PHP中有没有类似于VB中的Option Explicit的东西
PHP 中的严格模式?
我正在用 PHP 做一个大项目。在 PHP 中,您不需要声明变量。这给我带来了很多问题。
在 Visual Basic 6 中,Option Explicit 语句强制声明变量。 PHP 中有类似的东西吗?
Possible Duplicate:
Strict mode in PHP?
I am doing a big project in PHP. In PHP you do not need to declare variables. This is causing a lot of problems for me.
In Visual Basic 6, the Option Explicit statement makes it mandatory to declare variables. Is something similar available in PHP?
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如果您打开 E_NOTICE 错误消息,PHP 将告诉您有关未初始化变量的信息:
If you turn on E_NOTICE error messages, PHP will tell you about uninitialized variables:
Uninitialized is a little bit different than undeclared, but it should give you a similar effect.
更一般的提示:使用函数而不是全局代码,并使它们变小(最多 20 行)。由于变量是函数的局部变量,因此忘记或拼错变量名称的可能性较小。
throws a notice when you attempt to use an undefined variable
a more general tip: use functions instead of global code, and make them small (max. 20 lines). Since variables are local to functions, there's less chance to forget or misspell a variable name.
增加 错误报告级别 仅在未定义的变量/元素用作右值时影响 php 的行为,例如 <代码>echo $doesnotexist;。
< /a> 还禁止使用未声明的变量作为左值php 中没有类似的选项或配置参数。
Increasing the error reporting level only affects php's behaviour when an undefined variable/element is used as rvalue, like
echo $doesnotexist;
option explicit on
also prohibits the use of undeclared variables as lvalueThere's no similar option or config parameter in php.