您使用 AgilePoint 作为工作流程/BPM 引擎有哪些经验?

发布于 2024-08-20 01:30:16 字数 515 浏览 1 评论 0 原文

我们正在从 LivelinkSharePoint敏捷点。如果有人有使用 AgilePoint 的经验,您介意分享您的经验吗?


  • 您遇到过哪些问题?
  • 您是否发现 AgilePoint 的任何特定方面特别有用?
  • 您是否发现 AgilePoint 的任何特定方面特别无用?


We are in the process of migrating our workflows from Livelink and SharePoint to AgilePoint. If anyone has had experience in using AgilePoint, would you mind sharing your experiences?

For example:

  • What are some gotcha's you've encountered?
  • Have you found any particular aspect of AgilePoint especially useful?
  • Have you found any particular aspect of AgilePoint especially useless?

Good, bad, indifferent experiences are all welcome as this will be marked as a community wiki.

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一个人的夜不怕黑 2024-08-27 01:30:16

我们的咨询公司是 Microsoft 金牌和 Open Text 合作伙伴。我扮演首席工作流程专家的角色,协助客户在这两种产品中创建工作流程。根据我的经验,AgilePoint 的工作流功能绝对超越 SharePoint 和 Livelink 可以并且将永远提供的功能。原因很简单,SharePoint 和 Livelink(Content Server,正如他们现在所称的那样)是协作存储库,而不是工作流工具。是的,他们将具有工作流程功能,但是,他们不会接近第三方联盟类型供应商将提供的功能 - 因为这是他们的面包和黄油。目前,我们正在将 AgilePoint 与 SharePoint 和 Livelink 结合使用,并正在将 AgilePoint 作为第 3 方工作流程工具纳入我们即将结束的一些大大小小的项目中。

以下是我发现有用的有关 AgilePoint 的元素:

  1. 从业务分析师或开发的角度来看,它是我自己以及其他技术人员和非技术人员所习惯的工作流创建环境 - Visio。如果您熟悉 visio,那么与其他供应商相比,AgilePoint 的启动时间将是最短的。您会听到 Agilepoint 吹嘘他们的“模型驱动架构”,而 visio 的调色板环境是其重要原因。

  2. 变更管理 - 非常容易更新流程、迁移到新流程以及动态更改/更新流程。

  3. 任务管理 - 流畅的 UI,允许管理员快速搜索特定流程以及与该流程相关的所有任务。我喜欢这样一个事实:如果我需要进入特定流程,我可以快速访问一个中心位置。

  4. 非技术业务用户授权 - 这显然取决于组织的治理,但可以授权业务用户创建整个流程,部署到测试或登台环境,然后测试其流程作为证明-上线前的概念。

  5. 集成和可扩展性 - 所以在这里,几乎是开箱即用的,我相信它们包括一些敏捷部件(visio stencil web 服务),允许您快速与 ERP(SAP 等)集成和/或者您可以创建自己的模板与第三方自定义应用程序集成。例如,对于我的一些项目,我很可能会让开发人员创建一些自定义敏捷部件来与一堆制造或零售应用程序集成。我喜欢这一点的是,一旦创建了这个模板,您就可以在您正在处理的任何工作流程中重复使用。

  6. 底层架构 - 因此,agilepoint 的底层基础是您可以创建自定义表单、共享点列表或“agileforms”来创建流程。这就是我喜欢的一点,这些表单和工作流程之间的“连接器”本质上是 XML,因此这意味着无论您决定使用 AgilePoint 3 年然后转向其他内容,所有 XML 都会被保存,以便您不必担心丢失数据。所有这些都与您的 SQL 或您的组织决定使用的任何数据库相关联。

  7. 架构 - 对我来说最突出的是 AgilePoint 的安装方式,它不会安装在您的 SharePoint 或 Livelink 服务器上,它实际上是单独安装的,并使用连接器与 Sharepoint 或其他存储库链接,因此您将需要进行升级和修补对这些 CMS 执行的操作不会影响 Agilepoint 工作流程的执行方式。

就我发现的陷阱而言,嗯,我认为在创建新流程时需要注意一些细微差别,这些细微差别有时会让您感到困惑。例如,如果您更改工作流程的名称,它实际上会创建一个全新的流程,如果您没有足够的悟性来抓住它,您将花费至少一个小时来弄清楚您到底做错了什么。但这是一旦你意识到并学习的事情之一,它就不会成为问题,而只是需要密切关注的事情。我想我可以有把握地说,我还没有真正发现该产品有任何根本性的错误。我知道 Gartner 对 AgilePoint 的“SOA Initiatives”有疑问,我试图从 Gartner 获取更多信息,但没有看到任何足以让我放弃该产品的信息。 Forrester对此有好话要说:)。所以如果你不喜欢 gartner,总有 forrester 对吧? :)



Our consulting company is a Microsoft Gold and Open Text partner. I play the role of a lead workflow expert assisting clients with creating workflows in both products. From my experience, AgilePoint's workflow capabilities definitely surpass what SharePoint and Livelink can and will ever offer. Simply because SharePoint and Livelink (Content Server as what they will or are calling it now) are meant to be collaborative repositories, not workflow tools. Yes, they will have workflow capabilities, however, they will not come close to what 3rd party alliance type vendors will provide - because that is their bread and butter. We are currently using AgilePoint with both SharePoint and Livelink and are in the process to include AgilePoint as a 3rd party workflow tool in a few large and small engagements that we will be closing soon.

Below are elements about AgilePoint which I've found useful:

  1. From a business analyst or development perspective, its a workflow creation environment that myself and other tech and non-tech folks are used to - Visio. If you know visio well, AgilePoint's ramp up time will be minimal compared to other vendors. you'll hear agilepoint boast about their "model driven architecture" and visio's palette environment being the big reason why.

  2. Change management - very easy to update processes, migrate to new processes, and change/update processes in-flight.

  3. Task management - slick UI that allows for an admin to quickly search on specific processes and all tasks associated with that process. I like the fact that there is a central place I can quickly access if I need to get to a specific process.

  4. Non-technical business user empowerment - this would obviously depend on the governance of your organization, but business users can be empowered to create a whole process, deploy to a testing or staging environment and then test their processes as proof-of-concepts prior to go-live.

  5. integration and extensibility - So here, pretty much out the box, i believe they include a few agileparts(visio stencil web services) that allow you to quickly integrate with ERPs(SAP, etc) and/or you can create your own stencil to integrate with a 3rd party custom app. for example for a few of my projects, I will most likely have a developer create a few custom agileparts to integrate with a bunch of manufacturing or retail apps. what i like about this is that, once you create this stencil, you can re-use in any workflow you're working on.

  6. Underlying schema - so the underlying foundation of agilepoint is that you can create custom forms, sharepoint lists, or "agileforms" to create your process flows. here's what i like about this, the "connectors" between these forms and the workflow is essentially XML, so that means that whether you decide to user AgilePoint for 3 years and then move on to something else, all that XML is saved so that you don't have to worry about losing data. All this is linked to your SQL or whatever db your organizations decides to use.

  7. architecture - what stuck out for me also was how AgilePoint is installed, it will NOT sit on your SharePoint or Livelink server, it actually sits separately and uses connectors to link with Sharepoint or other repositories, hence the upgrades and patches you will do on these CMS's does not affect how the agilepoint workflow is performing.

As far as what i've found as gotchas, hmm, i think there are a few nuances to look out for when creating new process that can sometimes confuse the heck out you. for example if you change the name of a workflow, it will actually create a whole new process and if you're not savvy enough to catch it, you'll spend at least an hour figuring out what the heck you did wrong. but this is one of those things that once you realize and learn, it wont be a an issue, just something to pay close attention to. I think I can safely say that I haven't really found anything fundamentally wrong with the product. I know Gartner had an issue with AgilePoint's "SOA Initiatives" and I tried to get more info from Gartner, but didn't see anything compelling enough for me to steer away from this product. Forrester has good things to say about it :). so if you dont like gartner, there's always forrester right? :)

I'm sure there are other things, i haven't caught yet, but objectively speaking, i think this is a solid product and will be around for a long time. Ask them about their growth strategy if you want a higher sense of comfort.

Good luck!
You're welcome to contact me directly if you like.
Lateef Shariff
[email protected]

≈。彩虹 2024-08-27 01:30:16

快速免责声明 - 我为 MS 合作伙伴工作,该合作伙伴也是 AgilePoint 合作伙伴。总的来说,该产品很好,这就是我们将其用于解决方案的原因。

优点:- 该产品真正酷的地方

  1. 用户界面:

    • 用户友好的开发。
    • 易于部署和使用。
    • 提供简洁的移动友好表单
    • 无需使用任何代码,即可使用子流程并行处理两个应用程序。
    • Agilepoint 中的 SharePoint 工作流解决了需要事件接收器的大多数用途。
    • 有多种控件可用于各种功能。
    • 不同的流程模型可用于不同的用途。即电子表格、Sharepoint 表格、系统集成等。
    • 可以通过共享/单独文件轻松将 Jquery/ CSS 添加到控件。
  2. 运行时:

    • 有关运行时使用的变量/字段的详细信息。
    • 可以在各种事件中使用多个数据源。
    • 发布新更改后,正在运行的应用将继续运行,因此无需关闭系统即可部署更改。
    • 可以使用 API 从其他资源访问任何类型的数据。
  3. 产品特点:

    • SharePoint 版本独立,可与未来版本配合使用。
    • 由于 SharePoint、销售人员拥有 AgilePoint 仪表板,因此可以轻松集成到不同的系统中。
    • 可以使用各种授权方法登录。 (OAuth2涵盖了很多授权方式)
    • 非常轻松地将应用程序导出到其他租户并重复使用。
    • 可以创建全局可重复使用的令牌并将其导出到多个应用程序,从而提高可重复使用性。
    • 单个表单还可以在多个应用程序和租户之间导出和重复使用。
  4. 本地/私有云

    • 私有云上可以有多个租户
    • 可以访问存储在 xml 中的数据并根据数据创建各种报告


  1. UI:
    • 画布的设计方式使得纯文本无法放置在表单上。它必须处于控制之中。
    • 控件占据特定尺寸,且高度无法更改。这确实提供了更整洁的外观,但想要的外观很困难(我可能有偏见,因为这在 MS Word/Infopath 中很容易实现)。
    • 嵌套控件很困难,除非放入子表单中,而子表单又不支持很多控件
    • 自定义 HTML 控件呈现很困难。
    • 自动保存不会发生,用户界面有时会变得无响应,从而导致数据丢失
  2. 运行时:
    • 加载查找需要一段时间。
    • 无法修改页面提交操作。
    • 与 IE 的集成较差
    • 无法离线修改表单
  3. 产品特点:
    • 无法将外观修改为类似于 SharePoint 以保持一致性
    • 如果不使用 Agilepoint 仪表板,则很难集成到 SP,因为表单/任务的物理位置不可用

丑陋:- 完全糟糕的地方用户

  1. 界面:
    • 在设计时和运行时对多个控件的支持非常差。因此不适合较大的形式。
  2. 运行时间:
    • 无法从物理位置访问表单,因为表单可作为任务使用。这通常是客户的主要要求。
    • 无法在任何地方访问表单上的数据,因此无法轻松放入报告中。
    • 表单保存在 XML 中...而不是数据库,因此您需要首先获取数据库中的数据才能对其进行真正的报告

Quick disclaimer - I work for a MS partner that is also an AgilePoint partner. Overall the product is good which is why we implement it for solutions.

The Good:- What’s really cool about the product

  1. UI:

    • User friendly development.
    • Easy to deploy and use.
    • Neat Mobile friendly forms available
    • Parallel process of two applications possible using sub process using no code.
    • SharePoint workflows in Agilepoint solve most purposes for which event receivers are needed.
    • Wide variety of controls available for various functionalities.
    • Different process models available for different uses. I.e. E-forms, Sharepoint Forms, System Integration etc.
    • Can add Jquery/ CSS to controls easily through shared/ individual files.
  2. Runtime:

    • Detailed information about variables/fields used available at runtime.
    • Multiple data sources can be used at various events.
    • Running applications will continue to run when a new change is published, as a result of which the system doesn’t have to be brought down to deploy changes.
    • Can use APIs to access any kind of data from other resources.
  3. Product features:

    • SharePoint version independent will work with future versions.
    • Easy to be integrated into different systems because SharePoint, Sales force have AgilePoint Dashboards available.
    • Log in using various Authorization method possible. (OAuth2 covers a lot of authorization methods)
    • Very easy to export applications to other tenants and reuse them.
    • Globally reusable tokens can be created and exported to multiple application increasing reusability.
    • Individual forms also can be exported and re-used across multiple applications and tenants.
  4. On Premise /Private Cloud

    • Multiple tenants possible on a private cloud
    • Can access data stored in xml and create various reports based on the data

The Bad:

  1. UI:
    • Canvas designed in a way that plain text cannot be placed on a form. It has to be in controls.
    • Controls take up a specific size which cannot be changed in height. This does give a neater look but desired look is difficult (I may be biased as this is easily possible in MS word/ Infopath).
    • Nesting controls is difficult except put in subforms which in turn do not support a lot of controls
    • Custom HTML controls rendering is difficult.
    • Autosave doesn’t happen and the UI becomes unresponsive at time causing loss of data
  2. Runtime:
    • Lookups take a while to load.
    • Page submit actions can’t be modified.
    • Poor integration with IE
    • Offline modification of forms not possible
  3. Product Features:
    • Look and feel can’t be modified to look like SharePoint to maintain consistency
    • Difficult to integrate in SP if not using Agilepoint dashboards as a physical location of forms/tasks is not available

The Ugly:- What totally sucks

  1. UI:
    • Very poor support for multiple controls in design time and runtime. Hence not suitable for larger forms.
  2. Runtime:
    • Cant access forms from a physical location as forms are available as tasks. This is usually a major requirement by the client.
    • Cant access data on the forms anywhere hence can’t be put in reports easily.
    • Forms as saved in XML... not a DB, so you need to get the data in a DB first to do real reporting on it
耳根太软 2024-08-27 01:30:16
  1. 设计表单时 UI 更改是一个挑战
  2. 当您拥有 SharePoint 甚至 AgilePoint
  3. Server 等数据源时,添加子表单控件也具有挑战性 更新大约需要 45 分钟(取决于是否出现问题,有一次遇到 SP 集成问题,需要 20 分钟)并且是手动操作
  4. 不要将服务器安装在安装 SharePoint 的同一台计算机上。在维护期间,它将关闭所有 IIS 服务,从而导致 SharePoint/MS Project 停机。
  5. 除此之外,我发现 AgilePoint 是迄今为止自动化领域最通用且用户友好的工具。 Nintex 的人甚至无法正确地进行演示,尽管他们已经传达了所有要求。
  6. 即使在测试产品时,AgilePoint 的支持也很及时。
  7. AgilePoint 肯定需要指导。如果您认为,您可以浏览网络上的所有文档并了解所有内容,不。

请联系我以获取有关 AgilePoint 和 AgilePoint 的更多见解。与 CR 的集成

  1. UI changes are a challenge when designing the forms
  2. Adding the subform control is also challenging when you have data sources like SharePoint or even AgilePoint
  3. Server Updates take around 45 minutes (depends if no issue occurs, ran into SP integration issues once which took 20 minutes) and is a manual effort
  4. Do not install the server on the same machine where SharePoint is installed. During maintenance, it will take down all the IIS services resulting in SharePoint/MS Project downtime.
  5. Apart from all the above, I have found AgilePoint the most versatile and user friendly tool in automation so far. Nintex guys coudnt even give the presentation right though they had all the requirements communicated to them.
  6. AgilePoint support was prompt even when testing the product.
  7. AgilePoint requires Mentorship for sure. If you think, you can go through all the documentation on the web and know it all, nope.

Please contact me for more insight on AgilePoint & its integrations with CR

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