
发布于 2024-08-20 06:18:57 字数 456 浏览 5 评论 0原文

自 iPad 发布以来,Flash 与 HTML5 的争论再次兴起。有人认为 HTML5 有一天会取代 Adob​​e Flash。


  • HTML 是一种纯文本标记语言,通过 HTTP 传递到客户端浏览器。客户端浏览器解释标记并根据标准规范呈现页面(取得了不同程度的成功)。
  • Adobe Flash 是一个用于处理音频、视频、声音和光栅/矢量图形的专有框架。它需要特殊的创作工具(也许是编译器?)和可作为大多数常见浏览器的插件使用的自定义播放器。

有人可以解释一下(向这位 C/C++ 开发人员)从技术/编码的角度来看基于文本的标记语言 (HTML5) 如何可能被视为替代多媒体框架(Flash)?

请不要固执己见的争论 - 只是技术事实。

A topic of debate that's seen a resurgence since the unveiling of the iPad is the issue of Flash versus HTML5. There are those that suggest that HTML5 will one day supplant/replace Adobe Flash.

I do not develop software that runs in a browser, so my (limited) understanding is:

  • HTML is a pure-text markup language that is delivered over HTTP to a client browser. The client browser interprets the markup and renders (with varying degrees of success) the page according to an standard specification.
  • Adobe Flash is a propriety framework for working with audio, video, sound and raster/vector graphics. It requires special authoring tools (a compiler perhaps?) and a custom player that's available as a plug-in to most common browsers.

Could someone please explain (to this C/C++ developer) how it is possible from a technical/coding point-of-view that a text-based markup language (HTML5) could be considered a replacement to a multimedia framework (Flash)?

Please no opinionated arguments - just technical facts.

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影子的影子 2024-08-27 06:18:58

在本次讨论中,人们粗略地提到的 HTML5 是作为标记语言的 HTML、指定其呈现方式的 CSS 以及动态操作 HTML 和 CSS 的 javascript 代码的组合。


因此,在成熟的 HTML5 实现中,您可以在不使用 Flash 的情况下实现动态网站。一个例子是 YouTube 的 HTML5 版本,最近作为 Safari/Chrome 用户的测试版推出,请参阅此处。另一个是 JavaScript + HTML 中的 NES 模拟器。 (嗯,后者并不真正关心 HTML5...它使用 。)

What people loosely refer to HTML5 in the context of this discussion is the combination of HTML as a markup language, CSS which specifies how it is rendered, and the javascript code which manipulates the HTML and CSS dynamically.

Furthermore, HTML5 not only has the standard text elements, but also <canvas> on which 2d graphics can be drawn, and <video> elements which embeds the video (as the name suggests).

So, in a full-fledged implementation of HTML5, you can implement dynamic web sites without using Flash. An example is the HTML5 version of Youtube, recently introduced as beta for Safari/Chrome users, see here. Another is an NES emulator in javascript + HTML. (Well the latter does not really concern HTML5... it uses <canvas>.)

思念满溢 2024-08-27 06:18:58

当 Steve J. 发表关于 HTML5 是未来的评论时,他没有费心解释这句话实际上指的是当今 Flash 最广泛的使用,即视频。也许他没有刻意解释这一点,以至于许多被误导的最终用户想要在 iPhone 上观看 Hulu,从而对 Flash 发泄愤怒。这正是正在发生的事情……这很烦人,我失去了对史蒂夫的尊重。

HTML5 堆栈(html、css 和 JS)不会直接替代 Flash。我开发 Flash 内容已经有 10 多年了,我在 JS 方面也很擅长。想到使用 JS 来完成 ActionScript 可以用少 50% 的代码完成同样的事情的任务,我感到有些畏缩。有些任务使用 JS 和 CSS 来实现,即使不是不可能,也是非常困难的。对于基本的动画和类似 JQuery 的功能,当然,HTML5 可以成为替代 Flash 的可行选择。但对于复杂的游戏和 RIA,我就是看不到。 Actionscript 已经发展成为一种强大的、功能齐全的语言。

另一件重要的事情是 Adob​​e 会定期更新 Flash 播放器,以解决可能出现的任何问题。如果 HTML5 规范成为常态并且 Flash 告别了,他们将如何更新/改进 HTML5 规范?他们不会。你必须等待 HTML6 和所有浏览器都支持它。这意味着您最终要等待 5 到 10 年。这是让我们回到 1998 年的好方法。不用了,谢谢,我现在还是继续使用 Flash。



When Steve J. made the comments about HTML5 being the future, he didn't bother to explain that this statement really refers to the most widespread use of Flash today, that being Video. Perhaps he didn't explain this purposely, so that many misinformed end users who want to watch Hulu on their iPhones would unleash their rage against Flash. Which is exactly what has been happening..It is annoying and I lost respect for Steve.

The HTML5 stack (html, css and JS) will NOT be a direct replacement for Flash. I have been developing Flash content for over 10 years, I am also very competent in JS. I cringe thinking about using JS for tasks where ActionScript can accomplish the same thing in 50% less code. There are tasks that will be very difficult if not impossible to achieve with JS and CSS. For rudimentary animations and JQuery-like functionality, sure, HTML5 can be a viable option instead Flash. But for complex games and RIAs, I just don't see it. Actionscript has evolved into a robust, full featured language.

The other important thing is that the Flash player is updated by Adobe periodically to address any issues that may arise. How will they update/improve HTML5 spec if it becomes the norm and Flash went bye-bye?? They won't. You have to wait for HTML6 and all the browsers to support it. Which means you end up waiting 5-10 years. Great way to bring us back to 1998. No thanks, I'll stick with Flash for now.

As much as open standards are a worthy goal, I don't see this panning out the way they are saying...

My two cents.

骷髅 2024-08-27 06:18:58

我认为这里有些人是编程势利小人并且不听。我也是一名 Flash 开发新手,我不希望它消失。你知道为什么吗?因为富有创造力的人可以使用 Flash 轻松地开发我们大脑中的内容。一个喜欢画画、创造场景的人不一定喜欢写代码。键入一堆“句子”并不是绘画和动画!你所说的 HTML5 就像说毕加索和达利应该学习编程语言才能绘画。可笑,对吧?

这就是为什么人们更喜欢 Flash 而不是 HTML5。这不是自私的,它只是承认有能力创建很酷的动画网络内容的人宁愿能够创建我们自己的愿景,也不愿学习不相关的技能或依赖其他人为我们解释。

您可能不想嘲笑,而是想设计一个与 Flash 相媲美的 HTML5 视觉环境。

I think some people here are programming snobs and aren't listening. I, too, am a beginning Flash developer and I don't want it to go away. You know why? Because CREATIVE people can use Flash to develop what's in our brains very easily. A person who likes to draw and create scenes does not necessarily like to code. Typing a bunch of "sentences" is NOT drawing and animating! What you're saying about HTML5 is like saying that Picasso and Dali should have learned a programming language in order to paint. Ridiculous, right?

That's why people prefer Flash to HTML5. It's not self-serving, it's just acknowledging that the people capable of creating cool animated web content would rather be able to create our own visions rather than learn an unrelated skill or rely on someone else to interpret for us.

Instead of ridiculing, you might want to come up with an HTML5 visual environment that rivals Flash.

荭秂 2024-08-27 06:18:58

从技术/编码的角度来看,基于文本的标记语言 (HTML5) 怎么可能被视为多媒体框架 (Flash) 的替代品?

HTML5 是“Web 技术堆栈”的新热门名称,而不仅仅是一种“标记语言”。

它有一种编程语言(JavaScript),就像 Flash 一样;一组 API,作为通常标记为“HTML5”的工作的一部分,显着扩展了绘制图形(SVG、)、播放音频和视频(

与 Flash 不同,“HTML5 应用程序”由浏览器处理,而不是由专有的浏览器插件处理,这很好 - 至少对于浏览器供应商而言(请参阅 这篇博文 - 感谢 Jotham)。例如,它使浏览器供应商能够解决问题(而不是等待 Adob​​e)——IIRC Apple 将 Flash 列为 Mac 上所有崩溃的第一大原因。


how it is possible from a technical/coding point-of-view that a text-based markup language (HTML5) could be considered a replacement to a multimedia framework (Flash)?

HTML5 is the new hot name for "web technologies stack", not just a "markup language".

It has a programming language (JavaScript), like Flash does; a set of APIs, significantly expanding as part of the efforts commonly labeled as "HTML5", ways to draw graphics (SVG, <canvas>), play audio and video (<audio>, <video>).

Unlike Flash, the "HTML5 applications" are processed by the browser, not by a proprietary browser plugin, which is good - at least for browser vendors (see the relevant piece of this blog post - thanks Jotham). For example, it makes possible for a browser vendor to fix issues (and not wait for Adobe) -- IIRC Apple cited Flash as being #1 reason for crashes among all crashes on the Mac.

[edited to remove "open standards are better" claims which I am too lazy to back up]

它不仅仅是 HTML5,而是当浏览器完全采用它时。例如,如果没有浏览器提供的视频播放器来实际呈现视频,HTML5 标签的存在就没有任何意义(此时,希望不再需要 Flash Video) 。 标签也是如此。

此外,HTML5 的 canvas 元素(与 JS 结合)允许在浏览器中显示比以前更高级的图形。

It is not simply HTML5, but when browser adoption of it is complete. For instance, the presence of the HTML5 <video> tag means nothing without a browser provided video player to actually present the video (At which point, the hope is, Flash Video will no longer be needed). Same goes for the <audio> tag.

Additionally, HTML5's canvas element (combined with JS) allows for far more advanced graphics inside a browser than could be achieved before.

盛装女皇 2024-08-27 06:18:58

好吧,要了解 HTML5/canvas + JavaScript 的功能,您可能需要查看 这是 Wolfenstein 3D 的实现,纯粹用 HTML5 完成,没有使用任何Flash(请注意,您需要支持画布的浏览器(例如 Firefox)才能看到此功能)。

Well, to get an impression of the capabilities of HTML5/canvas + JavaScript, you may want to take a look at this which is an implementation of Wolfenstein 3D purely done in HTML5, without using any Flash (note that you need a canvas-enabled browser such as Firefox to see this working).

金兰素衣 2024-08-27 06:18:58

与其说 HTML5 可以通过逐个功能匹配 Flash 来取代 Flash。更重要的是,HTML5 堆栈(包括 JavaScript 和 CSS)可用于构建同类丰富的 Web 应用程序,而以前 Flash 是唯一可行的选择。由于 HTML 有望解决 Flash 平台的一些缺点,因此未来它有可能在该领域取代 Flash。

此讨论主要围绕用于在用户端呈现应用程序的技术。它没有解决作者实际上能够轻松创建将交付给用户的内容的问题。您已经提到,Flash 与一组商业工具相关联,这些工具是由 Adob​​e 专门构建和营销的,旨在满足内容丰富的作者的需求。此类 HTML5 解决方案尚未得到广泛采用。对于将创作主要视为编码的开发人员来说,这并不是一个大问题,他们不会很难获得 HTML5 的吸引力(许多人已经这样做了)。对于那些没有开发人员/编码背景的作者来说,这可能是另一回事,对他们来说,HTML5 的可行性将在很大程度上取决于集成创作工具的可用性。也许几年后 Adob​​e Flash 工具将输出为 HTML5 而不是 SWF...

It is not so much that HTML5 can replace Flash by matching it feature by feature. It is more that the HTML5 stack (including JavaScript and CSS) can be used to build the same sort of rich web applications for which Flash was the only viable option before. Because HTML holds the promise to also address some of the shortcoming of the Flash platform, there is a potential that it can replace Flash in this space in the future.

This discussion is very much centered around the technology that is used to render the application at the users end. It does not address the ease with which authors are actually able to create the content which will be delivered to their users. You already mentioned that Flash is associated with a set of commercial tools which are specifically built and marketed by Adobe to address the need of rich-content authors. Such solutions for HTML5 are not that much adopted yet. For developers who view authoring mostly as coding this is not a big concern and they will not have a hard time getting traction with HTML5 (and many already do). For those authors that don't have a developer/coding background, this may be another story and for them the viability of HTML5 will greatly depend upon the availability of integrated authoring tools. Maybe the Adobe Flash tools will output to HTML5 instead of SWF in a few years...

并安 2024-08-27 06:18:58

这些愚蠢的、缺乏创造力的人没有意识到 HTML5/Javascript/CSS 一开始就非常臃肿。所有这些资产仍然完全是原始文本文件。没有压缩,没有字节码优化,它永远都是这样。因此,对于游戏开发者来说,让所有资源都容易被盗并不是一种选择。 Flash 允许您以更紧凑的方式编译源代码,同时仍然能够以紧密的矢量图形方式创建动态内容。除此之外,Flash 还支持着色器、硬件加速、像素滤镜(像素弯曲器)和图层效果。直到今天,您还无法轻松简单地让 html 元素产生阴影。 HTML5 只是试图取代 Flash 作为媒体播放器,但由于 Flash 的流行是由于其一致性,因此很难推销。我对 CSS 和 Javascript 的憎恨可以从以下事实推测出来:40% 的 javascript 代码是为了浏览器兼容性,而 CSS 实现在不同的浏览器供应商上从来都不一致。在你们这些书呆子们解决这个问题之前,Flash 永远不会被取代。事实上,无论您在 HTML5 中能做什么,我们都可以在 Flash 中更快更好地完成。

我已经在 Canvas 中看过《德军总部 3D》。 它的劣势。而且很小。我们可以制作更好的具有更大窗口的 3D 引擎。打败那个?

What these silly non-creative people haven't realized is that HTML5/Javascript/CSS is very bloated to begin with. All of that asset is still entirely RAW text file. no compression no bytecode optimization and it will always be like that. So for game developers that is not an option having all your source in easy reach of theft. Flash allows you to compile your source code in a more compact means while still be able to create your dynamic content in a tight vector graphics manner. Ontop of that flash already supports shaders, hardware acceleration, pixel filters (Pixel bender) and Layer effects. Till this day you can't get html elements to drop a shadow with ease and simplicity. HTML5 will merely try to replace flash as a media player but since Flash's popularity is due to its consistency it will be a hard sell. MY hatred of CSS and Javascript can be surmised by the fact that 40% of javascript code is for browser compatibility and CSS implimentation is NEVER consistent on different browser vendors. Till you nerds get around this problem Flash will never be replaced. Fact is for whatever you can do in HTML5 we can do in flash faster and better.

I've already seen the Wolfenstein 3D in Canvas. Its inferior. and tiny. We can make a better 3D engine with a larger window. Beat that?

忆依然 2024-08-27 06:18:58

Flash 的功能远不止音频/视频。最近Flex因其丰富的编程模型和开发高性能用户界面的能力而非常流行。

如果 HTML 5 或任何东西要变得流行,首先内置的 JavaScript 引擎必须更加高效。 Flex/Flash 如今之所以流行,是因为其强大的 ActionScript 引擎。

There's much more to Flash than Audio/Video. Recently Flex has been very popular because of it's rich programming model and ability to develop high performance user interfaces.

if HTML 5 or anything has to become popular, first of all the in-built JavaScript engine has to be more efficient. Flex/Flash these days are popular because of robust ActionScript engine.

ヅ她的身影、若隐若现 2024-08-27 06:18:58

我希望我们正在讨论 HTML5 如何取代 swf 和 flv。完全不是Flash。我是一名 Flash 开发人员(业余)。对于我这样一个更注重艺术而非脚本编程的人来说,Flash(大多数时候)相当容易使用。
如何在 HTML5 中让卡通人物在屏幕上行走?或者一些简单的事情,比如将圆形变形(补间)成正方形?当然我没有把它写成代码。我根本不擅长编程来实现这一目标。 Flash 相对简单。在您喜欢的任何应用程序(对我来说是插画家)中绘制所有图形,然后将它们与动作脚本缝合在一起。
我爱你们 Apple 和 Adob​​e。请提出某种妥协方案。

I hope we're talking about How can HTML5 replace swf and flv. Not Flash entirely. I'm a Flash developer (amature). For me, someone who is more artistic minded rather than script programming minded, Flash is fairly easy (most of the time) to use.
How do I make a cartoon character walk across the screen in HTML5? Or something simple like morphing (tweening) a circle into a square? Surely I don't have write that as code. I simply am not that clever in the are of programming to achieve that. Flash is relativley simple. Draw all your graphics in what ever app you're comfy with (illustrator for me) then stitch them together with action script.
I love you both Apple and Adobe. Please come up with some sort of compromise.

九公里浅绿 2024-08-27 06:18:58

我怀疑它是否可以替代 Flash 所能涵盖的一切。然而,如果您浏览一下当今的网络,您会发现 Flash 广泛用于在浏览器中传送视频或音频内容。 HTML 5 中包含的一些东西,尽管现在已经被削弱,因为他们无法就任何标准编解码器达成一致。

当然,所有这些精彩的 Flash 游戏和广告不会仅仅因为 HTML 5 而消失,而且 HTML 5 无法取代它们。但它的目标是能够取代实际上可以交付内容的用途。对于矢量图形,还有 SVG,它可能会得到一些特殊处理。

这是否真的会导致视频领域 Flash 的消亡还有待观察。 HTML 5 视频编解码器问题迟早会得到解决。然而,Flash 很可能仍然是内容交付者希望更好地控制交付内容、DRM 和类似技术等的首选媒介。

I doubt it's meant as a replacement for everything Flash is able to encompass. However, if you look around the web nowadays, you'll see that Flash is in widespread use for delivering video or audio content in the browser. Something that's included in HTML 5, albeit crippled by now since they couldn't agree on any standard codecs.

Surely, all those nice Flash games and ads won't go away just because of HTML 5 and HTML 5 won't be able to replace them. But it aims for being able to replace uses that actually can deliver content. For vector graphics there is also SVG which might get some special treatment.

Whether this will really be the death of Flash for video remains to be seen. The HTML 5 video codec issues might be sorted out sooner or later. However, Flash will quite likely remain the medium of choice where content deliverers will want greater control over what will be delivered, DRM and similar techniques, &c.

泪意 2024-08-27 06:18:58

与用于跟踪 GUI 事件的 javascript 和新 HTML 5 元素的脚本一起,您可以获得 Flash 提供的许多功能。

HTML 5 有许多新元素。其中之一称为画布。有了它,您可以在屏幕上在其范围内绘制任何您想要的东西。您可以使用 javascript 在其上绘图,并且也可以使用 javascript 捕获任何鼠标点击和类似操作。如果您习惯桌面上的 GUI 工具包(例如 Tk、GTK),您可以将这些新元素比作这些 GUI 工具包的一些小部件。

查看 thejit 查看 HTML 5 中的图表示例

Together with javascripts for tracking GUI events and scripting of the new HTML 5 elements, you get a lot of what Flash offers.

HTML 5 has a number of new elements. One of them is called Canvas. With it you can draw anything you want on screen, within its bounds. You use javascript to draw on it and you can catch any mouseclicks and similar with javascript too. If you are used to GUI toolkits on the desktop like Tk, GTK, you can liken these new elements to some of the widgets of those GUI toolkits.

Take a look at thejit to see an example of graphs in HTML 5

伴我老 2024-08-27 06:18:58

支持 HTML5 标准的现代浏览器能够播放受支持的媒体文件在浏览器中,无需第三方插件。

你可以自己尝试一下。最新版本的Safary和Google Chrome(Firefox 3.6也是如此)可以直接在HTML5页面中播放标签。 YouTube 现在支持 HTML5

这就是为什么如果视频网站使用HTML5,无需Adobe Flash插件,使用完全符合HTML5标准的Safari浏览器,iPad就能播放视频。

The modern browser that support HTML5 standard have capability to playing supported media file inside the browser, without needing 3rd party plugins.

You can try this by yourself. Latest version of Safary and Google Chrome, (Firefox 3.6 too) can play <video> tag in a HTML5 page directly. YouTube now support HTML5.

That's why iPad will be able to play video if the video site is using HTML5, without Adobe Flash plugins, using Safari browser that fully comply the HTML5 standard.

_畞蕅 2024-08-27 06:18:58

Flash 与时间轴、舞台和场景一起运行,并允许将电影一个接一个地加载。它还具有洋葱皮、补间和其他矢量艺术工具,可以通过逐帧动画轻松制作卡通动画。您完成所有这些工作,然后通过非常少量的简单代码/操作脚本来控制它。对于作者来说,HTML JAVA CSS 远不及艺术体验,并且需要更多的编码来实现类似的结果 - flash 更快、更容易且用户友好。我怀疑 Flash 会很快走向任何地方。

Flash operates with a timeline, stage and scenes and allows loading of movies one on top of another. It also has onion skinning, tweening and other vector art tools that make cartoon animations easy via frame by frame animation. You do all of this and then control it will a very small easy amount of code/action script. HTML JAVA CSS isn't anywhere as near an artistic experience for the author and there's much more coding involved to achieve similar results - flash is much quicker and easier and user friendly. I doubt Flash will be going anywhere in a hurry.

月朦胧 2024-08-27 06:18:58

许多人声称 HTML5 将消灭 Flash 和 Silverlight 等插件,但事实并非如此。


通过 url 加载二进制文件。为了演示,我们将使用 shapefile 格式 (.shp),其中包含坐标系中的地理多边形。




这只是一个示例其中插件技术不会被 HTML5 取代。

A lot of people claim HTML5 will kill off plugins like Flash and Silverlight, but that simply isn't the case.

Take for instance, this scenario.

Load a binary file over a url. For the sake of the demo, we'll use shapefile format (.shp), which contains geographical polygons in a coordinate system.

Parse the byte contents client side.

Draw the contents in an efficient manner.


This is just one example where plugin technology won't be replace by HTML5.

苏佲洛 2024-08-27 06:18:58

HTML5 确实距离取代 Flash 或 Silverlight UI 技术还很远。问题不仅在于 HTML5 在应用程序 UI 组件中所需的数量有限,而且还不允许以无缝集成到运行时的方式创建自定义组件。

看一下 Ample SDK - JavaScript UI Framework,它的架构很大程度上继承自 Flex、Silverlight 中的架构或壁虎。它支持跨浏览器的 UI 技术之一是 XUL,可以在 CSS 中设置样式,并通过 XUL DOM 或 jQuery API 在 JavaScript 中进行编程。您还可以在框架之上创建自己的 UI 技术。

HTML5 is indeed far away from replacing Flash or Silverlight UI technologies. And the problem is not only that HTML5 is limited in amount of required in an app UI components, but also that it doesn't allow create custom ones in such a way that they would integrate into runtime seamlessly.

Take a look at Ample SDK - JavaScript UI Framework, it's architecture largely inherit from what you will find in Flex, Silverlight or Gecko. One of the UI technologies it enables cross-browser is XUL, styleable in CSS and programmable in JavaScript with XUL DOM or jQuery APIs. You can also create your own UI technology on top of the framework.

后来的我们 2024-08-27 06:18:58

我当然希望 HTML5 能够发挥作用,也许不会完全取代 Flash,但至少在视频方面是这样。尽管 Flash 视频尺寸很小,但它确实占用了太多的处理时间。转至未启用 flashblock 的 YouTube,然后打开任务管理器。现在,每当您访问 YouTube 等闪存驱动的网站时,您就可以看到 Firefox 的进程如何突然跳出页面。我的建议是使用 Flashblock。

I sure hope that HTML5 can deliver the goods and maybe not replace flash entirely but at least when it comes to video. Although flash video is small in size it does takes up way too much processing. Go to youtube without flashblock enabled and then open task manager. Now you can see how the processes for firefox suddenly leaps off the page whenever you visit a flash driven site like youtube. My advice get Flashblock.

如梦初醒的夏天 2024-08-27 06:18:58

我认为 HTML5 将取代大部分 flash/flex,这可能会继续作为另一个分支,因为 canvas 很酷。新的图书馆将会到来。但只要 JS 实际上是单线程,它就不会那么快,特别是对于游戏,假设 adobe 不会放弃。

I think that HTML5 will replace most of the flash/flex, which will probably continue as another branch because canvas is cool. New libraries will come. But as long as JS is in a fact singlethreaded it wont be so fast, especially with games, assuming adobe won't give up.

黎夕旧梦 2024-08-27 06:18:58

我第一次听到“HTML取代Flash”的评论来自史蒂夫·乔布斯。 (他讨厌 Flash 可能是因为它在他的 Mac 电脑上崩溃,我不确定。我认为他脱离了现实。证据就是他可笑的产品“iPad”。)

关键是它对开发人员有什么好处?答:不如Flash。然而。为什么以我有限的经验这么说呢?这就是您在 Javascript 中需要的“try...catch”兼容性代码,以便在所有浏览器中工作。真是一堆垃圾。 ActionScript/Flash 是适用于所有浏览器的一段代码/应用程序。

Flash 拥有的另一件事是图形(和非图形)开发软件工具,可以简化流程。

所以简短的回答是,ADOBE 不会让 HTML5“取代”flash,至少在短期内是这样。但如果人们为其提供足够的开发工具,特别是所见即所得的图形工具,那么它就可以与 Flash 竞争,就像 Google 开发一个易于使用的所见即所得编辑器来制作 GWT 应用程序一样。这是一个很大的假设。

I first heard the comment of "HTML replacing Flash" from Steve Jobs. (He hates Flash perhaps because it crashes on his Mac computers I'm not sure. I think he's out of touch. The proof is his ridiculous product the "iPad".)

The point is HOW GOOD IS IT FOR DEVELOPERS? Answer: not as good as Flash. Yet. Why do I say this with my limited experience? It's all that "try... catch" compatibility code you need in Javascript to work in all the browsers. WHAT A LOAD OF RUBBISH. ActionScript/Flash is ONE piece of code/app for ALL browsers.

The other thing Flash has is graphical (and non-graphical) development software tools to streamline the process.

So THE SHORT ANSWER IS THAT ADOBE WON'T LET HTML5 "replace" flash, at least for the short term. But it can compete with Flash if people make enough development tools for it particularly WYSIWYG graphical tools, like if Google develop an easy to use WYSIWYG editor for making GWT apps. And that's a big IF.

放血 2024-08-27 06:18:58

基于文本的标记语言 (HTML5) 有可能取代多媒体框架 (Flash)。



It is possible the text-based markup language (HTML5) could replace a multimedia framework (Flash).

The solution is simple, just move the framework into the browser and become an open standard. Not only multimedia framework, the browser can include lot of other stuffs which belong to the operating system now.

It is possible eventually browser will be the OS (user mode). Current OS will be limited to the kernel mode, mostly deal with hardwares.

一袭水袖舞倾城 2024-08-27 06:18:58

一个非常明显且很少提出的更广泛的观点是,模糊引用的“闪存”术语实际上涵盖了整个 Flash 平台,其中包括 Flash IDE。

使用该技术创建复杂卡通和动画的动画师和其他艺术类型几乎完全依赖 IDE 来完成他们的工作。没有它,这是不可能的。故事结束。重要的不仅仅是语言规范级别的技术!在本例中,它还涉及 IDE 中的“支持技术”(我说的是“支持”,但 Flash IDE 在很大程度上是一种与 Flash 平台的其余部分集成的技术)。

如果有人构建了一个具有与 Flash IDE 相媲美的功能的 HTML5 IDE,那就太好了,但令我惊讶的是很少有人提出这一点。艺术家和程序员一样,都参与了这场争论,说这不关他们的事是不合理的。

因此,直接回答您的问题:当且仅当为 Flash 等多媒体框架构建了适当的 IDE 时,HTML5 才会被认为是完全合理的替代方案,甚至是替代方案,从而将其提升为多媒体框架。

在不考虑 IDE 的情况下进行论证是不现实的。如果问题是“除了手动制作的复杂动画之外,在没有 IDE 的情况下,处于完整状态的 HTML5 能否成为 Flash 的替代品?”那么答案很可能是肯定的,我们都会回家。

A scathingly obvious and wider angle point that is rarely made, is that the vaguely referenced "flash" term actually encompasses the entire Flash Platform, and that includes the Flash IDE.

Animators and other artistic types who use the technology to create complex cartoons and animations depend almost entirely on the IDE for their work. It is just simply not possible without it. End of story. It's not just the technology at the language specification level that matters! It's also about the "supporting technologies" in this case IDEs (I say "supporting" but the Flash IDE is very much a technology integrated with the rest of the Flash Platform).

If someone builds an HTML5 IDE that has features that rival the Flash IDE, that's great, but I'm surprised the point is so rarely made. Artists are as much part of the debate as programmers, and it's unreasonable to say it is not their business.

So, to answer your question directly: HTML5 would be considered a totally reasonable alternative - or even replacement - to a multimedia framework such as Flash if and only if a proper IDE is built for it, thus elevating it to a multimedia framework also.

It is just not realistic to make an argument without taking into account IDEs. If the question is specifically "Can HTML5 in it's completed state, without an IDE, be an alternative to Flash for applications apart from manually animated complex animations?" then the answer would most likely be yes and we'd all go home.

半枫 2024-08-27 06:18:58

有趣的话题。我同意这里大多数发帖者的观点,即虽然 HTML 5 在基本多媒体演示方面取得了巨大飞跃,但它无法取代 Flash。所有在线游戏网站都是一个很好的例子。 Flash 可在除某些移动设备外的大多数浏览器上运行。

就这一点而言,我相信电池消耗是史蒂夫·乔布斯不想在 iPhone 和 iPad 上支持 Flash 的最初原因。这可能会在未来对苹果造成影响(没有双关语)。 Android 2.2 将支持闪存(但尚不清楚是否所有硬件制造商都会支持它 - 他们会对自己的电池充满信心)。

此外,看起来 Flash 10+ 将成为黑莓设备上的必然选择,包括 BB 手机和即将推出的 BB Playbook 平板电脑(顺便说一句,这个玩具有一些杀手级的规格 - 迫不及待地想在它推出时拿到手)明年)。

我敢打赌,即使在 HTML 5 支持变得普遍之后,Flash 将继续在 Web 开发中发挥重要作用。

Interesting topic. I echo the sentiment of most posters here that while HTML 5 makes great leaps in basic multimedia presentation, it won't be able to replace Flash. All the online gaming sites are a good example. Flash is can run on most browsers except on certain mobile devices.

On that note, I believe battery drain was the original reason why Steve Jobs did not want to support Flash on the iPhone and iPad. This might bite Apple (no pun) down the road. Android 2.2 will have flash support (but it not clear if all the hardware manufactures will support it -they'll have be confident in their batteries).

Also, it looks like Flash 10+ will be a sure thing on Blackberry devices going forward including BB phones the upcoming BB Playbook tablet (btw, this toy has some killer specs - can't wait to get my hands on it when it comes out next year).

I am willing to bet that Flash will continue to be big in Web Dev even after HTML 5 support becomes universal.

束缚m 2024-08-27 06:18:58


该工作区目前在 Flex 中完成,并具有出色的性能,甚至 Google Docs/Presentations 都无法与该应用程序的灵活性和性能相媲美。

我想知道是否可以在不需要大量资源的情况下使用 HTML5 开发这种规模的应用程序。我们是一家小公司,拥有一小群开发人员。

We are currently developing an LCMS, once of the areas is a fully WYSIWYG authoring tool for the development of SCORM and AICC compliant training materials that contain animation, video, audio, multiple types of assessments with interaction. The tool looks close to how a power point looks, allowing the user to easily drag and drop learning objects to the slide with pictures, resize images, move them, overlap text, add the tests etc.

This workspace is done currently in Flex and has great performance, not even Google Docs/Presentations comes close to the flexibility and performance of this application.

I wonder if an application of that scale can be developed with HTML5 without a huge amount of resources. We are a small company with small group of developers.

奶气 2024-08-27 06:18:58

简而言之,许多人希望 HTML5 功能与 JavaScript 相结合,能够提供比 Flash 更好、更便宜、更高效的图形 Web 体验。考虑到许多复杂的网站(例如 Gmail、Google 地图和 YouTube)可以使用 HTML 和 JavaScript 在没有任何 Flash 的情况下运行。 JavaScript 和 HTML 的改进允许网站开发更丰富的图形和内容。动画功能,无需向 Adob​​e 付费。

Simply put, many are hoping that HTML5 features paired with javascript can provide a better, cheaper, more efficient graphical web experience than flash. Consider that many sophisticated websites like gmail, google maps, and youtube can run without any flash using HTML and javascript. Improvements being made to javascript and HTML allow for websites to develop even richer graphical & animation features without resorting to paying Adobe.

念﹏祤嫣 2024-08-27 06:18:58

Web 开发人员仍然关心像 IE6 这样非常老的浏览器,所以你可以确信 Flash 和类似的技术将存在很长一段时间......

Web developers still care for a browser like IE6 which is really old, so you can be sure that Flash and similar technologies will be around for a long long time...

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