dblinq 有多成熟?
我正在开发一个需要与数据库通信的应用程序。该应用程序是用 C# 编写的。我非常喜欢 LINQ 和自动生成类来表示数据库及其表,所以首先我考虑使用 SQL,因为 .NET 仅支持 LINQ to SQL。现在我更倾向于 MySQL,主要是因为扩展 SQL 服务器可能会变得昂贵,而且因为我公司内的人员(包括我)更熟悉 MySQL。这就是 dbLinq 的用武之地。根据我的阅读,dbLinq 对于简单的查询工作得很好,但在更复杂的查询上可能会崩溃。您能分享一下您使用 dbLinq 的经验吗? dbLinq 是否仍应被视为实验性的,或者我可以期望使用它而不会出现很多问题吗?
我读到 DbLinq 无法处理多个外键,有人可以评论一下这种情况是否仍然如此吗?
Im working on an application that needs to talk to a database. The application is written in C#. Im quite taken by LINQ and auto generating classes to represent the database and its tables, so first I considered using SQL as .NET only comes with support for LINQ to SQL. Right now Im leaning more to MySQL mainly because scaling the SQL server might get pricey and because the people within my company are more familiar with MySQL, including me. This is where dbLinq comes in. From what I have read dbLinq works fine for simple queries but might break down on more complicated ones. Could you share your experiences in using dbLinq? Should dbLinq still be regarded as experimental or could I expect to use it without a lot of problems?
Thanks, Bas
I read that DbLinq is not able to handle more than one foreign key, can anyone comment on whether this is still the case?
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我对 dbsql 不太了解,但请查看实体框架。它允许您执行 Linq 并可与 MySQL 一起使用。查看此问题,了解有关 MySQL 的 LinqToEntityFramework 的更多信息 将 MySQL 与实体框架结合使用
I don't know much about dbsql but check out Entity Framework. It allows you do Linq and can be used with MySQL. Check out this SO question for more info on LinqToEntityFramework for MySQL Using MySQL with Entity Framework
我在上一个项目中使用 EntityFramework 连接到 MySQL 数据库。它会带来一些小问题,但减少了编码所需的工作量。我对它印象非常深刻。我必须在该应用程序中进行分页和过滤。因为有了 EF,这简直就是小菜一碟。
I used EntityFramework to connect to MySQL db in my last project. It is gives some minor issues but reduces amount of effort required to code. I am super impressed with it. I had to do Paging and Filtering in that application. Because of EF this was a piece of cake.
This application had very less data (fraction of millions rows). I would like to know how Entity Framework will do in Applications which has large data.