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Closed 9 years ago.
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我知道 XPS 解析和渲染的两个开源实现:GhostXPS 与 Ghostscript 一起使用,还有 MuXPS。 MuXPS 是 GhostXPS 的一个分支,它基于 MuPDF 图形库。 MuXPS 仍然很新,但您可以在 MuPDF git 存储库中找到源代码。
I know of two open source implementations of XPS parsing and rendering: there is GhostXPS for use with Ghostscript, and MuXPS. MuXPS is a fork of GhostXPS which is based on the MuPDF graphics library instead. MuXPS is still very new, but you can find the source in the MuPDF git repository.
强大的维基百科说KDE Okular 支持 OpenXPS。
Mighty Wikipedia says that KDE Okular supports OpenXPS.
Artifex has GhostXPS which can read XPS packages