Do you mean implement / invent a codec, or do you mean encode a video?
For encoding a video, use libavcodec from ffmpeg.
For implementing or developing a new codec, this is typically done over a series of years by a team of experts, and if you have to ask this general a question it may be a learning experience but would most likely be a waste of your time.
使用 ffmpeg,然后从代码中调用可执行文件。
Use ffmpeg, then just call the executable from your code.
要对视频进行编码,请使用 ffmpeg 中的 libavcodec。
Do you mean implement / invent a codec, or do you mean encode a video?
For encoding a video, use libavcodec from ffmpeg.
For implementing or developing a new codec, this is typically done over a series of years by a team of experts, and if you have to ask this general a question it may be a learning experience but would most likely be a waste of your time.
使用OpenCV。它有一个易于使用的包装器,围绕 Windows 中的本机 API 之一来执行此操作,也围绕 ffmpeg。
Use OpenCV. it has an easy to use wrapper around one of the native API's in windows for doing this and also around ffmpeg.