
发布于 2024-08-22 11:19:44 字数 4241 浏览 3 评论 0原文

每首诗分为两票,一票为诗歌 ID,另一票为诗歌 ID,获胜者为投票者。第二条记录与第一条记录相反。也许有更好的方法,但我试图找到一段时间内获胜率最高的诗歌。由于每次比较都有双重记录,这很令人困惑。我是否应该添加另一个表 Results,其中包含两条投票记录的 Comparison_id?

Here is a sample
poem_id:1 other_poem_id:2 wins:3
poem_id:2 other_poem_id:1 wins:3
so it is 50% rather than a running tally

   scope :recent, lambda {
    { :joins => "JOIN votes ON votes.poem_id = poems.id",
      :conditions => ["poems.created_at > ?", 8.days.ago],
      :order => "votes.wins DESC",
      :limit => 10 

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: SQLite3::SQLException:不明确 列名称:created_at:SELECT
“诗”。* 来自“诗”加入 投票 ON votes.poem_id = Poems.id 哪里(创建于>'2010-02-12 15:12:35.764252') ORDER BY 胜出 DESC 限制 10

以下是跟踪诗歌排名的模型。我昨天刚写了第一稿。看起来有点笨拙,但我还不知道如何改进它。 DailyRanking.tabulate 每晚都会被 cron 调用。 (模型后面是比较的架构。)

# == Schema Information
# Schema version: 20100221120442
# Table name: daily_rankings
#  id          :integer         not null, primary key
#  poem_id     :integer
#  rank        :integer
#  percentile  :integer
#  wins        :integer
#  losses      :integer
#  draws       :integer
#  comparisons :integer
#  created_at  :datetime
#  updated_at  :datetime

class DailyRanking < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :poem
  class << self
    def tabulate
      # 1. get all comparisons over the past 24 hours
      comparisons = Comparison.day.all
      # 2. collect poem id for each time it wins

      # TODO make hash of "poem_id" => {:wins => a, :losses => b, :draws => c}

      a, results = 0, []

      while a < comparisons.size
        c = comparisons[a]
        if c.poem1_id == c.winner_id
          results << c.poem1_id
        elsif c.poem2_id == c.winner_id
          results << c.poem2_id
        a += 1
      # 3. presort by poem count

      a, unsorted_wins = 0, []

      until results.empty?
        unsorted_wins << [results.first, results.count(results.first)]
      # 4. sort by win count

      sorted_wins = unsorted_wins.sort { |a, b| b[1] <=> a[1] }

      # 5. repeat for losses
      a, results = 0, []

      while a < comparisons.size
        c = comparisons[a]
        if c.poem1_id == c.loser_id
          results << c.poem1_id
        elsif c.poem2_id == c.loser_id
          results << c.poem2_id
        a += 1

      unsorted_losses = []

      until results.empty?
        unsorted_losses << [results.first, results.count(results.first)]

      sorted_losses = unsorted_losses.sort { |a, b| b[1] <=> a[1] } 

      # 6. sort wins v losses

        # a. sort wins[poem] v losses[poem]
        # b. get poem and pct wins for wins[poem]
        # c. delete wins[poem] and losses[poem]
        # repeat

      unsorted_results, a = [], 0

      while a < sorted_wins.size
        poem_id = sorted_wins[a][0]
        wins = sorted_wins[a][1]
        losses = sorted_losses.select do |item| 
            item.second if item.first == poem_id

        unsorted_results << [ poem_id, wins / (wins + losses).to_f ]

        a += 1

      # 7. sort by pct

      sorted_results = unsorted_results.sort { |a, b| b[1] <=> a[1] }

      # 8. persist rankings

      sorted_results.each_with_index do |result, index|
        ranking = find_or_create_by_rank(index + 1)
        ranking.poem_id = result.first

# == Schema Information
# Schema version: 20100221120442
# Table name: comparisons
#  id         :integer         not null, primary key
#  poem1_id   :integer
#  poem2_id   :integer
#  response   :string(4)       default("none"), not null
#  winner_id  :integer
#  loser_id   :integer
#  user_id    :integer
#  session_id :integer
#  ip         :string(15)
#  created_at :datetime
#  updated_at :datetime

class Comparison < ActiveRecord::Base

  scope :day,   lambda { { :conditions => ["created_at > ?", 1.day.ago] } }


Each Poem as two Votes, one as poem_id, other_poem_id, wins & the second record which is the inverse of the first. Maybe there is a better way, but I'm trying to find the poems with the highest win percent over a period of time. It's confusing because of the double records for each comparison. Should I add another table, Results, which has a comparison_id for the two Vote records?

Here is a sample
poem_id:1 other_poem_id:2 wins:3
poem_id:2 other_poem_id:1 wins:3
so it is 50% rather than a running tally

   scope :recent, lambda {
    { :joins => "JOIN votes ON votes.poem_id = poems.id",
      :conditions => ["poems.created_at > ?", 8.days.ago],
      :order => "votes.wins DESC",
      :limit => 10 

SQLite3::SQLException: ambiguous
column name: created_at: SELECT
"poems".* FROM "poems" JOIN
votes ON votes.poem_id = poems.id
WHERE (created_at > '2010-02-12
15:12:35.764252') ORDER BY wins DESC

edit: I changed the schema, here is what I'm working with now...

the following is a model keeping track of rankings for poems. I just wrote this 1st draft yesterday. It seems a bit clunky, but I don't know how to improve it just yet. DailyRanking.tabulate will be called every night by cron. (following the model is the schema for the Comparison.)

# == Schema Information
# Schema version: 20100221120442
# Table name: daily_rankings
#  id          :integer         not null, primary key
#  poem_id     :integer
#  rank        :integer
#  percentile  :integer
#  wins        :integer
#  losses      :integer
#  draws       :integer
#  comparisons :integer
#  created_at  :datetime
#  updated_at  :datetime

class DailyRanking < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :poem
  class << self
    def tabulate
      # 1. get all comparisons over the past 24 hours
      comparisons = Comparison.day.all
      # 2. collect poem id for each time it wins

      # TODO make hash of "poem_id" => {:wins => a, :losses => b, :draws => c}

      a, results = 0, []

      while a < comparisons.size
        c = comparisons[a]
        if c.poem1_id == c.winner_id
          results << c.poem1_id
        elsif c.poem2_id == c.winner_id
          results << c.poem2_id
        a += 1
      # 3. presort by poem count

      a, unsorted_wins = 0, []

      until results.empty?
        unsorted_wins << [results.first, results.count(results.first)]
      # 4. sort by win count

      sorted_wins = unsorted_wins.sort { |a, b| b[1] <=> a[1] }

      # 5. repeat for losses
      a, results = 0, []

      while a < comparisons.size
        c = comparisons[a]
        if c.poem1_id == c.loser_id
          results << c.poem1_id
        elsif c.poem2_id == c.loser_id
          results << c.poem2_id
        a += 1

      unsorted_losses = []

      until results.empty?
        unsorted_losses << [results.first, results.count(results.first)]

      sorted_losses = unsorted_losses.sort { |a, b| b[1] <=> a[1] } 

      # 6. sort wins v losses

        # a. sort wins[poem] v losses[poem]
        # b. get poem and pct wins for wins[poem]
        # c. delete wins[poem] and losses[poem]
        # repeat

      unsorted_results, a = [], 0

      while a < sorted_wins.size
        poem_id = sorted_wins[a][0]
        wins = sorted_wins[a][1]
        losses = sorted_losses.select do |item| 
            item.second if item.first == poem_id

        unsorted_results << [ poem_id, wins / (wins + losses).to_f ]

        a += 1

      # 7. sort by pct

      sorted_results = unsorted_results.sort { |a, b| b[1] <=> a[1] }

      # 8. persist rankings

      sorted_results.each_with_index do |result, index|
        ranking = find_or_create_by_rank(index + 1)
        ranking.poem_id = result.first

# == Schema Information
# Schema version: 20100221120442
# Table name: comparisons
#  id         :integer         not null, primary key
#  poem1_id   :integer
#  poem2_id   :integer
#  response   :string(4)       default("none"), not null
#  winner_id  :integer
#  loser_id   :integer
#  user_id    :integer
#  session_id :integer
#  ip         :string(15)
#  created_at :datetime
#  updated_at :datetime

class Comparison < ActiveRecord::Base

  scope :day,   lambda { { :conditions => ["created_at > ?", 1.day.ago] } }


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剑心龙吟 2024-08-29 11:19:44

我认为适合您的 SQL 查询类似于 SELECT Poems.*, Percentage as ((SELECT Wins FROM votes WHERE Poem_id = Poem.id WHERE Created_at > 8.days.ago) / (SELECT Wins来自投票 WHERE other_poem_id =诗歌.id WHERE created_at > 8.days.ago)) 按百分比 DESC LIMIT 10 排序。至于如何优化它并将其转换为 Rails 范围,我不确定。

但是,您遇到的错误是由于 ["poems.created_at > ?", 8.days.ago] 条件转换为 SQL 的方式造成的。 SQLite 不知道您是在寻找诗歌.created_at 还是 votes.created_at(顺便说一句,根据您的描述,我认为您正在寻找 votes.created_at)。

I think a SQL query that would work for you would be something like SELECT poems.*, percentage as ((SELECT wins FROM votes WHERE poem_id = poem.id WHERE created_at > 8.days.ago) / (SELECT wins FROM votes WHERE other_poem_id = poem.id WHERE created_at > 8.days.ago)) ORDER BY percentage DESC LIMIT 10. As far as how to optimize that and translate it to a Rails scope, I'm not sure.

However, the error you are experiencing is due to the way that the ["poems.created_at > ?", 8.days.ago] condition is being translated to SQL. SQLite doesn't know whether you are looking for poems.created_at or votes.created_at (and by the way, from your description, I think you are wanting votes.created_at).

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