对 Git 提交 ID 施加部分排序
我正在将工作场所的基础设施转换为使用 git 而不是 svn。整体迁移进展顺利,但我们有一个我开发的工具来进行 SQL 模式迁移。
为了处理各个架构更改依赖性,迁移脚本使用 subversion 关键字替换将最后更改的修订号放入架构中。对于 git,我们不能使用相同的想法,因为修订历史是非线性的(并且我们完全打算利用分支功能)。
因此,如何从 git 中获取按拓扑排序的提交 ID 列表?除此之外,有人对如何处理这个问题有更好的想法吗?
I'm converting the infrastructure at my workplace to use git instead of svn. The overall migration is going well, but we have a tool that I developed to do our SQL schema migrations.
In order to deal with individual schema change dependencies, the migrations script used subversion keyword replacement to put the last-changed revision number in the schema. With git, we can't use the same idea, since revision history is non-linear (and we're fully intending on utilizing the branching features).
Therefore, how do I get a topologically sorted list of commit ids out of git? Barring that, anyone have a better idea for how to handle this problem?
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That shows newest-first. If you want oldest-first, add
如果您希望有一种方法来跟踪文件来自源代码存储库中的位置,您可能需要研究标记您的工作并找到某种方法来使用文件来源的标签来标记文件。其中一些取决于您的实际部署过程,但我的简短答案是用基于标签的机制替换 svn 关键字。 (实际上,这可能是你一直应该在 svn 中做的事情。)
If you want to have a way to track where a file came from in your source code repository, you may want to look into tagging your work and finding some way to mark the file with the tag it came from. Some of this depends on your actual deployment process, but my short answer would be to replace svn keywords with a tag-based mechanism. (It may have been what you should have been doing in svn all along, actually.)
I've heard "smudge filters" mentioned around here, but I haven't used them myself, so I can't speculate how they might fit in here.