在评估 iPhone 开发商店时,最好问什么问题?
我们目前正在评估几家 iPhone 开发商店,我们正在整理一份问题/主题列表,我们将在见面时询问他们。
为了确保我们覆盖最相关的领域,在评估 iPhone 开发人员或开发商店时您会问什么?
我们的主要领域是:应用程序的交付及其质量、规划流程、开发方法、测试框架、如何管理临时 Beta 测试,以及正在进行的错误修复和重新提交到应用程序商店的过程。
We are currently in the process of evaluating a couple of iPhone development shops and we're putting together a list of questions/topics that we'll be asking them about when we meet.
To make sure that we have the most relevant areas covered, what would you ask when evaluating an iPhone developer or development shop?
Our main areas are: applications shipped and quality thereof, planning process, development methods, testing frameworks, how they manage the ad-hoc beta testing, and the on-going process of bug fixes and re-submission to the app store.
I have coded and shipped an app, so I have enough experience with it to ask pertinent questions. What kind of specific development questions would you guys want to cover before feeling satisfied with someone's abilities?
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由于 90% 的 iphone 商店的寿命约为 2 年(大多数人在过去几年中都加入了 iphone 的行列),我不会反对他们,但我会确保他们有开发背景并且没有过去 2 年里没有在 iphone 上开始他们的开发生涯 [1]。如果我外包任何类型的工作(iPhone、网络、桌面),我希望与一个经历过一些坎坷的团队合作。不仅拥有开发、交付和支持软件的能力,而且还拥有与之相匹配的客户技能。
这意味着他们可以沟通,知道如何管理并知道如何运行开发方面。如果他们至少有一些 C 或 C++ 开发历史/经验,我会很高兴。
另外,他们是否有内部艺术家等,或者他们是否外包资产创建? (除了图标和启动屏幕之外,也许您的应用程序不需要它)。
他们使用什么软件来跟踪错误?他们如何管理开发周期?他们使用方法论吗? (瀑布式、敏捷式等)
重要的是,他们是否使用了您需要的技术(例如用于游戏的 openGL,或用于网络相关应用程序的 Web 服务)?再说一遍,如果他们聪明且渴望,不一定会对他们进行打击,但你会适当地了解他们当前的能力。
另外,如果他们愿意单独致力于公平,我会担心。开发商在 iPhone 上赚了很多钱,我认为没有理由只持有股权。我在iphone上咨询,我不会接受股权交易。现金为王。
[1] 我的意思是,我希望他们在其他平台(网络、桌面、其他移动设备)上开发,而不仅仅是 iPhone。因此,如果他们去年开始仅在 iPhone 上进行编程,那么我可能不想与他们合作。如果他们在过去 5 年里开发了桌面应用程序,然后在去年左右进入了 iPhone 世界,那就很酷了。我只想与那些经历了最初几年发展的人一起工作——那是非常伟大的学习岁月(但不希望他们用我的钱来做这件事)。
If you ask for things like code, requirements document, etc, they'll probably send you the best of what they have and that might not be the status quo. At the same time it doesn't hurt to take a look over such things and see how they handle the request.
Since 90% of the iphone shops have a life of about 2 years (most people have jumped on the iphone bandwagon in the last few years) I wouldn't hold that against them but I'd make sure they have a development background and didn't start their development career on the iphone in the last 2 years [1]. If I was outsourcing any type of work (iphone, web, desktop), I'd want to work with a group that has been through a handful of the ups & down's of developing, delivering and supporting software, plus has the client skills to match.
Meaning they can communicate, know how to manage and know how to run the development side as well. I'd like it if they at least had some development history/experience in C or C++.
Also, do they have artists and such in house or do they outsource the asset creation? (Maybe its not needed for your app besides an icon & splash screen).
What software do they use for bug tracking? How do they manage their development cycles? Do they use a methodology? (waterfall, agile, etc)
Do they offer support? How much is it? Contract? Per instance?
Do you get the source? You should, you paid for it.
Speaking to them is very important, and your gut will tell you much about them. If you can drop by and checkout their shop that's cool too. But don't hold a small shop against them - it should just mean better rates for you due to lower overhead.
If they've done consulting work, and have shipped app's that's a benefit. Specifically question them about ad-hoc distro.
And importantly, have they worked with the technologies you need (say openGL for a game, or consuming web services for a network related app)? Again, not necessarily a strike against them if their smart and eager, but you'll be appropriately aware of their current abilities.
Good luck!
Also, if they're willing to work on equity alone, I'd be worried. Developers are making good money on the iphone and I see no reason to take equity only. I consult on the iphone, and I won't accept equity deals. Cash is king.
[1] What I mean is that, I would expect them to have developed on other platforms (web, desktop, other mobiles) NOT just the iphone. So if they started programming in the last year, on the iphone alone, that's probably not a firm I want to work with. If they had developed desktop applications for the last 5 years and then came to the iphone world in the last year or so, that's cool. I just want to work with people that have gone through the first couple years of development - those are great great great learning years (but don't want them doing it on my dime).
Ask them for a portfolio. Then buy those apps that they have worked on and see if you like them.
询问他们为 AppStore 开发 iPhone 应用程序已有多长时间。
如果超过 18 个月,请找其他人。
Ask them how long they've been developing iPhone apps for the AppStore.
If it's longer than 18 months, find someone else.
I would say process and experience are most important. Items like:
Items like this are a good start to a dialog between the two of you. Theres really a lot to consider when developing an app. I think coming into the conversation really well prepared on your product will give you an understanding of the right questions to ask.