从父级而不是直接从 TIWAppForm 派生 IntraWeb 表单 - IDE 中的错误
TAtFormBaseIW = class( TIWAppForm ) 和 TAtFormExplorerIW = class( TAtFormBaseIW )
让我大胆猜测一下:它似乎适用于 IW 10 之前在 Delphi 中创建的所有表单,但不适用于我使用 IW 10 创建的表单。较新的表单会发生什么情况:HWenever 我想将它们加载到 IDE 中,它们被解释为 win32 表单,一些属性被忽略(所有典型的 win32 属性,例如 ClientWidth),并且我被告知不能将 IW 组件放在这些表单上。
使它们成为 TIWAppForm 的直接后代,保存它们并使用普通的文本编辑器将它们改回原样。重新编译后,它们在浏览器中显示得很好,但在 IDE 中却显示不出来。
I have forms in my application that I derive from a common ancestor, like:
TAtFormBaseIW = class( TIWAppForm )
TAtFormExplorerIW = class( TAtFormBaseIW )
This works for certain forms, but not for others.
Let me make a wild guess: it seems to work for all forms that where created in Delphi prior to IW 10, but not for forms I created with IW 10. What happens with newer forms: HWenever I want to load them into the IDE, they are interpreted as win32 forms, some properties are ignored (all typical win32 properties such as ClientWidth), and I am told that I cannot put IW components on these forms.
Making them direct descendants of TIWAppForm, saving them and using a normal text editor to change them back works. After a recompile they show up fine in the browser, but never in the IDE.
Any idea of what is happening?
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我犯了罪,我犯了最大的罪。这个问题与 IntraWeb 无关,而是与将派生表单添加到项目中的方式有关。
在向项目添加新表单后,我不应该只是将 TIWAppForm 更改为 TAtFormBaseIW,而是应该执行以下操作:
如果要将现有表单转换为派生形式,还可以将 dfm 文件中的前导关键字 object 更改为 inherited。
Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. This problem has nothing to do with IntraWeb, but with the way a derived form should be added to the project.
Instead of just changing TIWAppForm to TAtFormBaseIW, after having added a new form to the project, I should do this:
Select in the IDE
File / New / Other / Inheritable Items
and then the base form you want to derive your form from.
If you want to turn an existing form into a derivate, also change the leading key word object in the dfm file to inherited.
You can read about this here.