Emacs:如何计算光标所在的最小 s 表达式,或以下 s 表达式
评估 中的 (+ 100 (+ 100 100))
(+ (+ 1 2) (+ 100 (+ 100 100)))
目前,我通过 Cx Ce 进行操作,这意味着我需要找到结束括号,这在大多数情况下很困难。 选项> Paren 匹配突出显示
一种方法是使用 Cx Ce 的反向版本,这样我就可以将光标放在起始括号处,如下所示:
(+ (+ 1 2) |(+ 100 (+ 100 100)))
(+ (+ 1 2) (+ | 100 (+ 100 100)))
使用方框光标(默认)的 Emacsers 可能想知道我将带有上面条形符号的光标放在哪里。在 emacs 中,您可以选择框光标或条光标,(bar-cursor-mode t)
。当条形光标位于字母 A 和 B 之间时,框光标位于 B 上。因此,条形是框的左壁。
顺便说一句,条形光标的概念在一些不寻常的方面很有用: 编程中从index1迭代到index2-1的做法让初学者感到惊讶。它有助于将索引 1 和索引 2 想象为指示条(左墙)而不是框。
What is a good way to evaluate the (+ 100 (+ 100 100))
part in
(+ (+ 1 2) (+ 100 (+ 100 100)))
For now, I do it by C-x C-e, which means I need to locate the ending parenthesis, which is difficult in most cases. Options > Paren Matching Highlighting
helps, but still I need to move the cursor toward the ending parenthesis until the highlighted match is the starting parenthesis.
One way would be to have the reverse version of C-x C-e, so that I can place the cursor at the starting parenthesis like this:
(+ (+ 1 2) |(+ 100 (+ 100 100)))
and then press the appropriate keybinding.
Or I could place the cursor inside the expression, but not inside smaller expressions,:
(+ (+ 1 2) (+ | 100 (+ 100 100)))
and press a keybinding. Because aiming at a target is easier if the target is big.
How can I make such a command? Or is there one already provided?
Sidenote: bar cursor and box cursor
Emacsers who use box cursor (default) might wonder where I'm putting the cursor with the bar notation above. In emacs, you can choose box cursor or bar cursor, (bar-cursor-mode t)
. When the bar cursor is between the letters A and B, the box cursor is on B. So the bar is the left wall of the box.
BTW, the concept of bar cursor is useful in some unusual way:
The practice of iterating from index1 to index2-1 in programming surprises beginners. It helps to imagine index1 and index2 as indicating bars (left walls) rather than boxes.
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(require 'thingatpt)
(defun eval-sexp-at-or-surrounding-pt ()
"evaluate the sexp following the point, or surrounding the point"
(forward-char 1)
(if (search-backward "(" nil t)
(message "%s" (eval (read-from-whole-string (thing-at-point 'sexp)))))))
在 Icicles 中是做你想做的事情的通用方法。
默认情况下,在迷你缓冲区中 M-. 绑定到一个命令,该命令将文本在点(或附近)插入到迷你缓冲区中(不输入它或对其进行其他操作;只是插入它)。
例如,您可以使用 M-: 来计算 Lisp sexp,然后使用 M-. 来获取位于/附近点的 sexp。
: Lisp 符号或文件名。
f.无论函数 ffap-guesser
猜测哪个文件或 URL。
g。无论函数 thing-at-point-url-at-point
猜测什么 URL。
这对于 (+ (+ 1 2) (+ 100 (+ 100 100)))
如果点是例如,在倒数第二个 100
的 1
之前,这些是当您点击 M-.< 时连续插入到迷你缓冲区中的 sexp。 /kbd> 重复,按顺序
: +
b. 100
c. (+ 100 100)
d. (+ 100 (+ 100 100))
(+ (+ 1 2) (+ 100 (+ 100 100)))
因此,要插入最大的封闭列表,您可以执行 M-: M-。 M-。 M-。 M-。 M-.,即按M-.五次。
对于此行为,特别是为了准确抓取列表,您还需要库 Thing At点+。
切线相关,我强烈建议使用 paredit 来使用s-表达式。结构编辑命令和绑定使编辑 s 表达式变得轻而易举。它将 C-down 绑定到
几乎和 C-down Cx Ce 完全一样(唯一的区别是函数使用save-excursion
来防止移动)。Bind a key to one or both of these:
Tangentially related, I highly recommend paredit for working with s-expressions. The structure editing commands and bindings make editing s-expressions a breeze. It binds C-down to
, so thateval-surrounding-sexp
above is almost exactly the same as C-down C-x C-e (the only difference is that the function usessave-excursion
to prevent movement).