适合。而且它是免费的。
Visio being a Microsoft product, it doesn't recognize the Java library classes or syntax.
JUDE community edition can import and export Java 5. It might be better suited if you're using Java. And it's free.