如何在 Linux 上使用 Meld 进行合并
我想使用 Meld 解决 SVN 文件的一些冲突。我正在使用 Head 版本和我的版本来解决冲突。我无法找到如何进行合并操作并解决冲突。当我右键单击该行时,我只看到复制、粘贴、剪切、创建补丁复制到右侧、复制到左侧选项。有没有办法像这样“在我之后复制这一行”或“在我之前复制这一行”?我在 Windows 上工作时使用过 WinMerge。现在我搬到了 Ubuntu 机器,第一次面对这种情况。请帮助我如何使用 Meld 解决冲突。
I want to resolve some conflicts of an SVN file using Meld. I'm using the Head version and my version to resolve the conflicts. I am unable to find how to do the merge operation and resolve the conflicts. When i'm right clicking on the line, i just see copy, paste, cut, create patch copy to right, copy to left options. Is there any way to do "Copy this line after mine" or "copy this line before mine" like that?? I used WinMerge when i was working on Windows. Now i moved to a Ubuntu machine and facing this situation for the first time. Please help me how to resolve the conflicts using Meld.
Thanks in advance
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对于 Meld 1.4.0 或更早版本,您需要按住
并单击窗格之间的栏中的箭头。在 Meld 1.5.0 或更高版本中,主菜单中的“复制上方/左下方/右下方”项目可以满足您的需求。您还可以使用键盘快捷键(
),或使用上面的中间栏。With Meld 1.4.0 or earlier, you need to hold down
and click on the arrows in the bar between the panes.With Meld 1.5.0 or later, there are items in the main menu for "Copy above/below left/right" that do what you're looking for. You can also use keyboard shortcuts (
, and'
), or use the middle bar as above.按住 CTRL 键并单击箭头
CTRL-click on the arrows
Meld 是一个很棒的工具!
There's no menu option to do exactly that but it is easily achievable.
Just select the line / lines from one window and copy (CTRL-C, CTRL-V) to the other window wherever it makes sense
You can also manually add new code to either window.
Meld is a great tool!