
发布于 2024-08-20 06:17:03 字数 593 浏览 2 评论 0原文

好的。我们的产品有效。 Beta 测试人员实际上正在完成他们的工作。下一次迭代的时间到了。但如何保证质量呢?我们需要一个测试员!



  • 2 名架构师(就像在建筑中,而不是软件,他们是这里的领域专家)弄清楚构建什么来构建
  • ,还有一个新人在我们发布版本之前进行一些测试 我们谁都不知道


  • 一堆跨越我们想要测试的配置的虚拟机
    • 各种版本的 Windows
    • 德语和英语,我们的客户可能会使用的两种语言
    • 我们正在编写的主机软件(Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010,我们正在构建一个用于能量计算的插件)
  • 描述一些内容的文本文档我所做的测试(安装了版本xyz,做了这个,做了那个,等等)
  • 错误跟踪系统测试人员可以添加他发现的所有错误

我希望我们需要一个测试脚本。但如何呢? WHO?什么?什么时候?

OK. Our product works. Beta testers are actually getting their stuff done. Time for the next iteration. But how to ensure quality? We need a tester!

How do I get someone fresh off the street started in testing? I have no clue on how to do it myself (I'm a developer, not a tester)!

We are a tiny team:

  • 2 architects (as in buildings, not software, they are the domain experts here) figuring out what to build
  • me building it
  • and a new guy to do some testing before we push releases out

None of us has a clue on how to do this professionally. So far we have:

  • a bunch of virtual machines spanning the configurations we would like to test
    • various versions of windows
    • german and english, the two languages likely to be in use by our customers
    • the host software we are writing for (Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010, we are building a plugin for energy calculations)
  • a text document describing some tests I did (installed release xyz, did this, did that, etc.)
  • a bug tracking system the tester can add all the bugs he finds

I expect we will need a test script. But how? Who? What? When?

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野味少女 2024-08-27 06:17:03




  1. 具有一定执行测试经验的人(因为您希望他实际进行测试)。
  2. 具有编写测试计划/等经验的人。
  3. 具有管理 QA 团队经验的人。


Why are you looking for "someone off the street"? To me, it sounds kind of like asking "I want to hire a new programmer, how do I get someone off the street and get him up to speed programming my software?". Why would you want to do that, over hiring someone who is a programmer already?

In your situation, which is that you don't know much about testing, I'd definitely think about hiring someone with experience in the field.

Specifically, I'd probably look for:

  1. Someone with some experience performing tests under his belt (since you're going to want him actually doing tests).
  2. Someone with some experience writing test plans/etc.
  3. Someone with some experience running a QA team.

The last point is optional, but hopefully your team will be growing as your software grows, so it might make sense to get someone who can grow in the role as well (not to mention having the experience to help you decide when and how to grow the QA team).

一刻暧昧 2024-08-27 06:17:03


Well, are you looking to expand your team with a tester? Have you considered just hiring a test specialist from a consultancy firm?

白龙吟 2024-08-27 06:17:03



时间:测试需要时间。您无法在应用程序预计上线前 30 分钟将其交给测试人员并期望得到任何有价值的结果。如果您正在进行瀑布式开发,那么最终测试将需要大量时间。许多其他开发模型让测试与开发并行运行,这节省了大量时间,但无论您使用哪种模型,测试都比不测试需要更多的时间。




  • 程序执行其应执行的操作。

  • 程序没有做它不应该做的事情。


  1. 具有预期先决条件的预期行动会产生预期的效果。
  2. 具有意外先决条件的预期操作不会产生任何效果或得到适当处理。
  3. 意外的操作不会产生任何效果或已得到适当处理。
  4. 不会发生意外的影响。

第 1 项直接来自规范:您确保程序执行其应该执行的操作。

第 2 项和第 3 项是测试艺术的用武之地。我可以执行哪些意想不到的操作和先决条件?我可以尝试输入错误的密码。我可以尝试直接输入一个所谓安全页面的 URL。我可以尝试将奇怪的 unicode 字符粘贴到文本字段中。我可以尝试将 SQL 或 JavaScript 代码放入文本字​​段中。

第 4 项是测试的无限无人区,这部分使完整的测试变得不可能。 (2 和 3 也是无限的,但思考起来并不那么令人沮丧。)这并不意味着你忽略它。你总是留意任何不寻常的事情。另外,有时灵感来袭,您会想到一种可能的方法来产生意想不到的效果:“如果我在该月第三个星期二的晚上 11:59:59 到凌晨 12:00:00 之间登录,会发生什么?哦,看,这使得我是管理员。”技术知识和对黑匣子的了解有助于想出类似的场景。


Before you get somebody to test, make sure you meet the requirements for testing. At a minimum you need:

A specification: Some authoritative source on what the application is supposed to do. This could be an expert that can answer any and all questions on exactly what the app is supposed to do, but the more that is written down and the more formally defined it is the better.

Time: Testing takes time. You can't hand off an application to the tester 30 minutes before it's supposed to go live and expect any worthwhile results. If you're doing waterfall development, testing will require a lot of time at the end. Lots of other development models let testing run in parallel with development, which saves a lot of time, but regardless of the model you use, testing will require more time than not testing.

If you don't have these two things, quality assurance is just a pipe dream.

Now if you do have those met, and you're trying to train somebody to test, here's my crash course on testing.

Fundamentally, testing an application means that you are attempting to ensure two things:

  • The program does what it is supposed to do.

  • The program does not do what it is not supposed to do.

That's the core mindset that I use. Building from that I approach things in terms of actions and attempt to verify:

  1. An expected action with expected preconditions produces an expected effect.
  2. An expected action with unexpected preconditions produces no effect or is handled appropriately.
  3. An unexpected action produces no effect or is handled appropriately.
  4. No unexpected effects occur.

Item 1 comes directly from the spec: You make sure that the program does what it is supposed to do.

Items 2 and 3 are where the art of testing comes in. What unexpected actions and preconditions can I perform? I could try to enter the wrong password. I could try to directly type in the URL of a supposedly secured page. I could try to paste odd unicode characters into a text field. I could try to put SQL or javascript code into a text field.

Item 4 is the infinite no-man's land of testing, the part that makes complete testing impossible. (2 and 3 are also infinite, but not as depressing to think about.) That doesn't mean you ignore it. You always keep an eye out for anything unusual. Also, sometimes inspiration strikes and you think of a possible way to cause an unexpected effect: "What happens if I log in between 11:59:59PM and 12:00:00AM on the third tuesday of the month? Oh look, it made me an administrator." Technical knowledge and a peek inside the black box help with coming up with scenarios like that.

There is a whole lot more to say about testing, but that's the bare minimum I can think of: The technical requirements and the approach to the problem.

﹂绝世的画 2024-08-27 06:17:03


  • 培训以确保他了解要测试的产品。
  • 关于预期结果的文档
  • 测试计划 - 需要测试什么以及
  • 测试跟踪系统如何跟踪正在测试的内容、通过测试的内容、需要修复的内容等。该系统不必太复杂,根据项目的大小,Excel 电子表格可能就足够了。

Ideally, you'll need to give the tester:

  • training to make sure he knows the product to be tested.
  • documentation on what the expected results are.
  • test plans - what needs to be tested and how
  • a test tracking system to track what is being tested, what passed the tests, what needs to be fixed, etc. That system does not have to be too sophisticated, depending on the size of the project, an Excel spreadsheet may suffice.
月亮是我掰弯的 2024-08-27 06:17:03

在他们的 播客 #64 中,Jeff 和 Joel 讨论了(除其他外)优秀测试人员应该具备哪些技能具有。 文字记录也可用(大约在页面的中间)

In their podcast #64, Jeff and Joel discuss (among other things) what skills a good tester should possess. Transcript also available (about halfway down the page)

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