Zend Framework:我应该如何在 Zend_Db 中对我的 Mapper 进行单元测试?
我将如何在 Zend_Db 中测试我的映射器? 我的每个模型都有 3 个类:
- 模型
- 映射器
- DbTable
// Call Model_BugTest::main() if this source file is executed directly.
if (!defined("PHPUnit_MAIN_METHOD")) {
define("PHPUnit_MAIN_METHOD", "Model_ArtistTest::main");
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../TestHelper.php';
/** Model_Artist */
require_once 'Artist.php';
* Test class for Model_Artist.
* @group Models
class Model_ArtistTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* Runs the test methods of this class.
* @return void
public static function main()
$suite = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite("Model_ArtistTest");
$result = PHPUnit_TextUI_TestRunner::run($suite);
* Sets up the fixture, for example, open a network connection.
* This method is called before a test is executed.
* @return void
public function setUp()
$this->model = new Ly_Model_Artist();
* Tears down the fixture, for example, close a network connection.
* This method is called after a test is executed.
* @return void
public function tearDown()
public function testCanDoTest()
public function testCanFindArtist()
$artist = "Rage Against the Machine";
$result = $this->model->findbyalpha($artist);
我正在使用 Matthew 的 TestHelper: http://github.com/weierophinney/bugapp/blob/master/tests/TestHelper.php
c:\xampp\htdocs\ly\tests>phpunit --configuration phpunit.xml
PHPUnit 3.4.10 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Fatal error: Class 'Ly_Model_ArtistMapper' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\ly\appli
cation\models\Artist.php on line 72
* Artist Model
class Ly_Model_Artist
protected $_id; //a field
protected $_name; //a field
protected $_mapper;
public function __construct(array $options = null)
if (is_array($options)) {
public function __set($name, $value)
$pieces = explode('_', $name);
foreach($pieces AS $key => $row) {
$pieces[$key] = ucfirst($row);
$name = implode('',$pieces);
$method = 'get' . $name;
if (('mapper' == $name) || !method_exists($this, $method)) {
throw new Exception('Invalid group property');
public function __get($name)
$pieces = explode('_', $name);
foreach($pieces AS $key => $row) {
$pieces[$key] = ucfirst($row);
$name = implode('',$pieces);
$method = 'get' . $name;
if (('mapper' == $name) || !method_exists($this, $method)) {
throw new Exception('Invalid group property');
return $this->$method();
public function setOptions(array $options)
$methods = get_class_methods($this);
foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
$method = 'set' . ucfirst($key);
if (in_array($method, $methods)) {
return $this;
public function setMapper($mapper)
$this->_mapper = $mapper;
return $this;
public function getMapper()
if (null === $this->_mapper) {
$this->setMapper(new Ly_Model_ArtistMapper());
return $this->_mapper;
public function setId($id)
$this->_id = (int) $id;
return $this;
public function getId()
return $this->_id;
public function setName($text)
$this->_name = (string) $text;
return $this;
public function getName()
return $this->_name;
public function find($id)
$this->getMapper()->find($id, $this);
return $this;
public function findbyalpha($keyword)
return $this->getMapper()->findbyalpha($keyword);
* Artist Model Mapper
class Ly_Model_ArtistMapper
protected $_dbTable;
public function setDbTable($dbTable)
if (is_string($dbTable)) {
$dbTable = new $dbTable();
if (!$dbTable instanceof Zend_Db_Table_Abstract) {
throw new Exception('Invalid table data gateway provided');
$this->_dbTable = $dbTable;
return $this;
public function getDbTable()
if (null === $this->_dbTable) {
return $this->_dbTable->getAdapter();
public function find($id, Ly_Model_Artist $artist)
if(!isset($id) OR empty($id)) {
throw new Exception ('Could not find id.');
$result = $this->getDbTable()->find($id);
if (0 == count($result)) {
$row = $result->current();
public function findbyalpha($keyword)
if(!isset($keyword) OR empty($keyword)) {
throw new Exception ('Could not find keyword.');
$keyword = $this->getDbTable()->quote($keyword.'%');
//$sql = $this->getDbTable()->select()->where('twitter_id = ?',$twitter_id)->order('weight');
$sql = "SELECT
FROM artist a
WHERE a.name LIKE ".$keyword."
$result = $this->getDbTable()->fetchAll($sql);
return $result;
Db_Table 看起来像这样:
class Ly_Model_DbTable_Artist extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
protected $_name = 'artist';
How would I test my mappers in Zend_Db?
Each of my model will have 3 classes:
- The Model
- The Mapper
- The DbTable
Here is my Unit Test:
// Call Model_BugTest::main() if this source file is executed directly.
if (!defined("PHPUnit_MAIN_METHOD")) {
define("PHPUnit_MAIN_METHOD", "Model_ArtistTest::main");
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../TestHelper.php';
/** Model_Artist */
require_once 'Artist.php';
* Test class for Model_Artist.
* @group Models
class Model_ArtistTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* Runs the test methods of this class.
* @return void
public static function main()
$suite = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite("Model_ArtistTest");
$result = PHPUnit_TextUI_TestRunner::run($suite);
* Sets up the fixture, for example, open a network connection.
* This method is called before a test is executed.
* @return void
public function setUp()
$this->model = new Ly_Model_Artist();
* Tears down the fixture, for example, close a network connection.
* This method is called after a test is executed.
* @return void
public function tearDown()
public function testCanDoTest()
public function testCanFindArtist()
$artist = "Rage Against the Machine";
$result = $this->model->findbyalpha($artist);
I am using Matthew's TestHelper: http://github.com/weierophinney/bugapp/blob/master/tests/TestHelper.php
The error I get is this:
c:\xampp\htdocs\ly\tests>phpunit --configuration phpunit.xml
PHPUnit 3.4.10 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Fatal error: Class 'Ly_Model_ArtistMapper' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\ly\appli
cation\models\Artist.php on line 72
Seems like the Mapper is not being read. Can anyone show me how to do this kind of testing? I am new to UnitTesting and I am just starting to learn it.
This is my Artist Model
* Artist Model
class Ly_Model_Artist
protected $_id; //a field
protected $_name; //a field
protected $_mapper;
public function __construct(array $options = null)
if (is_array($options)) {
public function __set($name, $value)
$pieces = explode('_', $name);
foreach($pieces AS $key => $row) {
$pieces[$key] = ucfirst($row);
$name = implode('',$pieces);
$method = 'get' . $name;
if (('mapper' == $name) || !method_exists($this, $method)) {
throw new Exception('Invalid group property');
public function __get($name)
$pieces = explode('_', $name);
foreach($pieces AS $key => $row) {
$pieces[$key] = ucfirst($row);
$name = implode('',$pieces);
$method = 'get' . $name;
if (('mapper' == $name) || !method_exists($this, $method)) {
throw new Exception('Invalid group property');
return $this->$method();
public function setOptions(array $options)
$methods = get_class_methods($this);
foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
$method = 'set' . ucfirst($key);
if (in_array($method, $methods)) {
return $this;
public function setMapper($mapper)
$this->_mapper = $mapper;
return $this;
public function getMapper()
if (null === $this->_mapper) {
$this->setMapper(new Ly_Model_ArtistMapper());
return $this->_mapper;
public function setId($id)
$this->_id = (int) $id;
return $this;
public function getId()
return $this->_id;
public function setName($text)
$this->_name = (string) $text;
return $this;
public function getName()
return $this->_name;
public function find($id)
$this->getMapper()->find($id, $this);
return $this;
public function findbyalpha($keyword)
return $this->getMapper()->findbyalpha($keyword);
This is the Artist Mapper:
* Artist Model Mapper
class Ly_Model_ArtistMapper
protected $_dbTable;
public function setDbTable($dbTable)
if (is_string($dbTable)) {
$dbTable = new $dbTable();
if (!$dbTable instanceof Zend_Db_Table_Abstract) {
throw new Exception('Invalid table data gateway provided');
$this->_dbTable = $dbTable;
return $this;
public function getDbTable()
if (null === $this->_dbTable) {
return $this->_dbTable->getAdapter();
public function find($id, Ly_Model_Artist $artist)
if(!isset($id) OR empty($id)) {
throw new Exception ('Could not find id.');
$result = $this->getDbTable()->find($id);
if (0 == count($result)) {
$row = $result->current();
public function findbyalpha($keyword)
if(!isset($keyword) OR empty($keyword)) {
throw new Exception ('Could not find keyword.');
$keyword = $this->getDbTable()->quote($keyword.'%');
//$sql = $this->getDbTable()->select()->where('twitter_id = ?',$twitter_id)->order('weight');
$sql = "SELECT
FROM artist a
WHERE a.name LIKE ".$keyword."
$result = $this->getDbTable()->fetchAll($sql);
return $result;
And the Db_Table just looks like this:
class Ly_Model_DbTable_Artist extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
protected $_name = 'artist';
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。
Change the mapper to use the Inversion of Control pattern (insert the DB Table Object into the constructor (at least optionally) that way you can disconnect it and pass in a mock/stub object.
您是否尝试过在 Artists 模型中设置映射器方法,例如
public function setMapper(Ly_Model_ArtistMapper $mapper)
You should test your models (which call your mapper). That way, you will know if something is wrong with your mappers.
Have you tried in your Artists model setting the mapper method like
public function setMapper(Ly_Model_ArtistMapper $mapper)
Unit tests are meant to test a small amount of work, i.e. a method. Everything that the method depends on should be mocked/stubbed (success/failure) out as that will be tested else where in another unit test.